Confidential files from GlaxoSmithKlein detail heartbreaking connection between SIDS and childhood injections | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | July 8, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a heartbreaking tragedy that touches thousands of American families every year.  Boston Children’s Hospital defines the “sudden and unexplained death of a baby younger than 1 year old,” SIDS is yet to be fully understood, and its exact causes are unknown.

But despite what fact-checkers claim, there is evidence to suggest a causal link between childhood injections and SIDS, at least in some cases.  Indeed, a 2011 confidential report from billion-dollar pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline shares some of this evidence in great detail – along with hundreds of other troubling drug side effects.

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Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants – January 11, 2020

Dirty Vaccines: New Study Reveals Prevalence of Contaminants

Source(The Vaccine Reaction)

by Celeste McGovern – Published February 6, 2017

Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated by Unsafe Levels of Metals and Debris Linked to Cancer and Autoimmune Disease, New Study Reports

Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested—except in one animal vaccine. →

Read more via The Vaccine Reaction

Mother Explains Why Her Daughter’s Death From Vaccines Isn’t Reported In The Statistics — Collective Evolution – November 23, 2019

In Brief

  • The Facts:Kara Krause wrote a Facebook post last year, in which she provides many insights into the deception and agenda behind the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which awarded her $137,500 for the vaccine death of her daughter.
  • Reflect On:How many more children will have to die of vaccine injury before we are able to gain the collective will and power to implement proper science-based medical safeguards and practices in the delivery of vaccines?

(Collective-Evolution)  It will be instructive for our conversation to understand exactly how the U. S. government’s Vaccination Injury Compensation Program (VICP) works. This is what the government website tells us: →

Read more via Mother Explains Why Her Daughter’s Death From Vaccines Isn’t Reported In The Statistics — Collective Evolution

Vaccine ingredient warning: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury in fish — – November 17, 2019

(Natural News) Did you know that mercury in vaccines is not the same as the mercury in fish? While both are toxic to humans, the mainstream medical establishment would have us all believe that the ethyl mercury in vaccines is no big deal when it is actually 50 times more toxic than the methyl mercury found in fish. →

Read more via Vaccine ingredient warning: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury in fish —

Scientific voices speak out unequivocally about vaccines and their dangers — – December 19, 2018

(Natural News) Now that it’s been exposed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been lying about the connection between vaccines and autism for at least 14 years, many prominent doctors and health practitioners are now coming forward to corroborate the fact that vaccines are, in fact, harming children. Dr. Kenneth…..Read more

via Scientific voices speak out unequivocally about vaccines and their dangers —

Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline — – December 7, 2018

Article written by Dr Gary G. Kohls. Posted here with permission “No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable…for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death.” – President Ronald Wilson Reagan, as he signed The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986, absolving drug companies from all medico-legal liability when children die, become chronically ill with vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders or are otherwise disabled from…Read more & a List of 146 of the 271 Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Developmental Pipeline (as of 2010)

via Roll Up Your Sleeves Folks: 271 New Vaccines in Big Pharma’s Pipeline — Collective Evolution