Hyperinflation is next | The Final Wakeup Call | by Peter B. Meyer

Gold and Silver many Multiples Higher

Unprecedented level of new money printing

Major spike in food prices create social unrest

Debt is at an all-time high

Your Freedom is at stake

United we are; our mass awakening is the Deep State’s greatest fear

New channel move

Stay informed, become member of The Final Wakeup Community on TELEGRAM

The Final Wakeup Call | by Peter B. Meyer – July 14, 2021

Fake Wealth

The central bank stimulus policies, of hundreds of trillions in fake money added to the global monetary base, has destroyed all markets. Fake money has financed far more real estate and factories than ever is needed. It has driven the real estate and stock market prices up tenfold and created fake wealth. Today’s paper money wealth is just an illusion that eventually will blow-up.

Most people in the world experience significant inflation in food and energy prices. Food inflation is in many cases between 10 – 20 %.  However accurate figures are not published. Because, the truth is kept hidden from the public.

Continue Reading → Hyperinflation is next — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Hyperinflatie is het volgende

Goud en Zilver vele malen hoger Ongekend hoog niveau van nieuw geld drukken Grote pieken in voedselprijzen leiden tot sociale onrust Schuld is op een all-time high Je vrijheid is in gevaar Verenigd zijn we; onze massale ontwaking is de…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Die Hyperinflation ist die nächste

Gold und Silber um ein Vielfaches höher Noch nie dagewesenes Niveau des Druckens von neuem Geld Starker Anstieg der Lebensmittelpreise führt zu sozialen Unruhen Die Verschuldung ist auf einem Allzeithoch Ihre Freiheit steht auf dem Spiel Vereint sind wir; unser…Continue Reading

All Of Humanity’s Problems Are Caused By A Lack Of Awareness | Waking Times

Caitlin JohnstoneGuest
Waking Times – March 9, 2021

I write about humanity’s problems as a species in all sorts of ways in this space, but really if you want to get straightforward about things all we’re ever actually talking about here is a lack of awareness of what’s true and the need to eliminate that lack.

Read more: All Of Humanity’s Problems Are Caused By A Lack Of Awareness — Waking Times

The Big Tech Exodus Has Begun — Join Us! (Updated) | Activist Post

By Activist Post – December 12, 2020

It’s been a long time coming and we still have a long way to go, but we can now confidently say that an era of new media has begun.

Over the last several years, we have clearly seen the writing on the wall that Big Tech would start getting far more aggressive about how it polices content. Not satisfied with merely fact checking and adding notices, entire channels have been deleted for wrongthink.

Read more & videos: https://www.activistpost.com/2020/12/the-big-tech-exodus-has-begun-join-us.html

Alternative News | Humans Are Free – May 28, 2020

Japan Ends Coronavirus Emergency With 850 Deaths And No Lockdown

Japan Ends Coronavirus Emergency With 850 Deaths And No Lockdown


Nwo Population Control 9:11 Coronavirus Covid19 Covid1984

From 9/11 To COVID-19, It’s Been A Perpetual State Of Emergency


Newsguard Microsoft Reporting Hoaxes Fake News Credible Epic Fail Jennie Kamin John Gregory

Bill Gates Adds Pharma ‘Fact’ Checkers To Microsoft Products


The Yogis Of Tibet Rare Documentary Film

Religious Or Not, It Does Not Matter – This IS A Spiritual War


Astrazeneca Ready To Vaccinate Half Of Great Britain For Coronavirus By September

AstraZeneca Ready To Vaccinate Half Of Great Britain For Coronavirus By September


Humans Are Free


John W. Whitehead

Dr Joseph Mercola

Henry Makow PhD

Ethan Huff

TRUE STORY: CPS snatch and grab (this is how they fill those tunnels with kids) – May 2, 2020


Apr 26, 2020

Submitted by Robert Dane Jr father of Caitilyn Marie Dane

Cps violated my civil rights at the very least. I have lost my constitutional right to defend my life religious freedom or beliefs and my property without due process. My fiancé has three other children and was involved with CPS over 12 years ago. That coupled with a nurse that overheard a conversation my fiancé was having while we were at the hospital with a nurse that was a friend of hers lead A nurse to miss read what was said due to eavesdropping which led her to call CPS on my fiancé. The hospital lied and said that my daughter failed a meconium test the day after her birth when I called the lab myself that’s not possible because the meconium test has a 3 to 5 day turnaround. →


Credit: Judy Byington

All is Love or Lack Thereof | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart — Voyages of Light – March 7, 2020

(Voyages of Light)

Me: Can we go into more detail about Ashtar’s message please, Ivo?

Ivo: Of course my love. He said to stop attacking others. In your thoughts to put down your greatest weapon – your mind. Your minds have been trained to see what others do as being sinful, or wrong. There is no wrong, even in duality. There is positive and negative, however negative is an illusion. There is actually love and the lack of it; those are the dualistic terms under which you actually live. →

Read more via All is Love or Lack Thereof | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart — Voyages of Light

The Beginnings of the Major Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – March 6, 2020

The Beginnings of the Major Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the evolution of your consciousness. We have been observing the progress that you have made as a collective consciousness, and we are happy to report that there is much more movement forward towards your ascension than you might be seeing on the surface at this time. A lot of what you see out there in the world, in terms of the major stories, reflects what has been and what is crumbling right before your eyes. It seems as though humanity is not making progress, because you don’t see the changes that you want to see in the external world. →

Read more via The Beginnings of the Major Changes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

The Great Awakening has begun — The Final Wakeup Call – September 18, 2019

Anger, hatred, aggression and fear are the food source of the Archons

The Mainstream Media is the last bastion of the “Deep State”

The real question is how do we become conscious?  

We all are Slaves to the System

We all want to be free, healthy, educated and live in a peaceful society

Source(The Final Wakeup Call)

Mass Awakening is the Cabal’s greatest Fear

The awakening is erupting. Being awake comes with a price. It may have been difficult and painful going through the stages of awakening, but convincing others by challenging circumstances and conditions to open the eyes and minds of others is even more difficult. It has become a struggle against time when awake and one sees all the injustices that could have easily been avoided.

It’s very sad to see unawakened people being tossed to and fro, without having a clue as to what is really going on. But even that is an “engineered” shake-up designed by the Deep State. Nevertheless, that should help every one of us to come to our senses and surpass this false reality. Millions are flocking to alternative news sources to try to make sense of what’s going on, stumbling across realities they never considered possible, or could have ever imagined before. →

Read more via The Great Awakening has begun — The Final Wakeup Call – English

The One Percent & the Ninety-Nine Percent ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – May 26, 2019

The One Percent & the Ninety-Nine Percent ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing our investigation of the various timelines that have been forming in front of the human collective, and we can see how you are bringing yourselves closer and closer to a time of greater prosperity for all. We know that there has been an imbalance of resources on your planet for quite some time. We know about your one percent and your ninety-nine percent, and we know how much you all want to balance things on your world. You want what is fair. You want what is right. You want to be able to live without struggle, and you know that it is possible.

Read more via The One Percent & the Ninety-Nine Percent ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Combined Wealth of World’s Billionaires Now Tops $6 Trillion, and Rising Fast (Video) — November 3, 2017

Isaac Davis, Staff WriterWaking Times By many economic indicators, the world is seeing an unprecedented boom right now. While this may seem like great news in generalized terms, there are some foreboding anomalies developing which foreshadow very difficult times ahead for the vast majority of the world’s people. People love a great success story, though,…Read more & video

via Combined Wealth of World’s Billionaires Now Tops $6 Trillion, and Rising Fast —