(Video) Dave Janda — President Trump Reopens the Government: Cave or Strategic Move – January 29, 2019

Published on Jan 29, 2019

The spotlight of this Briefing focuses on President Trump’s reopening the government, border security and The Wall. Additional content available at www.davejanda.com

Operation Freedom

Operation Disclosure

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1766: Restructuring of the World Begins | Trap has Been Set [30] – January 15, 2019

Published on Jan 15, 2019

The BREXIT did not go very well for Theresa May, the parliament voted against the deal. May might be in trouble. Trump reports that Volkswagen will be spending millions in the US to create jobs. PG&E is filing for bankruptcy, Rothschilds vice chair resigns from the board. The shutdown is very different than previous shutdowns. Trump is getting ready to choose the head of the World Bank, everything is about to change.

Published on Jan 15, 2019

Obama told the Russians that he would have flexibility, why didn’t the media report this as collusion.[DS] is panicking, Adam Schiff tweets out about fake videos. Jim Jordan tweets out that there are leaker investigations going on now. Trump wants to know why Pelosi is getting paid during a shutdown. Judge rules in favor of Trump, no pay for government employees during shutdown. Dems booed when Trump was talking about those who were attacked by illegals. Syria wants all foreign troops out before discussing a political deal. Q has been hinting about the number [30], exactly [30], could this refer to the government shutdown which would lead to the draining of the swamp on a huge scale.


Operation Disclosure

Greg Hunter’s Weekly News Wrap-up 1-11-19

Published on Jan 10, 2019

Russia shifts from USD to Yuan, Debt Reset has begun, All the kings horses and all the kings men cannot stop the debt reset process! Every country in the world has a big pile of steaming debt that is not going to get paid back.


Operation Disclosure

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1750: Why is the [MSM] [DS] Panicking Over the Fed | The First Alarm is About to Ring – December 26, 2018

Published on Dec 26, 2018

Retail sales this holiday season are higher than at any other time, but a close look we see people have been charging like crazy, savings rate is falling and debt is moving up. US home sales have collapsed, home prices are way out of the reach of the everyday American. Stock market has declined prior to Christmas and on Christmas eve, now Trump is saying buy the dip, why would he say this, is it because he has the magic wand. Trump continues to criticize the Fed, the MSM and the DS are panicking because they know what comes next

Published on Dec 26, 2018

Trump continues to criticize the Fed, the MSM and the DS are panicking because they know what comes next. The government is still shutdown and Rand Paul releases his festivus report. North and South Korea agree to a rail link connecting their countries. Air strikes hit Damascus from Lebanon, many missiles were intercepted. Rebels ready to surrender in Al-Tanf. Clapper is panicking about Trump leaving Syria that there will be unintended consequences.


Operation Disclosure

Mass Migration is a Globalist Weapon – Alex Newman – USAWatchdog.com – December 23, 2018

By Greg Hunter On December 23, 2018

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release)

Journalist Alex Newman says the mass migration you are seeing in Europe and on the U.S. Southern border is nothing more than weapon of the globalists who want one-world government in their sick New World Order. Newman contends, “It’s all Western civilization that is under attack. The ‘Yellow Vest’ protests in France are much more than about global warming (tax) policies. The French are tired of paying ridiculous taxes to fund third world dictatorships in the United Nations to tackle a boogie man. . . . The protesters have said . . . there are valid concerns concerning the mass migration. The French people are tired of this mass migration. People all over the world are tired of it. They did surveys here in Europe and Europeans are overwhelmingly opposed to this. . . . In many cases, the strong majority wanted an end to the Islamic mass migration and the governments just do not respond to the will of the people.”

Read more & video: “Alex Newman – We Are Dealing With a Diabolical Conspiracy that Hates God” at: USAWatchdog.com

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1749: Trump Points at the Central Bank, Rothschild Responds | Flynn Signals Dark to Light – December 24, 2018

Published on Dec 24, 2018

All players are there for a reason, they have specific skills that are needed at specific times. Mnuchin has a specific skill set,he is a Goldman boy and knows how to manipulate the market. Mnuchin tried to build confidence in the market but it might have backfired. Trump calls out the Fed and Rothschild responded. A bill was introduced in the beginning of 2018, to define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold.

Published on Dec 24, 2018


Operation Disclosure

(Video) PrayingMedic — QAnon December 13: At What Point do People Wake up – December 13, 2018

Published on Dec 13, 2018

Q has been providing a lot of proofs over the last few months. It makes a person wonder at what point do people wake up?

Operation Disclosure

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1739: Fed Backed into a Corner, WTO Next, [DS] Being Removed – December 12, 2018

Published on Dec 12, 2018

Dick’s sporting good is looking to close down 35 stores across 18 states. US debt is approaching 22 Trillion dollars, this is part of the plan, push the debt level and the economy to the edge.China purchases soybeans from the US. Millennial’s are worse off then previous generations. The next push is the US removing itself from the WTO. There is a big economic structure change coming and this change is not just here in the US but it is across the world.

Published on Dec 12, 2018

Judge rules that Trump justified in ending Obama immigration program. More whistleblowers come forward in regard to the CF. Tom Finton will testify against the CF. Trump says he might need to get involved in the Huawei CFO case. Trump trapped Pelosi and Schumer on the border issue. Canada signs the UN Migration Pact. Korean troops verify removal of each other’s posts. Q drops more bread, proofs, France and the event to put an end to the protests. Q then has some Holiday fun and trolling the MSM.


Operation Disclosure