Study finds unvaccinated people are healthier than the vaccinated |

Sunday, April 17, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Are vaccines safe and effective? Not according a 2011 study commissioned by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Instead of conferring lasting immune protection against disease as claimed, vaccines like the vitamin K shot, as one example, actually degrade immunity and lead to worse health outcomes than if the person remained unvaccinated.

Read more: Study finds unvaccinated people are healthier than the vaccinated —

Tragic “side effect” of the COVID pandemic: Does anyone notice this? | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | November 10, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic – particularly the COVID-19 mitigation measures such as lockdowns and unconstitutional COVID shot mandates – has been troubling to witness.  Job loss is rampant in the United States, and the rate of job growth, described by NPR as “anemic” in August, has been underwhelming, to say the least.

Now, thousands of hard-working Americans are about to be fired or barred from entry to public places, lest they give in to coercion and roll up their sleeves for a COVID injection.  Is medical segregation and discrimination really that easy to normalize … especially given how “effective” these shots actually are?

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Stew Peters Show: DATA MATTERS: Death Rate EXPLODES in “Fully Vaccinated” Victims

By Stew Peters Show – Published October 26, 2021

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Stew Peters Show | BioTech Analyst: Genetic Code Stolen, Changed With PCR Tests, Shots

By Stew Peters Show – Published October 21, 2021

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VIDEOS: Stew Peters Show | Real News

By Stew Peters Show – Published July 21, 2021

>Clay Clark Has Questions: Epstein, Gates, Elon Musk, Fauci, Shots, COVID

Read more & video(25:07):

>Dr. Peter McCullough – URGENT WARNING About Poisonous Jabs – “An Agonizing Situation”

Read more & video(25:30):

>COVID Propaganda DESTROYED With Based EPIC Onslaught Delivered by Stew Peters

Read more & video(14:51):

VIDEO: HORRIFIC! – FIVE Jet Blue Airlines Pilots DEAD, Media Intentionally Hiding Vaxx Fears

By Stew Peters Show – Published July 16, 2021

BREAKING NOW! Five Jet Blue Airlines pilots are confirmed dead, current Jet Blue pilot whistleblower confirms push for jab continues.

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters with details. |


VIDEO: Breaking Discovery! What COVID Injections Do to Your Blood! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!

Video: interview(11:51):

After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

After injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a “likely association” between the injections and heart problems, which they claim is “rare.”

The warning comes as the vast majority of Americans who wanted one of the mRNA injections have already been injected, as demand for the shots has decreased to levels seen back in December, just after the shots were given emergency use authorization and were beginning to be rolled out.

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FLASHBACK: Vaccine industry reveals new “all-in-one super injection” that will deliver multiple vaccines all at once, “programmed” to break down at different times — – January 2, 2020

(Natural News) If getting multiple vaccines in just a few short years wasn’t damaging enough, the vaccine industry has come up with a new scheme to ensure that children get all of their inoculations — whether parents like it or not. Indeed, a new “super injection” is on the horizon, and it is truly the stuff of nightmares. Not only will it contain multiple doses of multiple vaccines at once, the “super injection” features time-released vaccine capsules that will be programmed to “detonate” inside the human body at different times. →

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Tetanus vaccines exposed for sterilizing 500,000 women and children – watch at —

(Natural News) A major pharmaceutical company has been outed for lacing tetanus vaccines with chemicals verified to have sterilized hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children throughout Africa. In a new video published to, Joe Joseph from The Daily Sheeple explains how Kenyan President Railia Odinga put forth test results to show that…..Read more & video

via Tetanus vaccines exposed for sterilizing 500,000 women and children – watch at —