Daily Message ~ Sunday September 30, 2018

As you come out the other side of your summer of transformation, new inspirations may be dropping into your awareness. This is wonderful, and a result of the work you have done! What this may involve is suddenly going in a completely different direction than what felt aligned to you only a few months ago. Many of you will be shifting into new timelines that are available to you now, or that have always been available to you but you are now ready to choose, that match your newfound energetic state and the next phase of your incarnation.

Because things have felt heavy for so many of you for so long, it can make you feel as if something is too easy for you if it feels too light. Please know that working within the energies of surrender, faith, flow, and trust is how you navigate in the new energies, and it will feel much easier than the old ways of struggle and effort.  Trust in the new heart-centred navigation system. If you feel excited, energized, and supported by new ideas or locations that is your soul giving you a resounding yes. You can never, ever make a mistake as long as you are following your heart and making decisions based on what feels best to you one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Daily Message ~ Friday September 28, 2018



If you choose to stay in a space of openness and curiosity, your flow will be able to move at its optimal pace for you, unimpeded by any constraints or attempts at control your inner doubter may try to impose. A non-resistant human being is delightful to work with because they are so easily moved into the perfect right time/right place scenarios. We absolutely love orchestrating divine intersections. It is one of our favourite things to do, using our creativity and vantage point to set things up for you in ways that are sure to surprise and delight you, and then getting to watch your reactions. It is how we experience joyful service for it expands our hearts just as much as it expands yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Source: Trinity Esoterics

Daily Message ~ Saturday September 22, 2018


If you have found yourself in profound resistance, rather than pushing against that resistance, we suggest you simply choose something that feels lighter to you. When you are in such a state, it can be difficult to know what you need in order to allow yourself to move forward with greater ease. While your brain may not know what you need, your body and spirit can easily identify what would feel lighter. So simply ask yourself, “What can I do that would feel lighter than I’m feeling right now?”

Resistance is heavy. Lightness is just that – light. Identifying what feels heavy or light is a skill set that every single human being on the planet has, so there is no special training, understanding of energetics, or enhanced sensitivity required. You can embrace that innate ability because it is impossible to get it wrong since the answer is always unique to you. It is something you will always know without doubt.

As you choose anything lighter you choose to disengage from resistance, which will naturally induce more flow, relief, and forward movement. This will allow you to incrementally move out of your discomfort, without pressuring yourself into any specific practice, since what feels lighter could be a myriad of things. Further, it is an empowering exercise that helps you gain confidence in your self awareness and ability to self direct from whatever energetic state you may find yourself in.

Your heart always knows what is expansive and light, so it is a wonderful way to shift out of the mind and into the heart without the need for specifics. Once you have moved into a lighter state, however you choose to get there, you’ll be much more aligned with getting back into your spiritual and co-creational practices, and before you know it, you’ll be flowing along as if the resistance never even happened. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: I’m wishing everyone a very happy fall equinox! Equinoxes serve to not only lock in our progress but also to ground in some balance. I like to think of it like when people climb a mountain and need to make camp to allow themselves to assimilate to their environment and not get altitude sickness.  This is an opportunity for us to catch our breath, adjust to the higher altitudes we’ve reached, and make a plan moving forward.  I wish you all a wonderful day celebrating the progress you have made through the summer of eclipses. May we all embody greater balance, grace, light, and ease moving forward!


Daily Message ~ Wednesday September 12, 2018


Dear Ones, you are meant to move with the ebb and flow of the universe. That means sometimes you release, and other times you integrate. Sometimes you rest, sometimes you take action.  Sometimes the focus will be the divine feminine and others, the divine masculine. Sometimes you give, and others you receive.

It is not about finding one specific thing, rather, it is moving with whatever is being supported at any given time. This means placing your focus on whatever is taking precedence, and to trust in the divine intelligence of the universe, as well as your ability to harness and work with the energies.

This allows you to move with far greater ease and to be much more efficient with your efforts.  It also allows you to experience more joy and satisfaction because you will be willingly working within the surrender, faith, flow, trust model that is the operating system of the new energies. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Daily Message ~ Sunday August 19, 2018


A very simple way to adjust your energy if you find yourself in a state of discomfort is to just still yourself and breathe. Breathe in acceptance and breathe out resistance. Breathe in love and breathe out separation. Breathe in faith and breathe out doubt.

You see, everything exists as an option for you and you can choose to infuse yourself with the energy you desire by intending to breathe it in. So breathe in what you want and breathe out what you feel is blocking the experience of it. Try different combinations until you find what works best for you in that moment.

This is effective because you are identifying what you are wishing to receive, and release, from an empowered space of willingness, awareness, presence, and flow. You can very quickly shift into a much better feeling space using this easy and accessible technique, and the beautiful thing is breathing is a skill you already have. All you have to do is add intention. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Source: Trinity Esoterics

Daily Message ~ Thursday July 26, 2018


With your awareness, we suggest you pay attention to how many times you deem yourself, or others, wrong. You might be surprised to discover it is far more often than you realize. This is a good indicator of how much resistance you are still experiencing towards life.

To shift out of this, you may wish to simply observe when you fall into that habit and then refocus. You might try an affirmation that feels good to you. You could try, “We are all beloved aspects of Source.” “God is guiding me now.” “We are all doing the best that we can.” “We are all in this together.” “Everyone is the master of their own path.” “Everyone has their own innate wisdom as well as the assistance of guides and helpers.” “I trust in the unfoldment.” “I choose to remember who I really am.”

Before you are in a state of resistance, think of an affirmation you can use that helps you feel the energy of acceptance. Even a simple, “I love you”, is a wonderful go-to statement you can apply to yourself and others, for it includes rather than separates, which is an act of acceptance. When you get out of the well entrenched habit of resistance, Dear Ones, you will find much more flow, peace, and comfort in all areas of your lives. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Daily Message ~ Thursday June 7, 2018


Dear Ones, every time you try to control you end up not only restricting the potential of the Now moment, you also restrict the potential of your future. We understand that you seek control to give yourself a sense of safety and security, but the way to truly move forward in the way that best supports you is through conscious creation through broader intention, surrender, and flow.

Everything you seek comes from allowing the unfoldment of surrender and flow. Love, healing, abundance, creation, growth, enlightenment, your highest purpose – all of these elements require continued flow and freedom to become as big, beautiful, and miraculous as they can be.

Understand expansion and unfoldment are necessary for your soul to comfortably move with the universe. Trust. Flow. Start to see the unfoldment as a magical path. Be loose enough to let each Now moment expand into it’s full potential. This is a new, much more empowered way of navigating your life that will get you to your fullest expression of self, over and again, if you are willing to step into a new way of being. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Daily Message ~ Saturday September 23, 2017

Dear Ones, your souls are most happy when you are allowing expansion to occur. This is why resistance creates so much discomfort. Your soul is not meant to stay in a state of constriction or stagnation. It wishes to experience flow, growth, and freedom.

So what can you do today that supports your expansion? Try something new. Meditate. Drive a different route to work. Take a trip. Learn a new skill. Stop and ask your inner self what they would like to do today and try that. When you open yourself to making small changes you get into a flow. You start cooperating with where your soul wants to lead you.

One of the reasons small children tend to be happy is because they are present and constantly learning, growing, and expanding their worlds. There is a soul deep satisfaction that comes from doing exactly what you are meant to be doing. You can replicate that as an adult by adopting those traits that once came so naturally to you again, as you were born with the innate ability to navigate yourselves with far greater skill than you’ve ever fully realized. ~Archangel Gabriel
