Study: Vitamin D levels linked to improved mood and mental health |

(Natural News) Vitamin D is often associated with bone health since the sunshine vitamin is essential for maintaining strong, healthy bones. You also need vitamin D for thyroid health, optimal gut and immune function, healthy brain development and function, and a healthy pregnancy. According to a recent study, there’s also a crucial link between the sunshine vitamin and…

Study: Vitamin D levels linked to improved mood and mental health —

Getting rid of depression and anxiety: How to eat for better mental health | NaturalHealth365

by: Stephanie Woods | October 9, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  The foods that you eat not only impact your waistline and your physical health, but they also affect the way you think and feel.  You’ve probably always heard that you are what you eat – and it’s true, what you put in your body matters.

But, according to a review published in the March 2021 issue of Frontiers of Nutrition, it’s what you feed your brain that really counts.

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Public health expert: Lockdowns are the single biggest mistake in public health history |

Monday, August 30, 2021 by: Nolan Barton

(Natural News) Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University Medical School epidemiologist and public health expert, has said in a recent interview that “lockdowns are the single biggest mistake in public health history.”

“I don’t see how anyone can look at lockdown and say there was successful policy,” said Bhattacharya. “We have had lockdowns in country after country after country. I don’t think by any measure you can call them a success.”

Read more: Public health expert: Lockdowns are the single biggest mistake in public health history —

POWERFUL VIDEO: The “unspoken” COVID threat due to a poisoned food supply | NaturalHealth365

by: Edit Lang, staff writer | August 31, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  Thanks to the tireless effort put forth by the mainstream media to brainwash the masses, millions now believe that the only way to protect against the invisible virus is by masking up, getting jabbed, and avoiding our fellow human beings.  It doesn’t seem to matter that none of these measures are grounded in sound science, that the virus has never been isolated, or that (conventionally speaking) the disease in question has a 99.9x percent survival rate for the vast majority of the global population.

Read more & watch this video(49:38): and pay careful attention to the fascinating explanation for how glyphosate destroys the health of our vascular system:

Reputable medical journals shine light on harm caused by masks to children and death risk from COVID jabs | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | July 14, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, health officials have worked hard to fight the spread of “misinformation” about the pandemic illness, its treatments, and most recently, the unapproved, never-before-used-on-human mRNA injection.  (These are shots already demonstrating waning effectiveness, by the way).

These days, however, as more and more peer-reviewed medical journals publish concerning data over everything from injections to mask safety, it seems promising that these questions are finally being taken more seriously.

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Reduce anxiety and depression with THIS renowned Ayurvedic medicinal plant | NaturalHealth365


by: Karen Sanders, staff writer | May 26, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) For many centuries, gotu kola has been a mainstay of both the Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) healing systems.  Botanically known as Centella asiatica – also referred to as Asiatic pennywort – this member of the parsley family has been used in TCM to treat kidney failure and malaria, and various skin conditions – including leprosy.  In Ayurveda, where it is known as brahmi, gotu kola is prescribed for similar purposes.

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Lower your stress, depression, and even inflammation by eating THIS delicious treat | NaturalHealth365


by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | May 3, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) Dark chocolate is one of those foods that tends to go through a revolving door in the media.  In one news cycle, we’re told dark chocolate isn’t a health food and is so high in calories that it should be avoided.  In the next news cycle, we hear that dark chocolate actually comes with many notable health benefits.

So, which is it?  The truth is, dark chocolate is generally considered to be beneficial for your physical and even mental well-being — provided you consume it in moderation.  And while you don’t have to eat dark chocolate to live a healthy lifestyle, there are a few tips that will help you figure out how to choose the right dark chocolate brand if you want to add this sweet treat to your weekly diet.

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NEW study reveals shocking connection between fast food and mental distress | NaturalHealth365


by: Damon Hines, staff writer | May 2, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) Today’s food contains non-food ingredients that your grandmother and great-grandmother wouldn’t have recognized as food.  In fact, according to journalist and food writer Mark Bittman in his new book Animal, Vegetable, Junk, close to 50% of the food that’s available today is in the form of ultra-processed junk food.  While there’s a well-established relationship between diet and physical health, the associations between diet and mental health remain largely a gray area – within the “conventional” world, and it’s one that’s being increasingly looked at by scientists and researchers.

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 the marshall report

Humanity is under attack from all sides. Depopulation goals are out in the open and many in the medical community are now putting their medical licenses on the line to tell the public the truth! The front line doctors came forward during COVID lockdowns to tell the truth about therapeutic drugs and then they discovered the truth about the entire COVID RESET HOAX and came forward exposing the lies of the fake science and fake plandemic! They were censored and sought after for every thing the cabal could conjure up. Many have seen the photo of a compilation of doctors who mysteriously died for exposing COVID as a scam plandemic, but, the fake news never reported this. It only fake checked and censored those who shared the story.


Start consuming citrus fruits and be amazed at the results, especially if you have gum disease | NaturalHealth365


by: Edit Lang, staff writer | March 11, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) Citrus fruits are renowned for being one of the best sources of critical health-promoting compounds.  Oranges, grapefruits, limes, and lemons are all loaded with vitamin C and are high in phytonutrients, such as carotenoids, flavonoids, and polyphenols.

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