The 2020’s: The Decade of Awakening ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – November 10, 2019

The 2020’s: The Decade of Awakening ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very excited about the twists and turns that you all have in front of you. We are talking about the major changes that are coming to all of your systems. And we are very interested in witnessing exactly how you move from the political, economic, educational, and other systems that you have in place now. You are moving towards a time of greater enlightenment, and that means more freedom. It means less oppression and less adversarial relationships with one another. Soon it will be one, unified human collective, instead of right versus left, rich versus poor, and one race versus another race. →

Read more via The 2020’s: The Decade of Awakening ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Little Girl Afflicted With Down Syndrome Was Adopted By A Single, Homosexual Parent After 20 Families Rejected Her When She Was Newly Born — True Activist – November 10, 2019

(True Activist)  At the end of it all, does it truly make a difference on how you love your child, if they are yours by blood or not? All the children in this world deserve the utmost care and affection from parents. The love that one feels for their children whether or not they are related by blood is the same, or at times – even stronger. →

Read more via Little Girl Afflicted With Down Syndrome Was Adopted By A Single, Homosexual Parent After 20 Families Rejected Her When She Was Newly Born — True Activist

China Working on 6G Despite Opposition and Lawsuits Against 5G Increasing Worldwide — November 10, 2019

By B.N. Frank

(Activist Post)  The lawsuits and opposition regarding the “Race for 5G” and forced widespread small cell installation are not going away (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22).
According to many respected sources, 5G is too risky (see 1, 2, 3). In fact, telecom companies have provided NO scientific evidence that 5G is biologically or environmentally safe. People and their pets are already getting sick where 5G is operating (see 1, 2, 3).
Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be enough to stop China and other countries – including the U.S. – from planning to expose us to even more harmful wireless radiation via 6G. →

Read more & videos via China Working on 6G Despite Opposition and Lawsuits Against 5G Increasing Worldwide — Activist Post

Fred Burks: History of USA Human Experimentation – Public Intelligence Blog – November 10, 2019

Human Guinea Pigs: Government, Military, & Business Use Humans as Guinea Pigs

Dear friends,

(Publiv Intelligence Blog)  Are we being used as human guinea pigs? How much are government and business risking our lives and health with dangerous technologies like nuclear power, genetically modified foods, inadequately tested vaccines, and other even worse “experiments”?
Below is a list depicting the rampant use of humans as guinea pigs in government, military, and medical experiments over the last century. →

Read more via: Public Intelligence Blog

Paul Adams: Obama Destroyed Syria to Help Israel (and Because the Clintons Were Paid Tens of Millions by the Saudis to Get US Complicity in Both Syria and Yemen) – Public Intelligence Blog – November 10, 2019

Paul Adams

From 2017, relevant to Assange being tortured and perhaps brain washed with electronic or chemical poisoning in UK now.

(Public Intelligence Blog)  Clinton Email: We Must Destroy Syria For Israel
A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm, orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel.
Read full article with copy of email. →

via Public Intelligence Blog

Superfood Garden Summit 2019 – FREE Online Event — Wake Up World – November 10, 2019

(Wake Up World)  We all know that fresh, organic food can help you jump out of bed with energy, enjoy your busy day with a clear mind, and prevent chronic illnesses that are so common today. But plants begin losing their nutrients the second they are harvested. By growing your own food at home, you can supercharge your health by eating the most nutrient dense food on the planet, straight from your garden to your plate. →

Read more via Superfood Garden Summit 2019 – FREE Online Event — Wake Up World

The Angels: Finding Clarity in Confusion — Era of Light – November 10, 2019

the angelics eraoflightdotcom

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

(Era of Light)  Most of you, at some time or another have experienced absolutely clarity in your lives. Your head and heart aligned. You knew what you wanted.You didn’t have any reservations about voicing your dream, envisioning it, and moving towards the goal. The desire for something arose organically. It was easy for you to focus on it. You moved towards your goal with decisiveness, guidance, and flow. ➤➤

Read more via The Angels: Finding Clarity in Confusion — Era of Light

Flower Fairies and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl | November 9, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Flower Fairies and Alisheryia 11/9/2019

(Voyages of Light)  Hello friends of the light, of the way! We are the flower fairies of inner earth, for Nova Gaia awaits not much longer and we are so very excited to see her, to be with her, to nurture our mother’s physical form as it morphs into light. For yet more light is what we see in the near horizon of yet more light in the approaching of the new day. →

Read more via Flower Fairies and Alisheryia via Galaxygirl | November 9, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Vaccination Adverse Reactions Removed from Nursing Manuals … WHY? — Prepare For Change – November 10, 2019

By TLB Contributing Partner: Christina England, BA, Hons

(Prepare For Change)  Over the last couple of years, the general public have been prevented from learning the truth about vaccinations. Many of the websites that we have come to rely on to provide us with the truth about the possible dangers of vaccinations have been completely erased from search engines such as Google, making the truth very difficult for the public to discover. Websites such as Health Impact News, VacTruth, Vaccine Impact, Learn the Risk, Natural News, and Greenmedinfo are becoming more and more difficult to find and many emails that we have been regularly receiving from these websites have been relegated to our spam folders, in the hope that we will not find and read them. →

Read more via Vaccination Adverse Reactions Removed from Nursing Manuals … WHY? — Prepare For Change

USA Communist – China Nazi – Warren Pollock — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog – November 10, 2019

Photo: Warren Pollock

By Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release)

Geopolitical and financial analyst Warren Pollock says if you look beneath the veneer, the USA and China function much differently than their stated forms of government. Pollock explains, “Now, we have melded the organs of state that we need to run a country with our corporations. They are one in one, hand in hand. So, the FAA and Boeing are tied at the hip. Tobacco companies and the FDA are tied together. . . . Then we have technical failures because of that, and we have a big bureaucracy. That is all functional communism. . . . Communism ignores fact. It is fact resistant, and that is what communism is. The housing market is fact resistant. Bitcoin is fact resistant. The news is fact resistant, and you have people that are fact resistant people. If you confront them with a fact, they look at you like you are crazy.” →

Read more & video: “Warren Pollock – China: The New Nazis of Our Time” (30:27) via — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog