VIDEO X 2: X22 Report 2715– The Economic Pieces Are Being Put Into Place For The People’s System || March Madness, Full-Scale Attack, Nothing Is What It Seems

By X22 Report – Published March 1, 2022

Ep. 2715a – The Economic Pieces Are Being Put Into Place For The People’s System

The [CB] is now trying to use this event to push the Great Reset/Green New Deal, this will be a dead end for them just like the pandemic. The pieces are being put into place to bring the people into and people run economic system.


Ep 2715b – March Madness, Full-Scale Attack, Nothing Is What It Seems

The [DS] is now in full panic, the war propaganda is failing, the pics are turning out to be fake and Putin is not destroying cities and killing people. This is a strategic operation to remove the bio weapons labs, shutdown the money laundering operation and remove the [DS] players. Wisconsin just called to have the elections decertified. Trump wants the people to do the right thing and decertify the elections, if this doesn’t work this is not the end of the plan, the next phase is then operational, if all else fails the military is the only way.


All source links to the report can be found on the site.

(USA) BREAKING – ‘WISCONSIN HOT’ – Grassroots Group Uncovers 23,000 Votes with Same Phone Number and 8,000 Voters Registered in 1918 All In One County!

The Gateway Pundit | By Joe Hoft – September 24, 2021

A group in Wisconsin that goes by the name of Wisconsin HOT (Honest Open and Transparent) released a telegram where they ask Wisconsin election officials why over 23,ooo individuals in Wisconsin’s voter roles have the same phone number?  Here is their note.

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(USA) BREAKING: Trump Campaign Takes Wisconsin Fight to US Supreme Court, Will Challenge 50,000 Ballots | TrendingPolitics

TrendingPolitics – December 29, 2020

On Tuesday, the Trump campaign took their election fight in Wisconsin to the US Supreme Court where they will be challenging 50,000 absentee ballots.

The announcement was first released by Trump advisor Boris Epshteyn during Steve Bannon’s show, War Room.

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(USA) Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for election fraud; EIGHT states join the lawsuit |

Image: Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for election fraud; EIGHT states join the lawsuit

December 08, 2020 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The Republic of Texas just released the “kraken” against the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, all of which produced fraudulent, and thus invalid, election results.

Update: Eight additional states are reportedly joining the Texas lawsuit: Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, South Dakota.

Read more:

U.S. 2020 Election: “I Have in My Office Right Now a Huge Bag of Shredded Ballots”: Sidney Powell Drops Bomb During Interview | Trending Politics

By CollinRugg | Trending Politics – December 5, 2020

During an interview on Friday with Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax TV, attorney Sidney Powell gave a big update on how her lawsuits are going in Wisconsin and Georgia.

At one point, Powell dropped a bomb when she stated that she has a “huge bag of shredded ballots” in her office.

Read more & 3 video interviews with Sidney powell:

Fourth Gardasil Lawsuit Against Merck Alleges Its HPV Vaccine Caused Debilitating Injuries | Children’s Health Defense

“I want to warn kids of the terrible risks for this vaccine and let other injured girls know that they are not alone. The Gardasil vaccine stole my life. Before Gardasil, my future was filled with endless possibilities.”

By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – November 18, 2020

Today, the national law firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman and I filed our fourth Gardasil lawsuit against Merck, on behalf of Sahara Walker, 19, of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, who suffered debilitating injuries from the HPV vaccine.

When she took the Gardasil jab at age 11, Sahara was happy, healthy, popular, athletic and an academic superstar who had just scored in the top 97th percentile of all Wisconsin students in math.

Two days later, Sahara was vomiting and experiencing headaches, severe body aches, fevers and soul-crushing fatigue that made her sleep her days away. Within a month she was either bedridden or wheelchair bound.

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Misstänkt valfusk i Michigan och Wisconsin | Nya Dagbladet

Joe Biden. | Foto: Adam Fagen/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Nya Dagbladet – 5 November, 2020

Det såg ut som att Donald Trump gick mot seger i vågmästarstaten Michigan – då plötsligt nästan 140 000 nya röster dök upp, varav samtliga gick till Joe Biden. Även i andra delstater kommer frekventa rapporter om misstänkt valfusk, ogiltiga poströster som stämplats om, registrerade röster från avlidna personer och annan manipulation.

Läs mer & videor: Misstänkt valfusk i Michigan och Wisconsin — Nya Dagbladet

News | – November 4, 2020

FRAUD: Wisconsin supposedly achieved an impossible 88% voter turnout, but it was really just Dem ballot fraud

(Natural News) Despite gaining 200,000 more votes in Wisconsin this time around compared to the 2016 election, President Trump and those who voted for him are now being told that Biden somehow squeaked out a magical victory there overnight thanks to hundreds of thousands of mystery ballots that showed up right at the last minute to push … [Read More…]

OBVIOUS FRAUD: Seven Milwaukee wards reporting more votes than total registered voters

(Natural News) An incredible miracle for the Democrats has occurred in Milwaukee, Wisc., where seven wards are reporting vote totals that exceed the total number of registered voters. Wards 234, 269, 272, 273, 274, 277, and 312 all inexplicably saw voter turnout that exceeded the total number of registered voters, while dozens upon … [Read More…]

Is the mainstream media fraudulently trying to anoint Joe Biden as president?

(Natural News) As expected, the 2020 election is under attack by the corporate media, which appears to be illicitly anointing Joe Biden as president despite legal challenges from the Trump campaign over alleged voter fraud. Even though President Trump was clearly ahead in most of the key swing states as of early this morning when he … [Read More…]

Michigan USPS ‘insider’ delivers testimony of ‘shady’ postmark scheme to hand stamp ‘Nov. 3’ on late ballots … calls on other post office workers: ‘If they see anything shady to report it’ … Michigan law forbids votes past 8 P.M. Election Day

(Natural News) USPS Insider: “My statement to other postal workers is that if they see anything shady to report it—they can’t have any integrity in this country if they just let things slide.” USPS Insider: Late ballots sorted to special bin, then collected in Express Mail bags to be “hand-stamped” with bogus Nov. 3 postmark. … [Read More…]

Breaking! Massive Voter Fraud Alleged in Wisconsin and Michigan After Drop of 300,000 Ballots for Biden and ZERO for Trump | HAF

Michigan Steal

HAF November 4, 2020 | Sources:

President Trump was prophetic again last night during his speech at 3:15am Eastern. The President warned against 4am ballot drops and sure enough, that’s what happened.

President Trump correctly called out the liberal media for not calling Georgia or North Carolina.

Read more: Breaking! Massive Voter Fraud Alleged in Wisconsin and Michigan After Drop of 300,000 Ballots for Biden and ZERO for Trump — Humans Are Free

(Videos) Government and Media Proven to Be Lying To Public About COVID Pandemic — Prepare For Change – June 27, 2020

Prepare For Change | From

US medical doctor and state senator explains that the US government has sent official documentation telling doctors and hospitals to lie about CV-19 death and infection numbers. and

At this added link, the US government actually admits that every death counted as a COVID-19 death is either a) presumed to be caused by COVID-19 or was caused by another disease…and also counted as a COVID-19 death. →

Read more & videos via Government and Media Proven to Be Lying To Public About COVID Pandemic — Prepare For Change