Forskare: gränsvärdet för tillåten strålning från mobiler måste sänkas kraftigt | Strålskyddsstiftelsen

Strålskyddsstiftelsen – 10 September, 2021

En ny forskningsrapport drar slutsatsen att gränsvärdet för tillåten strålning från mobiltelefoner, surfplattor med mera måste sänkas upp till tiotusen gånger för att skydda mot visade skadliga hälsoeffekter.

Forskare från miljöorganisationen Environmental Working Group i USA har publicerat en vetenskaplig undersökning och analys som drar slutsatsen att gällande gränsvärden är alldeles för höga. Barn måste dessutom skyddas med ännu lägre gränsvärden eftersom de är känsligare. Analysen publicerades under sommaren 2021 i den vetenskapliga tidskriften Environmental Health.

Läs mer: Forskare: gränsvärdet för tillåten strålning från mobiler måste sänkas kraftigt — Strålskyddsstiftelsen

Monsanto Herbicide for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner – Humans Are Free – November 3, 2019

(Humans Are Free)  The weed killer glyphosate — infamously known as Roundup — can be found everywhere: lawns, gardens, parks, soil, rivers and even in the rain (1). But household use of this herbicide is dwarfed by its use in agriculture. And herein lies the problem.
Over the past several years, scientists have discovered that exposure to glyphosate-containing weed killers is a huge threat to public health. And it’s a risk that keeps growing.
The rise of GMO crops — including corn, soy, and canola — has led to a skyrocketing use of glyphosate with almost 300 million pounds applied each year (2). Genetically engineered crops (GMOs) were designed to withstand this toxic herbicide, so it can be sprayed and kill the weeds but not the crop. →

Read more via Humans Are Free

CLAIM: Kylie Cosmetics products are a stew of toxic ingredients including artificial colors and synthetic chemicals — – March 12, 2019

(Natural News) The mainstream news is awash with stories of flattery and praise for Kylie Kardashian Jenner, the youngest daughter of former Olympic athlete-turned-transgender Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner, for becoming the youngest self-made billionaire ever at just 21 years old. But Jenner accomplished this feat not with honesty and integrity, but rather by selling overpriced and highly-toxic beauty products to unsuspecting youth who foolishly idolize her as some kind of female “hero.

Read more: CLAIM: Kylie Cosmetics products are a stew of toxic ingredients including artificial colors and synthetic chemicals —

Shocking Study Shows 170 MILLION Americans Drinking Radioactive Water & Gov’t is Hiding It — January 12, 2018


A damning report from the Environmental Working Group has just revealed that drinking water for more than 170 million Americans in all 50 states contains radioactive elements that are shown to cause cancer. Not only does the report expose the deadly levels of radiation but it also shows that officials have been actively covering it up. EWG’s investigation. …

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