Mainstream media finally admits that the “Trump Russia Collusion” and “dossier” stories were completely bogus: What else are they going at admit they got wrong? |

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 by: JD Heyes

(Natural News) It’s been a long time coming and frankly, those of us in the independent media have known this for a long time — years, in fact — but some in the ‘mainstream media’ are finally admitting that their claims about the “Trump-Russia collusion” story as well as the bogus “Steele dossier” were not just a little ‘off,’ but completely wrong.

As in, ‘major fake news’ wrong.

Read more:

It’s official: the collapse of the mainstream media’s credibility is now complete — – April 18, 2019

(Natural News) Attorney General William Barr held a press conference this morning to address the contents of the Mueller report, just as he promised to do. Not long after, Barr delivered the full Mueller report to the public with necessary redactions, also as promised. And yet the mainstream media, which demanded all of these things and has now received them, still isn’t happy.

Read more via It’s official: the collapse of the mainstream media’s credibility is now complete —

Robert Mueller’s declaration of NO COLLUSION between President Trump and Russia proves that the independent media was right all along — – March 25, 2019

(Natural News) It’s official: The $30 million witch hunt by the Democrats against President Trump has turned up void, as Robert Mueller’s report, which was released over the weekend, found that neither President Trump nor any of his aides in any way conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to “interfere” with the 2016 presidential election. And once again, the independent media has been shown to be the reliable and honest ones when it comes to reporting the truth, as opposed to fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC which actively conspired to spread the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory far and wide for more than two years without a shred of evidence to support it.

Read more via Robert Mueller’s declaration of NO COLLUSION between President Trump and Russia proves that the independent media was right all along —

(Video) U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Finds No Evidence of Collusion! – February 8, 2019

Premiered Feb 7, 2019

Richard Burr has officially announced that their Russia investigation found NO proof that President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign colluded with Moscow. This is exactly what Robert Mueller will be doing in a few months when his investigation yields the same results.

Sweet Li!

Operation Disclosure

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1736: Trump is Using the Central Banks Economic Collapse Plan against them | Stealth Moves Behind the Scenes – December 9, 2018

Published on Dec 9, 2018

BREXIT deal is not what the people want, Nigel Farage is staring a new political party to stop the elite from overturning the referendum. US credit has hit a new time high, people started to use the credit cards again, FICO recalculated to allow more credit. Heavy Truck orders decline, bad sign on the economy. Bob Shiller admits that the housing market is in a bubble and its popping. Recession do not happen in all areas at the same time, many areas will experience a recession first then it spreads. Trump and the patriots are using the strategy to push the economy to the edge, once the economy starts to rip itself apart it will blamed on the Fed.

Published on Dec 9, 2018

Mueller cannot find Russian collusion. Comey testifies behind closed doors and refuses to answer question or says he can’t remember. Does admit dossier was not verified. House Chair Nadler will end investigation, Senate was the target. Trump nominates Barr, stealth move to put all eyes on Barr which will allow Whitaker to work behind the scenes. Clinton investigation moves forward. More countries decide not to sign UN migration deal. Trump makes changes using the Scaramucci Model.

Operation Disclosure

ECETI: James Gilliland — IQ Test for Democrats and News Anchors – December 3, 2018

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland


I Q Test for Democrats and News Anchors & #SpyGate – Collusion Scandal Bigger than Watergate [Part 1/2] Those Involved to Take Down Trump

I Q Test for Democrats and News Anchors

1. If Trump is part of the Global Elite why do the lame stream media owned by the Global Elite, politicians who sold out to the Global Elite viciously slander and attack him? Is it because he is not one of them, not part of the club? Who’s character and ignorance is being established?

2. Why did Muller choose all democrats and major donors to the democratic party to be on his team? Are there any Republicans?

3. Read more & video: “SpyGate – Collusion Scandal Bigger than Watergate [Part 1/2] Those Involved to Take Down Trump” at: Operation Disclosure

Alternative News – Aug 15, 2018

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Rand Paul Thinks Julian Assange Should Be Granted Immunity for Testimony

Senator Rand Paul believes that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange should be given immunity in exchange for him testifying before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Read more at: The Gateway Pundit

Russian Collusion: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along

Russia Investigation: It’s beginning to look as if claims of monstrous collusion between Russian officials and U.S. political operatives were true. But it wasn’t Donald Trump who was guilty of Russian collusion. It was Hillary Clinton and U.S. intelligence officials who worked with Russians and others to entrap Trump.

Read more at: Investors