Majority of Congress Said Charged With Pedophilia and High Treason – January 3, 2020

By Judy Byington

April 5, 2019

Well known Political Elites have been named in 88,350 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Oct. 30 2017. An estimated 80 to 140 Congress people were said charged with crimes, most believed to include Child Pornography and Pedophilia, plus Treason was high on the list (85% to 95% charged were thought to be Democrats).

Their investigations have been ongoing since Trump took office and involved violations of the Espionage Act of 1912, High Treason, Election Fraud, Russia Gate, Panama Papers Conspiracy, Uranium One, 9/11, Fukushima Nuclear and Tsunami Mass Murders, Benghazi Massacre, Fast and Furious Gun and Drug running and other serious abuses of the Law and Constitution. →


It’s official: the collapse of the mainstream media’s credibility is now complete — – April 18, 2019

(Natural News) Attorney General William Barr held a press conference this morning to address the contents of the Mueller report, just as he promised to do. Not long after, Barr delivered the full Mueller report to the public with necessary redactions, also as promised. And yet the mainstream media, which demanded all of these things and has now received them, still isn’t happy.

Read more via It’s official: the collapse of the mainstream media’s credibility is now complete —

Robert Mueller’s declaration of NO COLLUSION between President Trump and Russia proves that the independent media was right all along — – March 25, 2019

(Natural News) It’s official: The $30 million witch hunt by the Democrats against President Trump has turned up void, as Robert Mueller’s report, which was released over the weekend, found that neither President Trump nor any of his aides in any way conspired or coordinated with the Russian government to “interfere” with the 2016 presidential election. And once again, the independent media has been shown to be the reliable and honest ones when it comes to reporting the truth, as opposed to fake news outlets like CNN and MSNBC which actively conspired to spread the “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory far and wide for more than two years without a shred of evidence to support it.

Read more via Robert Mueller’s declaration of NO COLLUSION between President Trump and Russia proves that the independent media was right all along —

ECETI: James Gilliland — Galactic Federation Update – February 15, 2019

The Latest From ECETI & James Gilliland


Galactic Federation Update

There has been a consortium of beings contacting us lately from 13th dimensional beings on down. Most contacts are with the 7D, 6D, and 5D beings. Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Arcturians, Andromedans and Sirians. They are deeply concerned with the direction of Humanity and the Earth and are now activating the ground crew, those who incarnated for these times. It is said for these times, God/Creator/ Great Spirit has given its best. This process is also extremely agitating the lower realms, those in the lower 4D and those in 3D who have aligned with the darker forces. The draconian or archon grid is dismantling. It is the grid of tyranny, self-serving narcissists who lust for power, wealth and longevity at any expense. Whatever is out of alignment with Universal Law will be transformed or dismantled altogether. This is not wishful thinking this was written about in Becoming Gods as far back as 1982. The escalation of solar flares, erratic weather, increase in earthquake and volcanic activity along with the upcoming pole shift and the rise and fall of the tyrants has been documented. The fall of the tyrants is here. The Beautiful Many Masters, Saints and Sages, Galactic Federation, the white hats, Qanon are real. The Creator God of this Universe has said, “It is finished”. One only has to monitor the electromagnetic light spectrum if they need proof. Our solar system is moving into a highly energized place in space, it is a natural cycle. We have to rise to the occasion.

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