By Dr Charlie Ward – First published at 10:11 UTC on December 15th, 2020.

Video(57:20): https://www.bitchute.com/video/9V1oCRUSxXTS/

Website: https://DrCharlieWard.com

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Proposition 6666 handlar om att spåra alla amerikanska medborgare – även på toa |(Video) Ben Swann: “H.R. 6666: $100 Billion Dollar Contact Tracing Bill About Controlling/Tracking Population NewsVoice – 12 Maj, 2020

Ben Swann

(NewsVoice)  NOTERAT. Proposition 6666 ska spåra alla amerikanska medborgare relaterat till Covid-19. Förslaget kommer i eftersvallen av coronakrisen. Den innebär att att alla rörelser i samhälle ska spåras med avsikten att öka ”smittsäkerheten” genom dokumentera vem som är i kontakt med vem, för att bedöma om en skild person utgör en samhällsfara. Ben Swann förklarar. →

Läs mer & video: Ben Swann: “H.R. 6666: $100 Billion Dollar Contact Tracing Bill About Controlling/Tracking Population” (15:12) via — NewsVoice

The Money Changers — The Final Wakeup Call – April 1, 2020

Money made on the backs of the populace

Boom and bust cycles are made to happen

(The Final Wakeup Call)

History and Origin of our Debt Slavery

The union, in 2000 BC, between Babylonian religions, Babylonian banking and Babylonian law has put the world into serfdom. – Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ also named Yeshua Messiah; The Romans set-up a “Puppet Regime” in Israel, so-as-to more effectively mask the harsh reality that the Israelites were a Conquered Folk. And, because “Law” was frequently administered by a “Priesthood” in these ancient cultures, a group of priests known as “Pharisees” among them joint with the Romans to Deceive, Confuse, Plunder, and Enslave the common Israelite People. Jesus Christ, who stormed the Temple with righteous anger, overturning the money changers’ tables and whipping them severely about the head and shoulders to remove them out of the Temple, stating; “make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise.” As reaction these same money changers called for His death days later. Because, Jesus was a threat to their oppressive and tyrannical financial system. Subsequently, the two special-interest-groups, the Romans and the Pharisees, united to have Jesus Christ nailed to the Cross a few days later, in 30 AC. Continue Reading →

via The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: De geldwisselaars

Geld verdienen over de ruggen van het volk Boom- en bust cycli worden met opzet gemaakt   Geschiedenis en oorsprong van onze schuldslavernij De unie, in 2000 voor Christus, tussen Babylonische religies, het Babylonisch bankwezen en de Babylonische wetgeving heeft…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Die Geldwechsler

Geld verdienen auf dem Rücken der Menschen Boom- und Bust-Zyklen werden absichtlich erstellt   Geschichte und Ursprung unserer Schuldensklaverei Die Vereinigung der babylonischen Religionen, des babylonischen Bankensystems und des babylonischen Gesetzes im Jahr 2000 v. Chr. hat die Welt versklavt….Continue Reading →

Michigan County Threatens to Demolish Amish Homes Unless They Give Up Religious Beliefs and Upgrade — Activist Post – December 20, 2019

By Sean Walton

(Activist Post)  After harassing the Amish community for years regarding its water supply and disposal, the county health department posted signs on the Amish families’ homes earlier this year condemning them as “unfit for human habitation” and filed lawsuits against 14 Amish families in November.

If successful, the lawsuits would result in the demolition of the Amish families’ homes and would effectively banish an entire religious community from Lenawee County. The ACLU and Wright & Schulte filed answers to those lawsuits Wednesday in Lenawee County Circuit Court, which include counterclaims against the county for religious discrimination in violation of the federal and state constitutions and the federal Fair Housing Act. →

Read more via Michigan County Threatens to Demolish Amish Homes Unless They Give Up Religious Beliefs and Upgrade — Activist Post

U.S. Meteorologists ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over 5G Roll-Out — Waking Times – June 28, 2019

U.S. Meteorologists ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over 5G Roll-Out

Jordan Davidson, EcoWatch
Waking Times

U.S. weather forecasters are the latest group to sound the alarm that the race to introduce 5G technologies may have adverse consequences.

In a letter to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), U.S. meteorologists called the potential for 5G mobile technologies to disrupt communication between weather satellites “deeply concerning,” according to the BBC.

Read more via U.S. Meteorologists ‘Deeply Concerned’ Over 5G Roll-Out — Waking Times

What Do I Want? – Aug 13, 2018

What Do I Want

Posted: 13 Aug 2018 03:27 AM PDT

By Anna Von Reitz

I wish for the return of all our assets, all our property, and for all our records to be corrected to reflect our actual political status.

I wish for every American to be told the truth and given a choice whether they want to live as Americans or as Brits and I want their choice to be honored. Once that decision is made, I wish for an absolute, complete, and utter end of all further British attempts to interfere with, control, undermine, or secure any unjust enrichment from America ever again.

I wish for the Roman Catholic Church to reform itself voluntarily and repent from what it has done in this country and repent the Breach of Trust it has committed against Americans for almost two centuries.

I wish to see the Roman Catholic Church get back to being a Church and actually providing unselfish service to humanity instead of allowing criminals and moral reprobates to profit themselves while using the Church as a store front for their unsavory activities.

I wish for the return of all our intellectual property that has been purloined by both the British Government and the Roman Catholic Church, including our copyrights and patents and trademarks and certificates and all stocks and bonds and contracts related to us, back to our control.

I wish for an apology to and a release of all of the American prisoners who have been jailed and railroaded and incarcerated and prosecuted under false premises and contrived, deliberately false legal presumptions. I especially wish for the speedy release of all political prisoners and all those accused of victimless white collar crimes and “thought” crimes.

I wish for all my employees whether British citizens or Americans to remember that they are in fact employees owing me good faith service at all times and in all respects. I wish them to remember that fact with regard to the service they owe to all other Americans as well.

I wish for all middlemen including bankers and politicians and attorneys who have betrayed and plundered the National Trust of the American People to voluntarily vacate their positions. Those who have acted in ignorance, I wish them to be re-educated and re-assimilated. Those who are unrepentant criminals need to be prosecuted.

I wish for all quasi-military positions including the “U.S. Attorney General” to be redirected to assist us in reclaiming and restoring our rightful government or otherwise be removed from our shores.

I wish for a complete financial audit of all budgets, of all Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, of all associated Annual Reports, of all Public Trusts, of all Public Pension Funds, of all internally and externally Managed Accounts so as to validate the current status of this country’s actual wealth and debt position and to expedite prosecution of those responsible for the massive embezzlement that has occurred here.

I wish for the nullification of all the bogus “MASTER FORM LINE OF CREDIT DEEDS OF TRUST” taken out by Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and other banks against American land assets, in which they pretend to have an interest in our land in exchange for their digits entered in a ledger —- and the end of all such claims and practices resulting in Odious Debt.

I wish for the recognition and release of all Odious Debt worldwide.

I wish for the return of all American Historic Trust funds and their repatriation to our people and our Sovereign States, which are all trusts which have been commandeered by these dishonest banks, purloined and held under various false and weak-minded excuses including purported “money laundering” related to funds that haven’t seen a single transaction in a hundred years — and an end to all the vacuous criminality on display at the World Bank, IBRD, BIS, IMF, etc.

I wish for the return of all our assets which are naturally and reasonably ours and their return to our control without any further obfuscation or argument, and those assets are to include all American gold confiscated under color of law by the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Administration and other assets of ours currently held in the so-called Global Debt Facility.

I wish for the return of our portion of those “Life Force Value Annuities” awarded as credit and received under known conditions of fraud by Prince Philip as part of the settlement of the bankruptcy of CANADA.

I wish for our portion of the Economic Security Fund and of the Exchange Stabilization Fund to be returned to us.

I wish for the dissolution of all “titles” and land trusts being held with respect to any portion of our land and soil and the return of these parcels free and clear to the people and to the sovereign States they rightfully belong to.

I wish for the liquidation of all corporations which have been operated as crime syndicates.

I wish for restitution for all the bogus foreclosures and asset confiscations that have been carried out against private property belonging to Americans under color of law, such restitution to include treble damages, return of the property seized whenever possible, all time lost, all court expenses, and a million dollars penalty for each instance to make up for grief, suffering, and unconscionable assault to the extent possible — all directly payable to the living people who are the actual victims of these crimes.

I wish for the rapid reform of all of the Law Schools and the Universities and the Medical Schools in receipt of public funds, grants, or aid of any kind to teach the actual Public Law of this country and to honor it in thought, word, and deed —- or tenure be damned.

I wish for the orderly reform and auditing of all public utility corporations and cooperatives and particularly the liquidation of the North American Water and Power Alliance, all so-called Water and Soil Districts, all other attempts to seize upon and mismanage public assets for private gain and an end to ruthless oppressive racketeering against the people to whom all these resources actually belong.

I wish for an auditing of all public employee pension funds and so called “pension associations” which have been used as slush funds for predatory investment activities throughout the United States and which are subject to seizure and restructuring.

I wish that this should be done with no harm to any public employee, retired or currently working.

I wish for the political parties and their “elections” to be fully disclosed for what they are and no longer deliberately confused with public elections.

I wish for an end of criminality including an end to all attempts seeking to justify adhesion contracts.

I wish for full and official recognition of the Operation of Law and the return of our Delegated Powers to our sovereign States and People.

I wish for the cessation of all attempts to form commercial corporations named after “the United States” or any form of “United States of America” or any “Republic” so as to attempt another round of the same old fraud.

I wish for every country on Earth, including Scotland, England, and France to cease and desist all infringement against our copyrights and our Good Name and I do hold these governments accountable for all their wrong-doing in this regard both past and present.

I wish for the “United Nations” Corporation and the United Nations Organization and all related franchises and officials to cease and desist all effort to claim hegemony against our rightful national government based on the actions of the Territorial United States Congress or the Municipal United States Congress at any time now or in the past. We did not vacate our states nor did we grant any power or authority related to our state offices to the United Nations.

I wish for the worldwide recognition of the fact that these pikers have been trading upon assets that they have controlled by piracy and fraud, to the extent that they have possessed or controlled them at all, and have been secretively, unconscionably profiting themselves by borrowing money and credit against assets that do not now and never have belonged to them. This is known as “Odious Debt” and I wish for all of it to be discharged and all the property and assets that have been conscripted and/or pirated to be returned to the living people and sovereign States they belong to without further obfuscation or delay.

I wish for the “U.S.” military services to be forthrightly and immediately converted to the “American” military services, and for anyone who disagrees with that change to be released from any further obligation to serve in any branch of service. Any such person who feels that their allegiance to the “U.S.” is greater than their allegiance to America, is welcome be discharged whether officer or NCO, whether vested in the military retirement system or not, without dishonor and without penalty. Anyone who stays under false pretenses and who expresses any actual and material disloyalty to America after being granted the opportunity to leave our service, I wish all such persons to be subject to court martial and immediate involuntary discharge.

I wish for all military, agency, and so-called “counter intelligence” and controlled opposition operations addressed against the American people and our sovereign States by our employees to end now and never resume. If this requires the wholesale disbanding and liquidation of the FBI, CIA, DIA, FEMA, BATF, DOJ, and other unauthorized agencies that is just fine and in line with my wish that the government in all respects be subject to the people of this country and not allowed to run amok foisting off public policies and agency regulations as Public Law.

I wish for all the leaders worldwide who are responsible for this stinking Mess to have a “Come to Jesus” moment regardless of what their religion is and realize that the bulk of the misery that billions of innocent people have suffered is all unnecessary and is more or less directly attributable to their own dishonesty and/or incompetence.

I wish for all those world leaders and politicians who can’t stand the heat or grasp the fundamentals of the situation we are all facing — Americans and everyone else, too — to step down. Leave. Admit that you are either a skunk or an incompetent or both, and go. Leave the space open for people who do know what it going on and who do care for their countries and for the world and who will at least try to do the right thing for everyone concerned instead of dithering and snarking and standing around looking like a combination of guilty-stupid-and-helpless.

I wish for an end to ignorance about our government, how it was formed, why it was formed, how it is structured and how it is supposed to work. For that I wish a vast national education effort to be made to teach actual American History instead of distorted pablum. Our government requires an intelligent and well-educated electorate operating at top speed and dealing with a full deck of verifiable facts and I wish to see that result enabled as quickly as possible.

I wish for all the media corporations foreign and domestic to be compelled to obey our Public Law and respect our right to Free Speech. Any media corporation that wants to come to America and trash Americans using American airwaves to do it needs to be taxed out of business on our shores and I wish it to be so, sooner than later.

I wish for all “National” Football League owners and members and players to remember what “nation” they are part of and stop disrespecting the American flag and I wish for any player using our stadiums to be given the option of playing or not.

I wish for the deplorable role of the Democratic Party and of political parties in general in debasing, misleading, preying upon, and betraying the interests of the American People to be fully recognized and I wish for their strict regulation along with all other lobbyists — because that’s what political parties are: organized lobbies.

I wish for all of this to be done as quickly, as peacefully, and with as much honesty as possible, with respect and compassion and the benefit of a doubt extended, without any emphasis on blame, and instead with an emphasis on making correction and re-building this country and this world into a far better place for everyone to live.

I wish for everyone to be provided with the actual facts and for everyone to work with one accord to clean up this Mess.

That’s what I wish for, so everyone can stop asking.


See this article and over 1100 others on Anna’s website here: www.annavonreitz.com

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

Source: Paul Stramer

The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits — Wealthier & More Powerful Than the Illuminati — Humans Are Free – June 13, 2018

This is the Mythos Mafia — The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits. The Real Families, who from behind the scenes, control the World through Religion, Finance, Property, Land, and through control and manipulation of the Markets of the WorldThis collated information from what is readily available on the Internet and other ‘sources’ should be read…Read more

via The Papal Bloodlines of the Jesuits — Wealthier & More Powerful Than the Illuminati — Humans Are Free

“Power to Sell” — The Latest Land Grab – June11, 2017

Anna Von Reitz

Paul Stramer Anna Von Reitz “Power to Sell” — The Latest Land Grab Thursday, June 8, 2017 By Anna Von Reitz All over the country alarmed homeowners and landowners are getting unexpected demands to pay large amounts of taxes that they never heard about. These bills appear out of the blue, usually with a “Notice of Power to Sell”.…

via Anna von Reitz: “Power to Sell” — The Latest Land Grab — Galactic Connection

Petition-President Obama: Stop the Dakota Access Bakken Pipeline! – Sept.08 – 2016

Pipeline construction

Source: https://secure.foodandwaterwatch.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2742

“Dakota Access is proposing a 1,134-mile-long crude oil pipeline through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois that will threaten our air, water, land, property rights and climate.

It is proposed to go through tribal lands — lands that belong to the Standing Rock Sioux Nation, as stated in a treaty with the United States. The U.S. government has no right to hand over this land to a private oil company.

President Obama must honor the treaty with the Standing Rock Sioux and stand firm on his commitment to tackle climate change. He must use his authority to deny the Dakota Access Bakken pipeline…..”

Please Sign Petition Here: https://secure.foodandwaterwatch.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=2742