YIKES! The global elite want to forever change the way you live with “The Great Reset” agenda | NaturalHealth365


By: Sara Middleton | November 21, 2020

(NaturalHealth365) It’s hard not to feel wary about economic initiatives that value big business over human well-being and autonomy.  But with so much influence over society among the world’s corporate leaders, critics can be easily overpowered.  Just consider the latest initiative from a collaboration of business leaders called The Great Reset.

Spearheaded by the World Economic Forum, this reset pledges to promote widespread economic change to the direct “benefit” of the global population. But reading between the lines, many are calling into question just who exactly will benefit most.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/great-reset-economic-change-3632.html

Popular heartburn drug may have given millions of people cancer, found contaminated with cancer chemical — NaturalNews.com – October 3, 2019

(Natural NewsAnother Big Pharma drug is being pulled from pharmacy shelves after it was discovered that millions of people could have developed cancer from taking it. 

Zantac and other ranitidine products are reportedly no longer available at CVS, which joined a handful other other retailers in suspending Zantac sales pending an investigation into “impurities” that could be linked to life-threatening side effects. →

Read more via Popular heartburn drug may have given millions of people cancer, found contaminated with cancer chemical — NaturalNews.com


You may have heard last year about Bayer Merging with the GMOs giant, Monsanto. But did you know that Bayer has been involved in some of the darkest cover-ups in recent history ?

(The Truth Revolution)

Bayer’s Role in the Holocaust

To many people the Holocaust and Third Reich have become synonymous with World War II. Among the many crimes against humanity, perhaps the most renown horrors were the mass executions that took place in the extermination camps sprinkled throughout Europe. Auscwhitz is undoubtedly the most famous of them all, known for their quickness to execute prisoners and resident doctor, Josef Mengele. Wanting to better understand the human body and particularly the nuances of heredity, Mengele became infamous for his experiments that included injecting dye in to children’s eyeballs and repeated x-rays on the reproductive organs, to see if he could make prisoners infertile. By better understanding the reproductive process, Mengele wanted to propel the growth of the Aryan race while sterilizing the “undesirables”- the handicapped, gypsies and those of the Jewish race.


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Slate, Salon, Huffpost all child killers and liars about vaccines… massive, coordinated cover-up exposed — NaturalNews – June 30, 2018

(Natural News) President Donald Trump has been rather vocal (to say the least) about his distaste for “fake news,” which brainwashes the public into believing lies as if they were truth. And while much of it centers around the media’s false implications concerning his campaign’s alleged “collusion” with Russia, there’s actually another fake news trend…Read more

via Slate, Salon, Huffpost all child killers and liars about vaccines… massive, coordinated cover-up exposed — NaturalNews.com