(Video Documentary) The 5G Trojan Horse: What You’re Not Being Told — Waking Times – February 22, 2020

The 5G Trojan Horse: What You’re Not Being Told

Derrick Broze, The Mind Unleashed
Waking Times

The Conscious Resistance Network Presents: The 5G Trojan Horse (Documentary)

This 96 minute documentary exposes the truth behind the global “Race to 5G.”

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Electromagnetic Spectrum and 5g
Chapter 2: The Concerns Around EMF’s and 5g
Chapter 3: The Big Wireless-5g Takeover
Chapter 4: Solutions

Video (1:36:26) & transcript via — Waking Times

Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress — Collective Evolution – January 31, 2019


  • The Facts:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr emphasizes how pharmaceutical companies have a large hand in how the American government creates healthcare policy and recommendations.

  • Reflect On:

At the end of the day, awareness is key, as we are the tools used by these corporations. Without US, they would not be able to sell their product. Do these companies have our best interest at heart? Or does business greed take over?

Those of you who have been involved in the past in the battle to protect our children from poorly made vaccines or toxic chemicals in our food or in our water know the power of these industries and how they’ve undermined every institution in our democracy that is supposed to protect little children from powerful, greedy corporations. Even the pharmaceutical companies have been able to purchase congress. They’re the largest lobbying entity in Washington D.C.. They have more lobbyists in Washington D.C. than there are congressman and senators combined. They give twice to congress what the next largest lobbying entity is, which is oil and gas… Imagine the power they exercise over both republicans and democrats. They’ve captured them (our regulatory agencies) and turned them into sock puppets. They’ve compromised the press… and they destroy the publications that publish real science. (Robert F. Kennedy Jr, from the video below)…….Read more & video: “RFK, Jr.: Taking it to the courtroom.” (2:31) 

via Robert F. Kennedy Jr Explains How Big Pharma Completely Owns Congress — Collective Evolution

The Monsanto Papers – Secret Tactics and Corrupted Science — Wake Up World – October 26, 2018

October 26th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Known as “the Monsanto papers”, the evidence presented in legal cases against Monsanto includes email correspondence and corporate documents that create a comprehensive narrative of the corporation’s malfeasance and collusion with U.S. regulatory agencies. The Australian documentary, “The Monsanto Papers” (featured below), reveals the…..Read more & video: “The Monsanto Papers Documentary”

via The Monsanto Papers – Secret Tactics and Corrupted Science — Wake Up World