Benjamin Fulford Update – Sept.06, 2016

Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter

Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.

Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.

Japan is now expected to follow suit, leaving the US corporate government isolated on the world stage.

Obama was also forced to cancel a planned meeting with Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte after Duterte called him a “son of a whore.”

Barack Obama cancels meeting after Philippines president …

Rodrigo Duterte further strains diplomatic ties with Washington as he warns US leader not to question him on extrajudicial killings

This matters because the US corporate shift to Asia depended in large part on stoking territorial disputes between China the Philippines and other ASEAN countries. Instead, the ASEAN countries agreed with China to settle their territorial disputes peacefully.

There is a lot more humiliation and hopefully oblivion in store for the US corporate government as the September 31st fiscal year end approaches. Efforts to finally bankrupt them center on international dumping of US Treasury bonds combined with gold buying. There is also a huge campaign under way now to make sure the supply of drug and oil money to the Federal Reserve Board and its US corporate government subsidiary is cut off so they will be unable to kick the bankruptcy can down the road any further.

Duterte’s murderous campaign against drug dealers in the Philippines is just one aspect of this. The big campaign to cut off cocaine money from South America is also intensifying. The US military white hats are doing their part by cutting off all Bush/Clinton Nazi faction CIA drug flights through the Incirlik airbase in Turkey, the Ramstein airbase in Germany and the Bondsteel base in Kosovo, Pentagon sources say.

The recent confusing and contradictory news about ISIS in Iraq and Syria is all about cutting off oil revenue to the Bush/Clinton faction of the cabal. The Russians and US military white hats are now cooperating with the Turks, the Iranians and the Syrians to make this happen.

The situation has reached the point where the handlers of Hillary Clinton contacted the WDS to say they were planning to end Hillary’s bid for President. They are either going to use her poor health as a reason for her to quit or else they will have her assassinated in a way that makes it look Donald Trump was involved, the Clinton handlers say. Recent US corporate media headlines indicate it is the health option they are going to choose.

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Connection — Sept. 06, 2016

It is time to reestablish the human connection. So many of you walk through your Earth plane existence tethered and tied to inanimate objects, searching for meaning and missing pieces of yourselves in small screens. Yes, it is a wonderful tool and helps you learn and see more than ever before, however, it also cuts…

via Connection —

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen, September 4th, 2016


Montague Keen – September 4, 2016

The recent attempt to start World War III was foiled by Angela Merkel who found the courage to stand with the German people and refuse to allow them to be the victims of a false flag invasion. She deserves protection and respect for her bravery in daring to say NO to the Cabal. You are all indebted to her. The Cabal always follows a pattern; World War I and World War II started in Germany, and true to form, they wanted World War III also to begin there, and then blame Russia for it. They do not like to be thwarted and will take revenge. Watch carefully what happens next. Their plans to wipe out Europe will have to be altered.

I have drawn your attention before, to the fact that there is a concerted effort to destroy the white race. It is the white man who stands up to the Cabal and sees them for what they are. The white man is the thorn in the side of the Cabal, preventing them from taking full control of the Earth.

Medication as well as the chemtrails, GM food, and fluoride in the water, are just some of what is being used to achieve this. This is why the Cabal wants to start a war in Europe. Being the oldest race, they hold the memory of how it was before the corrupt cabal entered the Earth and altered the DNA of humanity so they could take control. Although this worked for many years, man is awakening now, so those in the Cabal are terrified that humanity will come together and stand up against them. After all, they represent only 1%, whereas you are the 99%. The Cabal no longer has the time to fulfil its takeover plan. They are in a hurry, and are therefore at their most dangerous. I implore you, DO NOT FIGHT THEIR WARS FOR THEM. By killing your fellow man, you are signing your own death warrant. Do you really want to become a human sacrifice for them.

Look beyond the propaganda and seek the truth. It will amaze you. This is your big opportunity to free yourselves from the shackles of the Cabal, its banks, and its corrupt governments. I did tell you that the month of September would be eventful and memorable for many reasons. All that was hidden from you is being revealed. You are realising that all you were taught is a distortion of the truth. You were conned by the few who stole your ancient knowledge and used it against you. They have lived off your suffering ever since. They do not belong on Earth, so they will not be allowed to take it for themselves.

May I remind you once more: IRELAND IS THE KEY THAT WILL UNLOCK EVERYTHING. Sadly, the Irish Government is totally controlled by the Cabal. All the Irish people have to do, is open their eyes to their true history, and all will be revealed. Then humanity will be freed. This is why the Vatican took total control of Ireland and her people. They are in fear of the Irish people ever learning the truth about Ireland. What the Vatican did in Ireland was a crime against all of humanity. The Irish people need to connect with their ancient past. This will open up a future which presently, one can only dream of. So take courage and go forward into the future, without the baggage of a constricting religion and the control of the Cabal. Religion was (and still is) used to disconnect you from the God of Love, your Creator. They ensured that you became dependent on the middle man who pretended to approach God on your behalf. But which God did he approach? The Vatican answers only to Lucifer. Is this what you want?

Step away from the lies that were foisted upon you in order to control you. You do not have the luxury of time, as the Cabal is in a hurry to grab all it can before more of you awaken. Their banks are about to fail as they do not have the gold to support the printed money. They were so sure that they were on the right path, that they never considered that they just might fail. The advice coming from some governments is to ensure that you have a 21-day supply of food and water, just in case the unexpected happens. A huge adjustment is necessary to life without banks, so be prepared. Those of you who are on Earth at this time to facilitate the Transition, know what is required of you. We are fully aware, on this side of life, that those of you who have important roles to play in the Transition, are trapped by the Cabal, incarcerated in prisons on false charges, in order to prevent you carrying out your missions. We will not fail you. These people need your love and prayers so that the truth is revealed and they will complete their work to free humanity.

Take every opportunity to hear DAVID ICKE speak. He explains everything you are up against, and he tells you what is needed to remove the shackles. He is a remarkable man who will open your eyes to so much that you were unaware of. It is time to wake up and take back all that was stolen from you.

You have the manpower and the intelligence to remove your oppressors from all authority in your world. Without your input, they are worthless, useless, and scared. There are not enough of them to achieve their aims; so I ask you, who holds the ace card? Fear will be used widely to try to keep control over you. Do not allow it to enter your life. Fear is the weapon which is always used by the Cabal to keep you under control.

Know who you are, and refuse to comply. Become the being of light that you are, and then they cannot touch you. The Cabal will fearful of you when it can no longer control you. Then you will see them as the minority that they actually are. They will then look to you for mercy. You will allow them to leave the Earth or comply with your laws. Do not lower yourselves to seek vengeance, as that is what the they themselves would do. Do not lower yourselves to their level. You are beings of light and you will deal with them as such.

These are interesting times, so be prepared for change, and a future that will be totally different. No more war, fear, poverty, injustice; all such things are the weapons of the Cabal. Open your eyes to the truth and explore your true history and heritage. Learn who you are, and why you are on the Earth at this time. All will be revealed.

My dear, believe in the future you are creating. It will happen, just as we believe it will. Pray that those who are trapped will soon be released. The Cabal’s power is disappearing fast. Without it, they are nothing. Be on guard, as they are desperate, and will try to prevent the Transition even though they know that it cannot be stopped.

Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 


Doctors Told Him He Was Definitely Going To Die & His Cancer Was “Incurable” – So He Decided Try Cannabis Oil — Collective Evolution – Sept. 6, 2016

Every day, millions of people suffer from cancer and the harmful effects that stem from conventional treatment methods. Many of these people are told by their doctors that their disease is “incurable,” comparing their lives to an hourglass whereby their time on Earth is quickly running out. Cancer patients are led to believe that they only have two…

via Doctors Told Him He Was Definitely Going To Die & His Cancer Was “Incurable” – So He Decided Try Cannabis Oil — Collective Evolution

Toxins In Our Everyday Lives (video) — The Truth About Cancer – Sept 6, 2016

Video Transcript: Toxins In Our Everyday Lives Ty: So Dr. Wolfe, I’m convinced based upon what you just told us that we’re all toxic to one degree or another. And detoxification is something that I believe now, based on this information, everybody needs to learn about detoxification. So, how do we detox? Dr. Darrell Wolfe: I’d love to answer that question, but if…

via Toxins In Our Everyday Lives (video) — The Truth About Cancer

How To Do A Proper Heavy Metal Detox — Collective Evolution – September 5, 2016

In an age where millions of people are flocking to the internet and seminars to discover the latest about health because they feel doctors may not be up to date, The Medical Medium stands out as a popular go to for many. With a radio show on Hay House, Anthony William draws from his astounding…

via How To Do A Proper Heavy Metal Detox — Collective Evolution

The 9 Best Fermented Foods For Your Gut — The Sleuth Journal – September 05, 2016

Fermented food has made a comeback in recent years, partially thanks to the popularization of Weston A. Price teachings. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi aren’t considered to be the most appealing types of food; however, research exploring these and other fermented products on gut, brain, and body health has revitalized public interest. The fermentation…

via The 9 Best Fermented Foods For Your Gut — The Sleuth Journal