VIDEO: This is what makes a Hero.. Australia is Standing UP | Prepare For Change

Prepare For Change – January 7, 2022

From bitchute:

Another win for the shop owners and customers. Cops trying to enforce a GREEN Tick mandate which is not law. Looks like the no trespassing sign carries a lot of weight. This now sets a precedence so everyone follow this Hero. They can’t jail everyone.

Video(21:53): This is what makes a Hero.. Australia is Standing UP — Prepare For Change

Why Chelsea Manning Could Be The Greatest Hero Of The 21st Century — Collective Evolution – March 25, 2020

(Collective Evolution)

When a federal judge ordered the release of Chelsea Manning from prison on March 12th, the news was met with relatively little fanfare. There was a kind of muted, matter-of-factness about it in the mainstream press, with much of the print devoted to procedural aspects of the release, or the fact that Ms. Manning allegedly tried to kill herself the day before, based on her lawyers’ testimony. →

Read more & video “Chelsea Manning interview on Trump, running for office, and prison life” (19:03) via Collective Evolution

70-Year-Old Nepalese Woman Has Rescued Over 18,000 Women And Girls From Sex Trafficking And Is Known As The Country’s ‘Mother Teresa’ — True Activist – December 3, 2019


(True Activist)   Anuradha Koirala, a teacher in Kathmandu, Nepal in the last 20 years always wanted to help and serve her people. One of her greatest inspirations is Mother Teresa, and after having the career of teaching for the last two decades, she decided to make a switch and started to work in protecting women and girls from abuse, trafficking and exploitation. →

Read more via 70-Year-Old Nepalese Woman Has Rescued Over 18,000 Women And Girls From Sex Trafficking And Is Known As The Country’s ‘Mother Teresa’ — True

Pawn Shop Owner Starts Charity To Donate Motorized Wheelchairs to 580 People, Some Of Whom Haven’t Stepped Foot Outside Their Homes In Years – And He Isn’t Stopping There — True Activist – July 31, 2019


(TrueActivist) Movement is one of the most underrated wonders of life that everybody seems to take for granted, until they realize it is gone.  This story is about how 580 fortunate and lucky people were able to gain their freedom back, all because of a wonderful and selfless businessman’s zeal and determination.

Read more via Pawn Shop Owner Starts Charity To Donate Motorized Wheelchairs to 580 People, Some Of Whom Haven’t Stepped Foot Outside Their Homes In Years – And He Isn’t Stopping There — True Activist

How He Built the Fastest Ambulance Service – November 10, 2018

The people at United Hatzalah of Israel are doing incredible work. All for free. All to save lives. Here is how they did it.

Thank you Eli Beer and your team of volunteers!

Golden Age of Gaia

WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Sues Ecuador For Violating “Fundamental Rights And Freedoms” — October 20, 2018

By Aaron Kesel Lawyers for Julian Assange are suing Ecuador, accusing the government of violating Assange’s “fundamental rights and freedoms.” Statement: WikiLeaks publisher @JulianAssange launches case against his continued gagging, duress — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 19, 2018 This comes after Ecuador cut off communications with the WikiLeaks founder for months. Assange has been barred…..Read more

via WikiLeaks: Julian Assange Sues Ecuador For Violating “Fundamental Rights And Freedoms” —

One Man Plants a Forest, One Tree at a Time (Video) — Era of Light – Aug 10, 2018

Payeng’s quest began in 1979 when he was only 16 years old. During floods that year, a large number of snakes [washed] ashore on the sandbar. Jadav “Molai” Payeng, the ‘Forest Man of India’, has achieved something many would find unimaginable. The Padma Shri awardee is known for single-handedly planting nearly 1,400 acres of forest…Read more & video

via One Man Plants a Forest, One Tree at a Time — Era of Light

Bradley Manning – Chelsea Manning – War Crimes — Natasha – The Truth About The News – February 7, 2018

Bradley Manning discovered sick war crimes and human torture and reported it to Wikileaks. In early 2000’s when Bradley Manning discovered human torture, he did not know how to digest it, or take it, and it was not about protecting any particular country, it was about all sides losing at war, and the destruction of lives,…Read more

via Bradley Manning – Chelsea Manning – War Crimes — Natasha – The Truth About The News

New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government[The Video Strongly Recommended-Must See] – August 26, 2017

Published August 23, 2017 6675

Dane Wigington

Kevin Shipp (author of “From The Company Of Shadows“) was a decorated CIA officer who refused to look the other way in regard to government criminality and cover-up. At a very important public awareness event, held by in Northern California, on July 28th, 2017Mr. Shipp presented a shocking and compelling presentation on numerous, horrific and ongoing government crimes. The total persecution of anyone who dares to tell the truth about rampant government tyranny is also fully exposed. The paradigm we have all known has been built on deception and the dark agendas of the global power structure. The courage Kevin Shipp has shown by doing his best to expose government criminality and tyranny serves as a stellar example to us all……

Read more & video at: GeoEngineeringWatch


Hero Boy Helps Deliver His Baby Brother And Saves His Mother’s Life — August 22, 2017

A heroic ten-year-old boy is being credited with saving the life of his mother and delivering his baby brother. Jayden Fontenot went into superhero mode when he noticed his newborn baby brother couldn’t breathe. Ashley Moreau, of Sulpher, Louisiana, who was 34 weeks pregnant, said she went to use the bathroom on August 11th when…

via Hero Boy Helps Deliver His Baby Brother And Saves His Mother’s Life — The Daily Sheeple