David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A — Transcription by Kat – April 4, 2020

David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A -- Transcription by Kat

Source: Dinar Chronicles | By Sierra (NZ)

I offer my fourth, partial, transcription of a David Wilcock video. I got as far as 2 hours, seven minutes. I’ll finish the rest tomorrow. I do it because I feel the information is important, and not everyone likes to watch hours of videos.

David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic, Part IV: Q&A 4-1-20

Read more & transcript via OpDis

Majority of Congress Said Charged With Pedophilia and High Treason – January 3, 2020

By Judy Byington

April 5, 2019

Well known Political Elites have been named in 88,350 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since Oct. 30 2017. An estimated 80 to 140 Congress people were said charged with crimes, most believed to include Child Pornography and Pedophilia, plus Treason was high on the list (85% to 95% charged were thought to be Democrats).

Their investigations have been ongoing since Trump took office and involved violations of the Espionage Act of 1912, High Treason, Election Fraud, Russia Gate, Panama Papers Conspiracy, Uranium One, 9/11, Fukushima Nuclear and Tsunami Mass Murders, Benghazi Massacre, Fast and Furious Gun and Drug running and other serious abuses of the Law and Constitution. →


David Wilcock 2020 Exclusive: The Interview You’ve Been Waiting For! [Part 1] — Prepare For Change – December 29, 2019

(Prepare For Change)  In Part One, Edge of wonder covers censorship, Youtube and Social Media. Who and why has been censored and for what reasons? We also talk about the FISA report, sealed indictments, Q An0n, Cosmic Secret and so much more.

Part 2 (Youtube ) and Parts 3-4 (EdgeofWonder.tv) will be coming January 2020! 

Video (49:30): “David Wilcock 2020 Exclusive: The Interview You’ve Been Waiting For! [Part 1]” —  via Prepare For Change – https://prepareforchange.net/2019/12/28/david-wilcock-2020-exclusive-the-interview-youve-been-waiting-for-part-1/

(Video) X22 Dave Interviews Robert David Steele in the Trump Revolution, Impeachment Sham, Wikileaks Drop Soon? — Public Intelligence Blog – December 22, 2019

X22Report Spotlight

Published – Dec 21, 2019 

Video: “Something Big Is About To Drop From Wikileaks:Robert David Steele” (1:06:43) via — Public Intelligence Blog 

or via X22Report Spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkd-KMGUfyI&feature=youtu.be

You Are Free TV: #POTUSFoxTroll: Templeton Ukraine/Puerto Rico, Jar_sko #UKIndictment – November 24, 2019

You Are Free TV

11/22: The Ukraine has indicted Zlochefky on new charges. Templeton Investments is cited for laundering billions through Ukraine debt bonds, restructured by N Jar_sko. Jar_sko now is restructuring debt in PR, and Templeton Investments owns billions in debt in PR thru multiple public agencies… →
