Insider Comes Out Of The Shadows To Reveal He Has Autopsied Over 3000 ET Species — Collective Evolution – October 3, 2018

It took Emery Smith over a decade of being an anonymous insider to David Wilcock to finally decide to come out into the public realm and share his stories in person. You may have heard of him already if you follow the work of David Wilcock, Steven Greer, Corey Goode or others. If you have…Read more & video: “Insider Claims to Have Autopsied 3,000 Different Species of ETs: David Wilcock with Emery Smith”

via Insider Comes Out Of The Shadows To Reveal He Has Autopsied Over 3000 ET Species — Collective Evolution

Canadian Minister of Defence – Full UFO Disclosure — Humans Are Free – October 3, 2018

The ex-minister of National Defence for Canada said at least four species of aliens have been visiting Earth for decades and claimed top authorities are constantly in discussions with extraterrestrial beings.Paul Hellyer, who was the Canadian Minister of National Defence in the 1960′s during the Cold War, claims to have inside information that top governments…..Read more & videos: “Canadian Minister of Defence” and “Aliens could share more tech with us, if we warmonger less’ – Former Canada Defense Minister”

via Canadian Minister of Defence – Full UFO Disclosure — Humans Are Free

WikiLeaks Says It Will Bring Hillary Clinton Down By October 21 — Era of Light – October 3, 2018

WikiLeaks Says it will Bring Hillary Clinton Down by October 21 President Donald Trump has one campaign yet to fulfill and WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange is vowing to see that one fulfilled sooner rather later. In his words – “If Trump doesn’t take Clinton down, we will.” For almost two years, Clinton and the Deep…Read more

via WikiLeaks Says It Will Bring Hillary Clinton Down By October 21 — Era of Light

(Video) Destroying the Illusion — [10.1] ‘To The Stars’ 37 Million in Debt? | New Indictment Count | Ebola & Monkeypox Scares | QAnon Updates | Plane Crashes | 400 Guns Stolen from UPS Facility | 5G Rollout – 10/01/2018

Trump Video Tweet –
Stolen Guns Tweet –

Published on Oct 1, 2018

(Video) Arrests you Probably haven’t Heard about! – October 3, 2018

Published on Sep 14, 2018

Many have asked when the arrests are going to start. They already HAVE! Although they’re not the big names we’re waiting for, the Swamp IS being drained–and here’s proof!

Operation Disclosure

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1679: Like Clockwork | People will be ‘Shocked’ – October 3, 2018

Published on Oct 2, 2018

September auto sales plunge, many of the automakers dropped below their pessimistic estimates. We are now at the point where the stock market makes no sense whatsoever, the companies that are losing money or making no money are going up in value and beating the companies that are turning a profit.Putin backs the plan to continue to de-dollarize. The MSM are starting their campaign of calling people conspiracy theorist if they believe is up to no good.

Published on Oct 2, 2018

FBI finishes interviewing 3 Kavanaugh witnesses and none of them can recall the incident. Swetnick backtracks on her story. The deep state is now changing tactics because they know the investigation will come back and it will not remove Kavanaugh so now they are pushing drunk, temper and he lied under oath. Ford published a paper a while back explaining how to hypnotize yourself to allow your subconscious to accept new facts. GoFundMe could be the new money laundering site for the deep state. FBI refuses to release the Uranium one docs. Q drops more bread, the FBI investigation is not what everyone thinks. People are going to be shocked when they find out the truth and realize what really happened.

Operation Disclosure

Presidential Emergency Alert on American Cellular Phones – October 3, 2018


Posted on October 2, 2018
by Starship Earth

Source: Captain’s Blog

Tomorrow morning in the West, and afternoon in the East, there will be a wireless emergency alert going out to all cellular networks from the FEMA emergency network with a Presidential message.

Stay tuned at 11:18 am Pacific, 2:18 pm EDT Wednesday, October 3 for further instructions, if any apply. The duration is expected to be 30 minutes.

If you are not aware, President Trump proclaimed that September was National Preparedness Month. Due to the unstable nature of the weather, as well as earthquakes, and natural disasters, the President urged everyone to have an emergency plan to deal with unexpected events.

Click this link to: Read the announcement at

Whether folks are required to evacuate due to fires or floods, we are all expected to prepare in advance so we know what we will do and can react quickly to ensure our safety and that of our families and pets.

We may be forced to shelter in place at times, such as during a power outage. This may involve stocking up on storable foods, water, fuel, medications, pet supplies, and cash. If the electricity is off, banks are closed, ATMs don’t work, and so gas pumps and stores may be closed as well.

If you have camp stoves or grills that run on propane you may wish to use them so stock up on fuel. Generators can come in handy, as well as batteries, candles, and emergency radios.

Plan for the worst, expect the best, and look after each other. Be neighbourly, and remain calm. Everything will be alright. ~ CB

Operation Disclosure

(Video) Dave Janda — Trump’s Boot is on the Deep State’s Throat – October 3, 2018

Published on Oct 2, 2018

The spotlight of this Briefing focuses on the Declassification trigger which Trump is using to expose and take down The Deep State. Check all of our additional content at

Operation Disclosure