How trace minerals help to heal the body — NaturalHealth365 – December 3, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) Even if you try to eat a healthy, organic diet – you could be at risk for nutritional deficiencies without realizing it.  In fact, the National Institutes of Health concluded that “the vast majority of people in both affluent and emerging industrialized countries do not reach even 75 percent of the RDAs for numerous trace minerals.” →

Read more via How trace minerals help to heal the body — NaturalHealth365

Sea salt found to be contaminated with microplastics, one brand tested clean — NaturalHealth365 – June 13, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) Sea salt is viewed by many as a healthier alternative to refined table salt. But, a recent study on common brands of sea salt from around the world has revealed that the vast majority contain microplastics.

Read more via Sea salt found to be contaminated with microplastics, one brand tested clean — NaturalHealth365

Ninety Percent of Sea Salt Contains Plastic — Wake Up World – November 3, 2018

November 3rd, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Research research shows 90 percent of sea salt sold worldwide contains plastic microparticles, leading researchers to believe most people consume nearly 2,000 particles a year in their sea salt. our body requires a specific sodium-to-potassium ratio to normalize your blood pressure that does not….Read more

via Ninety Percent of Sea Salt Contains Plastic — Wake Up World

Any Type Of Cancer Can Be Cured In Just 2-6 Weeks (Video) — Era of Light – May 21, 2018

“Cancer can be cured!” claims Dr. Leonard Coldwell. The video at the end of this article is very important. Everybody should see it. Cancer can be cured! You can imagine the look of surprise on my face when I first saw this. In fact, many of you out there must be feeling surprised right now.…Read more & video

via Any Type Of Cancer Can Be Cured In Just 2-6 Weeks — Era of Light