(USA) BREAKING: Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Fight to US Supreme Court, Will Challenge 50,000 Ballots | TrendingPolitics

TrendingPolitics – December 29, 2020

On Tuesday, the Trump campaign took their election fight in Wisconsin to the US Supreme Court where they will be challenging 50,000 absentee ballots.

The announcement was first released by Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn during Steve Bannon’s show, War Room.

Read more: https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-trump-campaign-takes-wisconsin-fight-to-us-supreme-court-will-challenge-5-ballots/

BREAKING: Trump Releases Urgent Statement On Democrat Plans To Delegitimize Election Day Results | Trending Politics

By Trending Politics – November 2, 2020

Moments ago, the Trump campaign released an urgent statement that everyone in America needs to see. The Democrats are not planning on conceding the results of the election no matter what happens.

They have played their hand, and we cannot let them succeed.

Read more: https://trendingpolitics.com/breaking-trump-releases-urgent-statement-on-democrat-plans-to-delegitimize-election-day-results/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email

Whistleblower Film Revealing Shadow Government Released to Public Just After Producer is Arrested | Health Impact News – Aug 17, 2020

by Brian Shilhavy – Aug 17, 2020
Editor, Health Impact News

Millie Weaver, known online as “Millennial Millie,” was mysteriously arrested, along with her husband, on a reported grand jury indictment and held in jail over the weekend, just before she was scheduled to release her new film, ShadowGate.

The film was released anyway, with many copies being widely distributed throughout the Internet, as it has gone viral this weekend and has already been viewed by millions of people.

The film is based on the testimony of two high-tech whistleblowers, who claim they worked for private contractors that worked together with intelligence agencies and politicians to develop highly sophisticated software systems and artificial intelligence (AI) to affect elections both abroad in places like Afghanistan, as well as in the U.S. during the Trump campaign and Presidency to discredit him.

Read more & video(1:22:17) via — Health Impact News

The scandal that keeps on giving: FBI claims it “LOST” months of text messages belonging to disgraced anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok (Video-Mike Adams) — January 22, 2018

(Natural News) When the complete (and unbiased) history is written on President Barack Obama’s administration, future generations of Americans will come to learn that his was the most corrupt in the country’s history. Forget Teapot Dome. Forget Watergate. Forget Bill Clinton’s sexual proclivities. Barack Obama has them all beaten, and by a wide margin. Because,….Read more & video(Mike Adams) 

via The scandal that keeps on giving: FBI claims it “LOST” months of text messages belonging to disgraced anti-Trump agent Peter Strzok — NaturalNews.com