Inflation the Biggest Financial Scam Ever | The Final Wakeup Call

Velocity of Money Spurs on Hyperinflation

New printed currency spent for pandemic bribes

The destruction of the economy

The true story behind Evergreen

By The Final Wakeup Call – March 31, 2021

The Virus Economy

More Liquidity is another word for inflation aka Money Theft. Our eyes are on it, because more of it is headed our way. Central Banks justify more intervention. They reassure the mob. After all, they know what they are doing!

The people need explanations for the strange phenomena fake money brings. They need bogus “solutions” to the problems it causes. Cutting off the fake money is not an option, so they invent theories that permit them to do even stranger and more harmful things.

Continue Reading → Inflation the Biggest Financial Scam Ever — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Nederlands: Inflatie de grootste financiële zwendel ooit:

De omloopsnelheid van het geld leidt tot hyperinflatie Nieuw gedrukt geld gebruikt voor pandemie omkoping De vernietiging van de centrale bank economie Het ware verhaal achter Evergreen   De Virus-Economie Meer Liquiditeit is een ander woord voor inflatie d.w.z. diefstal….Continue Reading

Deutsch: Inflation der größte Finanzbetrug aller Zeiten:

Die Umlaufgeschwindigkeit des Geldes steuert die Hyperinflation Neu gedrucktes Geld für Pandemie-Bestechung verwendet Die Zerstörung der Wirtschaft Die wahre Geschichte hinter Evergreen   Die Virusökonomie Mehr Liquidität ist ein anderes Wort für Inflation, d.h. Diebstahl. Unsere Augen sind darauf gerichtet,…Continue Reading

James Gilliland: Socialism for Dummies & News — Era of Light – March 5, 2019

What is sad is high schools and universities have been infiltrated with teachers touting socialism as the cure for whatever ails society without acknowledging the historic effects. Socialism is where you centralize all the power and wealth with a few government officials who will decide your future.

Read more: James Gilliland: Socialism for Dummies & News — Era of Light

The Riots in France Are NOT Just About Taxes — Era of Light – December 10, 2018

The recent protests in France seem to have caught everyone by surprise, particularly the French government. Macron’s government seems to have underestimated the demonstrations and the determination of the protesters. The Western media seems confounded in their attempts to understand or explain them and the rest of the world appears surprised that, in a “rich” Western…Read more

via The Riots in France Are NOT Just About Taxes — Era of Light