Scientist Discovers Cells That ‘Ingest’ Vaccine Aluminum Are The Same Cells Found In Autistic Brains — Collective Evolution – August 20, 2019


What’s happening in our world with regards to the censorship of information is unbelievable. It’s truly Orwellian, as we now have multiple ‘ministries of truth’ that are determining what is real and what is fake, what’s legit and what’s not. You would think that human beings are capable of determining on their own what’s considered ‘fake’ news, shouldn’t we the people be allowed to decide?

Read more & video: “PR CHRISTOPHER EXLEY – Aluminium, le corps blessé… Une invasion toxique” (35:12) via Scientist Discovers Cells That ‘Ingest’ Vaccine Aluminum Are The Same Cells Found In Autistic Brains — Collective Evolution

Why People Are Losing Trust in the Vaccine Industry (Videos) — Wake Up World – June 10th, 2018

June 10th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World According to a recent national survey1,2 by the American Society for Microbiology and Research!America, public confidence in vaccines is waning — a trend blamed on “people either in insular communities or those who are able to connect with like-minded individuals online,” according to U.S. News…Read more & videos

via Why People Are Losing Trust in the Vaccine Industry — Wake Up World

Scientists Raided After Discovering Dangerous Nanoparticle Contaminants in Common Vaccines (Video) — April 25, 2018

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times In an unabated attack on vaccine science and public health, two world renowned scientists who discovered contaminants in common vaccines have recently had their home raided and much of the documentation of their findings confiscated. Dr. Antonietta Gatti is most known for her work in the 1990’s studying the relationship…Read more & video

via Scientists Raided After Discovering Dangerous Nanoparticle Contaminants in Common Vaccines — Waking Times

Teenage Boy Dies From Meningitis Only Months After Receiving the Vaccine — March 6, 2018

A teenage boy, vaccinated against four strains of bacterial meningitis, became ill with a deadly form of meningitis just months after receiving the vaccine. Within 72 hours after contracting meningitis, 19-year-old Lewis Hilton lost motor control, stopped breathing on his own, and passed away. Hilton was an active rugby player who was promised protection from…Read more

via Teenage Boy Dies From Meningitis Only Months After Receiving the Vaccine — Era of Light

Internal CDC Documents Reveal They Manipulated Data To Conceal A Link Between Autism & Vaccines — February 12, 2018

“A Foolish Faith In Authority Is The Worst Enemy Of The Truth”– Albert Einstein By Vera Sharav Note from the World Mercury Project Team: Following is Part Six in Vera Sharav’s seven-part exposé of the complex and widespread corruption that exists in the vaccination program, the deceptive practices by officials of “authoritative” international public health institutions…Read more

via Internal CDC Documents Reveal They Manipulated Data To Conceal A Link Between Autism & Vaccines — Collective Evolution