The Best Crop Circles From The last 5 Years to Get You Excited About The 2018 Season [VIDEO] – February 20, 2018


Published on Feb 18, 2018


With The Crop Circle Season quickly Approaching, Take a Look Back At The Best Ones From The Last 5 Years. We have seen some of the best Crop Circle formation ever in the last few years. Image Use Permitted by More UFO news can be found on our Website! Subscribe to our channel here Music by: Kevin MacLeod

Wake up Call: Horus via Nancy Tate – February 20, 2018








If there was a time for all of us to go ahead with the thoughts of our dreams and lay the lines of every move that feels good, then we would set forth on the journey that will help to bring total Peace, Joy and Love to not only our individual lives, but to all life on earth and beyond. That is proof that we are all One. I am Horus, with you in this moment of Creation. 

As I go beyond this moment I bring to you some news that has been swimming around the world for a number of days. I bring to you the news of the RV being put into balance and readying itself for the openness of the distribution of the funds that are in place in a safety zone. There is much to come in the next days that will show you all why there has been no distribution of them yet. It will prove that the cabal are being put into their sleep and brought to the place where they will be able to clear out all of the debris that has kept them working for their Control. 

This is one of the reasons that there hasn’t been a release of the funds yet, for if it were to be freed, we would see that the idea of freedom is not being lived. It is a matter of there being no danger of the leaking of the negative energy into the release, for if it were allowed to set forth into the ideas and dreams of what people would do with the funds, then it would find obstacles to being able to do it all in the freedom that is necessary for it to bring forth the harmony that is in so many peoples’ dreams. The reality of what harmony means is going to show people how they can come to the place where they will begin to remember was their home base so many lifetimes ago. 

It is a matter of working through not only the clearance of the cabal, but also of the energies of ‘not good enough’, or ‘not capable’ that so many people have not even realized are parts of what has been keeping them from being able to stand in their power and know that they can create the world that is destined for all of Life. 

Yes dear ones, there is coming that new way of the return to freedom that is going to show you all why the delay has been in place. It will give you all the picture of the trueness of freedom, and the reality of the trueness of what it means to move forward in the Peace, Joy and Harmony of all of life. It is on its way, and you will all see what I mean as the workings that are, as I speak, swimming through each and everyone’s lives. 

You are all so wonderful and full of the destiny that is around the corner and in the progress. It will show you all why the delays, and why you have been experiencing what is in the movement right now. So relax; enjoy the moment of the life that you are creating and know that it is the creation of the perfection that you desire and will completely enjoy. 

Love is all there is, and you are proof of that not only through those who are in your lives, but also through yourself so succinctly.  

Thank you dear Horus,

Much Love,

Nancy Tate

Source: The Tree of the Golden Light

Tiny Graphene Membrane Creates “Supercharged Water Purification” In One Simple Step (Video) — February 20, 2018

By Kevin Samson Fresh water supplies continue to be assaulted on multiple fronts. Front page news at the moment is the unfolding disaster in Cape Town, South Africa which could be completely without water by June. According to some, this is as much the result of politics as it is the result of a three-year…Read more & video

via Tiny Graphene Membrane Creates “Supercharged Water Purification” In One Simple Step — Activist Post

Strength – February 20, 2018


Do you choose to be weak or strong? You may believe this comes from how you were raised, where you come from, what you have experienced or how you live your life. The Universe is here to tell you that both things come from within and depends solely on your thoughts and actions. Jut like making a conscious decision toward joy, happiness, love, inclusion and peace…it is your choice, it has always been your choice. ~ Creator


Kevin Annett: Worldwide Citizens Arrests for Child Rapists on April 15 – February 19, 2018


Worldwide Citizens Arrests for Child Rapists on April 15 by Kevin Annett (Submitted by Judy Byington)

Five years ago when the news broke that Pope Benedict, aka “Joe the Rat” Ratzinger, was no longer the Bishop of Rome, I (Kevin Annett) received an early morning phone call from the National Post newspaper in Toronto. A remarkably obtuse young reporter asked me if it was true that a pending arrest warrant against Benedict that I had helped engineer had prompted his departure. I replied, “Absolutely.”

I never heard from the reporter again, nor did the Post or any other corporate media ever run a story on the threatened arrest of Rat Boy that had sent him scurrying from his sinking papal perch. On the eve of their conviction in a public tribunal for crimes against children, not only a serving pope but three other indicted Vatican officials resigned their offices, including the so-called “black pope”: respectively, Joseph Ratzinger, Tarcisio Bertone, Sean Brady and the Jesuit leader, Adolfo Pachon.

The routine trafficking, torture and murder of children has become a lucrative global industry in which major church corporations are deeply implicated. The Vatican, the Church of England and other churches stand convicted in common law courts of these and other genocidal acts. Your funding of and adherence to these criminal churches is allowing their wrongs to continue.

On April 15, 2018, people in many countries will take direct action to stop these crimes by striking at their source. Operation Atonement will perform citizens’ arrests against known child rapists and the church officials who aid them; will peacefully occupy church facilities and disrupt their operations; and will halt the funding and legal protection that enable these criminal institutions. These churches have betrayed their trust and lost their right to operate under the laws of God and Humanity. We the People will no longer allow such wolves in sheeps’ clothing to exploit and brutalize our children.

You can help save the lives of the innocent by joining this global effort. Here’s how:

1. BOYCOTT the Roman Catholic, Anglican/Episcopalian and United churches by denying them attendance and funding.

2. DEMAND that your government revoke the tax-exempt status of these churches.

3. EDUCATE yourself and others about this crime and the hidden history and nature of these criminal churches. See

4. JOIN the nearest OPERATION ATONEMENT Action Group and directly halt these false and murderous churches. Contact to join up.

Source: ITCCS

Thanks to: Operation Disclosure

The Human Council(s) ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council – Channeled by Daniel Scranton – February 20, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

It is beautiful to witness your evolution and to see our small part in that process. We are happy to see that the human collective is taking on so much energy and assimilating that energy for the purposes of creating something your world has never seen before. We can see the foundation has been laid for the creation of a Human Council, one that has no boundaries, no borders, no national affiliation, one that goes far beyond where your United Nations has been able to take you.

This Human Council will consist of spiritual leaders and teachers from around the world, and it will act as a type of board of directors that will handle the big issues that are coming with the shift in consciousness. You can rest assured that preparations are being made to unify humanity, as your ascension event gets closer and closer to you.

You are all going to be called upon to do something, to contribute, to help the ones who are lagging behind a bit. This is one of the reasons why so many of you have that feeling right now of being without a fulfilling life’s purpose.

There will also be a need for smaller human councils, ones that will deal with issues that are closer to a community level. You are welcome to begin forming them now. You are in fact forming them. We have seen several groups coming together to work together to harmonize towards a specific goal. Any time humans come together to promote something positive on planet Earth, it brings us joy. As we said, we love witnessing your evolution.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Financial Mega-Battle to Escalate — February 19, 2018

The secret battle for the planet earth is entering a critical phase over the coming weeks, especially in the realm of finance, where an epic three-way battle is raging, multiple sources agree. In this battle, cryptocurrencies and the Chinese yuan are fighting each other, as well as fighting to replace the current privately-owned Western central…Read more

via Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Financial Mega-Battle to Escalate — Era of Light

Lord Melchizedek: Lemuria — February 20, 2019

Sitting in the Sacred I AM Presence connecting with my Higher Self and with my Spirit Guide Team I connect with Lord Melchizedek and I have the following message coming forth. Dear Beloveds, It is my pleasure to come through to speak with you all this day for I, Lord Melchizedek come forth to bring…Read more

via Lord Melchizedek: Lemuria — Era of Light

Montague Keen via Veronica Keen, February 11th, 2018

It is happening, my dear. Doors are closing on the elite Cabal. You can see the light emerging, exposing the corruption. The light is shining on the last administration in America. Many are shocked by what is being revealed as well as by the extent of it. Facts have to be faced. Everything was the exact opposite of what you were lead to believe. Trust me, this is but the first layer of the onion. There are many more shocks in store for you. Many years ago, I pointed out that nothing is as it seems. You have been lied to about absolutely everything, especially religion, which is the great cancer controlling the lives of the people of the Earth.

You are only just awakening to what is being done to destroy human life on Earth. Testosterone is being destroyed to prevent reproduction. This is happening worldwide. The Cabal has introduced transgenderism to confuse your mind controlled children. THIS IS AN EVIL PLAN and it will destroy many young lives. The Cabal is using CANCER to eliminate millions of you. Please research this and you will understand that they are wiping out humanity and you are doing nothing about it. They are filling your heads with sport, social gossip, TV, and of course, the most successful trap of all, MONEY. They own the banks, so they control it.

People must learn to say NO, and refuse to assist in the killing. Everything that is being done to kill you must be exposed. When people tell you that YOU and YOUR CHILDREN must be vaccinated, withdraw from those people immediately. They are part of this destruction. Do not trust them. Work together, support each other, and share knowledge whenever possible. The Cabal has no problem finding weak spineless people to do the dirty work for them; work that one day they will pay a high price for having done. Be careful whom you serve, as nothing is hidden now. Saying it was my job will not be accepted as an excuse, as you know that it will harm people. It does not matter how small a part you play, it is part of the whole. Never forget that.

Take back your power. Meditate whenever possible, as it will create a link with your higher self which will lift you out of the control system which shackles you. Free your minds and begin again.

Look at those who wrote the Bible. HUNDREDS OF YEARS AFTER THE ONE THEY CALL JESUS, LIVED, THE CABAL WROTE IT, and you have bought their stories, hook, line, and sinker. You are still quoting it, every day, as if it were true. It is not. It is the noose around your neck. The truth is all around you, you only have to look for it. When one returns to the afterlife, it takes a while to adjust to the truth because we were bombarded by so many lies from birth to death. Humanity has been completely taken in by them, but not anymore. The truth will set you free from bondage. The Anunnaki will answer for what they have done to humanity.

Please take responsibility for your children. Do not allow them to fall into the traps that have been set for them by the Cabal. Schools do not educate children; that stopped many years ago. Instead, they brainwash them with illuminati lies. Children have no idea that they are powerful Beings of Light, experiencing life on Earth. All that is knocked out of them at an early age. They are taught, instead, that they must depend on the Cabal to provide all that they will need to survive. THEY ARE NOT TAUGHT TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES, to explore nature, to understand who and what they are. How sad is that? All that was good on Earth has been destroyed. IT CAN AND WILL BE REPLACED.

You (yes, all of you) must now become the architects of the future. Take back all that was taken from you. Remove all the EVIL TECHNOLOGY such as HAARP in Alaska. Antarctica must be exposed for what it is. A lot of people must be removed from office. Remember that SCUM rises to the top and it is difficult to remove. Big changes must be made and good people must be ready to take charge when necessary. Pray that there are many more like Donald Trump who will accept the challenge to protect humanity.

Watch the following video: The Great Awakening has begun. American Intelligence Media. Thomas Paine.

We, who are safely here in the afterlife, want to extend our grateful thanks to those who have written to Dave, a good and kind soul in his hour of need. He appreciates more than you can know, the kindness you have shown him. There, but for the Grace of God, go all of you. It is Dave today, but it could be you, tomorrow. There are thousands of people who are unlawfully imprisoned in America. It is not a safe place to be. Mr Trump must clean up the judicial system, because it stinks. Stand together, for you have suffered enough. Take back your power. The Earth is YOURS. Restore it, so that it can flourish once more. This is your task. You chose to do this.

My dear, last week was a period of major stress. You had so much to cope with. Things are moving fast, so you must stay one step ahead at all times. The Cabal is up to its usual tricks. They are desperate to survive.

You and Dave have work to do. Remember that you are almost 81 years old, so do not push yourself too hard. You cannot do it all by yourself. I ring my bell to let you know that I am with you.

Please take care. You are precious to me.

Always, your adoring, Monty.


Please ensure that Dave McCann gets justice. Let’s show the corrupt justice system in America that we are watching them. We can do this by sending cards or letters to Dave. The authorities in the jail read all correspondence, they take note of everything. Dave is one of us, and we are supporting him. We can ensure that the absolute truth about the set-up to trap him will be exposed. If he was not important to humanity, the Cabal would not have bothered to go to such lengths to lock him up.

Dave McCann,
MJ 03 A Pod 11,
Booking Number 1621184,
Prisoner ID 7076771,
P.O. Box 872,
Fresno, California, 93712, USA.

I have Dave’s permission to ask you to help him. He is deeply grateful to you for reaching out to him. He is trapped in America without friends or family, no visitors at all.

Justice for Dave McCann. Irishman framed in California | Legal Expenses Fundraising with GoGetFunding

Thanks to: & to: Era Of Light

Black Disk Seen In Sky Over Great Britain, Proof Alien Bases Exist In GB – February 20, 2018

Date of sighting: 8-3-1998, but reported today. Source: MUFON #90312 Location of sighting: Gainsborough, Great BritainI really like this photo. It shows a classic shaped UFO in the far distance above Great Britain. There is just too much evidence coming from GB to deny the existence of aliens any longer. The truth is, we are not alone, and never have been. Scott…Read more

via Black Disk Seen In Sky Over Great Britain, Proof Alien Bases Exist In GB, UFO Sighting News. — UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY