Documents Suggest We’ve Been Lied To About The Moon & What’s On It | The Pulse

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – FEBRUARY 22, 2022

COVID has sparked a massive shift in consciousness, especially when it comes to trusting governments. Censoring scientists, doctors, journalists and scientific evidence that called into question the measures governments have taken, and are taking to supposedly combat COVID has become the norm.

Read more: Documents Suggest We’ve Been Lied To About The Moon & What’s On It — The Pulse

Blacks Most “Vaccine Hesitant” to COVID-19 Shots – More Ignorant or Wiser than General Population? | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – August 13, 2021
Editor, Health Impact News

Many surveys show that black people are the most “vaccine hesitant” when it comes to the COVID-19 shots.

Is this because they are more ignorant than the general population, or wiser?

Read more & video(14:49):

Edward Snowden On Big Tech Companies, Like Facebook, Censoring & Controlling Information | Collective Evolution

Collective Evolution | By Arjun Walia – November 29, 2020

  • The Facts: Glenn Greenwald interviews NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden about Big Tech censorship of information, and the muzzling of journalists who go against the grain.
  • Reflect On: your perception is built by mainstream media, do you truly know what is going on in the world if they are often working to hide or censor stories that would dramatically change your perception?

Glenn Greenwald is no stranger to censorship, he’s the journalist who worked with Edward Snowden (NSA mass surveillance whistleblower)  to put together his story and release it to the world while working for the Guardian. He eventually left the Guardian and co-founded his own media company, The Intercept, an organization that would be free from censorship and free to report on government corruption and wrong-doings of powerful people and corporations. He recently resigned from The Intercept as well due to the fact that they’ve now censored him, and is now completely independent.

Read more & watch the full conversation between Greenwald and Snowden(31:37): Edward Snowden On Big Tech Companies, Like Facebook, Censoring & Controlling Information — Collective Evolution

An End to the Oppression of all People by Jan. 1, 2021 | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light – July 12, 2020

Voyages of Light | By Steve Beckow, July 11, 2020

When I go in my mind from hot spot to hot spot in the world, I want to weep.

So much suffering! Whatever can we do about it?

Sending love is always the best thing we can do, in my view. But let me leave that subject for now.

I’d like to focus on people falsely imprisoned, moved off their lands and made into refugees, incarcerated and indoctrinated, tortured, sold into sexual slavery, etc. – in other words, people who are being or have been oppressed. →

Read more via An End to the Oppression of all People by Jan. 1, 2021 | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light

(Video) SGTreport: MUST SHARE: THIS is THE CURE to What Plagues Us !!! – June 19, 2020

Source: SGTreport

June 18, 2020

Former Sheriffs Richard Mack and Brad Rogers from the CSPOA join me to discuss the simplest way to neuter tinpot dictator Mayors and Governors while restoring our Constitutional Republic.


More Real News:

(U.S.) Petition: Investigate Deep State Spying on Political Enemies – June 6, 2020

Investigate Deep State Spying on Political Enemies

“I think there was spying.”

These words by the Attorney General should send shockwaves through America.

American citizens – and even possibly a political campaign – were spied on, and the only question is whether it was “adequately predicated.” In other words, was proper procedure followed, or was there rampant political bias and Deep State abuse of our legal system? →

Read more & sign petition via ACLJ

When Computer Crimes Are Used To Silence Journalists — Activist Post – January 24, 2020

By Rainey Reitman

(Activist Post)  This week, prosecutors in Brazil filed a criminal complaint against Glenn Greenwald, an internationally lauded journalist best known for publishing leaked documents detailing the NSA’s mass surveillance. Greenwald’s prosecution is an attempt to use computer crime law to silence an investigative reporter who exposed deep-seated government corruption. Sadly, this isn’t the first such effort and, unless we stop this drift to criminalizing journalism, it likely won’t be the last. →

Read more via When Computer Crimes Are Used To Silence Journalists — Activist Post

New World Order Globalist Cabal Throws More Fuel On The California Wildfires – State of the Nation – October 26, 2019

New World Order Globalist Cabal Throws
More Fuel On The California Wildfires

Geoengineered California Firestorms Triggered by Deliberate Acts of Pyro-Terrorism (Videos)

State of the Nation

As expected and predicted, the California Fall wildfire season was “exploded” with geoengineering precision and pinpoint arson attacks. For those uninitiated in the convoluted workings of the complex criminal conspiracy behind these intentional acts of pyro-terrorism, the following exposé provides the necessary background and history. → 

Read more

FBI Labels Q Anon and Pizzagate Researchers as ‘Domestic Extremism’ — Era of Light – August 5, 2019

moving forward with the truth eraoflightdotcom

By Justin Deschamps: In a May 30th, 2019 FBI report, the bureau stated that “conspiracy theory-driven domestic extremists” are a growing threat. This comes at the heels of major moves by Big Tech to censor anything it labels “conspiracy theory,” such as anti-abortion videos on YouTube. Given the fact that the Pizzagate and QAnon material has yet to be properly investigated, this move by the FBI is likely an attempt to downplay the significance of government corruption in preparation for the 2020 US presidential race. ➤➤

Read more via FBI Labels Q Anon and Pizzagate Researchers as ‘Domestic Extremism’ — Era of Light

The Heart of Darkness: The Sexual Predators Within America’s Power Elite — Era of Light – July 14, 2019

the truth must be told eraoflightdotcom

“As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensating to increase. And the dictator (unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty or conquered territories) will do well to encourage that freedom.”—Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Power corrupts.

Anyone who believes differently hasn’t been paying attention.

Politics, religion, sports, government, entertainment, business, armed forces: it doesn’t matter what arena you’re talking about, they are all riddled with the kind of seedy, sleazy, decadent, dodgy, depraved, immoral, corrupt behavior that somehow gets a free pass when it involves the wealthy and powerful elite in America. ➤➤

Read more via The Heart of Darkness: The Sexual Predators Within America’s Power Elite — Era of Light