Sen. Rand Paul does not plan to get COVID-19 vaccine, explains he has natural immunity which is vastly superior compared to artificial vaccine “immunity” |

Monday, September 20, 2021 by: Nolan Barton

(Natural News) Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Sunday, May 23, publicly announced that he does not plan to take the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine.

Paul said he has natural immunity having already contracted and recovered from the disease. He was the first sitting member of the U.S. Senate to contract COVID-19, testing positive in March last year.

Read more: Sen. Rand Paul does not plan to get COVID-19 vaccine, explains he has natural immunity which is vastly superior compared to artificial vaccine “immunity” —

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Det är dags för civil olydnad mot förtrycket | – 30 Augusti, 2021

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gick igår ut offentligt med budskapet att det är dags för en massiv och fredlig civil olydnad i världen för att stoppa ovetenskapligt grundade och hälsoskadliga massvaccinationer samt verkningslös lockdown. Motståndet mot totalitär kontroll har intensifierats i och med att barn och ungdomar nu är industrins mål för massvaccination.

Läs mer & video(15:07): Robert F. Kennedy Jr: Det är dags för civil olydnad mot förtrycket —

Swiss Police Reject the ‘Great Reset’: ‘We Work for the People, NOT the Elite’ | Neon Nettle

swiss police are refusing to support  the great reset

Neon Nettle | By: Jay Greenberg – August 12, 2021

Police in Switzerland are rising up against the “Great Reset” by refusing to enforce government-imposed restrictions on the general public.

A group representing Swiss police officers wrote a letter to the Swiss Federation of Police Officers (FSFP) declaring that cops work for the people and not the global elite.

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YouTube suspends Dr. Rand Paul for spreading covid “misinformation” when he was actually just quoting the real science |

Saturday, August 14, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has been axed from YouTube for a week after he was accused by the Google-owned tech giant of spreading “misinformation” about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Two of Paul’s videos were also pulled from the platform, including one in which he questions the origin of the “pandemic.” In the other, Sen. Paul explained, using medical science, why face masks do not work to prevent infection and spread.

Read more: YouTube suspends Dr. Rand Paul for spreading covid “misinformation” when he was actually just quoting the real science —

Politicians Push Back Against COVID-19 Tyranny – Can We Trust Them? | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – August 6, 2021
Editor, Health Impact News

Three politicians made news this week and were widely quoted in the Alternative Media as opposing tyrannical COVID-19 measures: U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Alberta, Canada Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw, and Queensland, Australia Senator Malcolm Roberts.

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California politicians demand one-month MASK DEPROGRAMMING period so brainwashed libtards have time to end their mask addictions as “the science” kicks in |

May 21, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) While the other 49 states remove the mask in accordance with new CDC guidelines, California is doubling down on trying to keep people masked for just one more month so liberals in the state have time to deprogram their addiction.

Even as numerous chain stores have lifted their mask requirements, a handful of far-left California politicians is demanding that residents continue to mask up until June 15.

Read more: California politicians demand one-month MASK DEPROGRAMMING period so brainwashed libtards have time to end their mask addictions as “the science” kicks in —

(Video) Amazing Polly: The Tangled Web of Cover Upperers – Sept 9, 2020

Source: Amazing Polly

Sept 4, 2020

In this video I expose one of the major tools that both Corrupt State Department officials & phony ‘Fact Checkers’ use to stop the spread of news that threatens their Global Corruption Racket! Are the riots in the US linked to the same shady apparatus is covering up the Ukraine scandals? Are the child trafficking cover-upperers using the tools, too? more…

via: (41:49)

We Shouldn’t Trade ‘Liberty’ for ‘False Sense of Security’: Rand Paul Warns Against Forced Vaccination — The Free Thought Project – March 6, 2019


In case you haven’t been paying attention, there has been an unprecedented push by the mainstream media and government in 2019 to force all citizens to be vaccinated. This mandatory vaccine hysteria has so far been highly effective as governments across the country have proposed legislation to remove your right to informed consent.

Read more: We Shouldn’t Trade ‘Liberty’ for ‘False Sense of Security’: Rand Paul Warns Against Forced Vaccination — The Free Thought Project

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1750: Why is the [MSM] [DS] Panicking Over the Fed | The First Alarm is About to Ring – December 26, 2018

Published on Dec 26, 2018

Retail sales this holiday season are higher than at any other time, but a close look we see people have been charging like crazy, savings rate is falling and debt is moving up. US home sales have collapsed, home prices are way out of the reach of the everyday American. Stock market has declined prior to Christmas and on Christmas eve, now Trump is saying buy the dip, why would he say this, is it because he has the magic wand. Trump continues to criticize the Fed, the MSM and the DS are panicking because they know what comes next

Published on Dec 26, 2018

Trump continues to criticize the Fed, the MSM and the DS are panicking because they know what comes next. The government is still shutdown and Rand Paul releases his festivus report. North and South Korea agree to a rail link connecting their countries. Air strikes hit Damascus from Lebanon, many missiles were intercepted. Rebels ready to surrender in Al-Tanf. Clapper is panicking about Trump leaving Syria that there will be unintended consequences.

Operation Disclosure