Putin to Trump: “Save Your Country Now, Before It’s Too late” | Real Raw News

Real Raw News | By Michael Baxter – May 31, 2022

White Hats aren’t alone in urging President Donald J. Trump to take broad and immediate action against the American Deep State, according to a Mar-a-Lago source who said Trump and Russian Vladimir Putin had another telephone conversation Monday morning.

Read more: https://realrawnews.com/2022/05/putin-to-trump-save-your-country-now-before-its-too-late/

New World Order Globalist Cabal Throws More Fuel On The California Wildfires – State of the Nation – October 26, 2019

New World Order Globalist Cabal Throws
More Fuel On The California Wildfires

Geoengineered California Firestorms Triggered by Deliberate Acts of Pyro-Terrorism (Videos)

State of the Nation

As expected and predicted, the California Fall wildfire season was “exploded” with geoengineering precision and pinpoint arson attacks. For those uninitiated in the convoluted workings of the complex criminal conspiracy behind these intentional acts of pyro-terrorism, the following exposé provides the necessary background and history. → 

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Western Media Silent as UN Panel Exposes Organ Theft, False Flag Attacks by White Helmets — The Free Thought Project – December 27, 2018

Days after a more than one-hour-long panel on the White Helmets’ criminal activity at the United Nations, and the Western corporate media is silent. The post Western Media Silent as UN Panel Exposes Organ Theft, False Flag Attacks by White Helmets appeared first on The Free Thought Project….Read more

via Western Media Silent as UN Panel Exposes Organ Theft, False Flag Attacks by White Helmets — The Free Thought Project

Chemical Gas Attacks Strike Syria Again, But This Time Western Mainstream Media Is Silent — Collective Evolution – November 28, 2018

Since the inception of the ‘War on Terror’ many decades ago, mainstream media has completely failed to address the fact that the global ‘powers that be’, the ones who claim to be tackling this issue, actually created much of the terror in the first place. As shown by various declassified documents like this one, the global…….Read more

via Chemical Gas Attacks Strike Syria Again, But This Time Western Mainstream Media Is Silent — Collective Evolution

Admissions of Culpability in 42 False-Flag Attacks – November 15, 2018

New York City, September 11, 2001.

I hope this article communicates how often our governments have harmed their own citizens to fulfill a desire for increasing power.

This is not government of the people, by the people, for the people, such as we’re working to ensure.

Not Theory … Admitted Fact

Washington’s Blog/Global Research, March 5, 2018; first published in 2015.


There are many documented false flag attacks, where a government carries out a terror attack … and then falsely blames its enemy for political purposes.

In the following 42 instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admits to it, either orally or in writing:

Read more atGolden Age of Gaia or atGlobalResearch

Putin’s Comments About Satanism & Pedophilia Within Politics Are Turning Out To Be True — Collective Evolution – November 1, 2018


  • The Facts:A few years ago, Vladimir Putin mentioned Satanism and Pedophilia within politics, and he hasn’t been the first to do so. He expressed how there are attempts to normalize these practices within society and make it global.
  • Reflect On:Who are we electing? Who are the people that’ve amassed so much power that they practically control all resources on planet Earth? We do we continue to elect corrupt politicians who don’t have the will of humanity at heart? What’s going on inside?

What is politics? It’s a realm where humanity gives its power over to others who claim to be making decisions that best suit their country, and humanity as a whole. At least, that’s what it should be. The political realm should be filled with people who are service-to-others, but unfortunately, it has become quite obvious that…..Read more

via Putin’s Comments About Satanism & Pedophilia Within Politics Are Turning Out To Be True — Collective Evolution

Operation Disclosure GCR/RV Intel Alert for April 14, 2018

Operation Disclosure


Current Overview:

(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on rumors from several sources which may or may not be truthful or accurate.)

– Trump, the UK, and France successfully destroyed a Cabal-MIC chemical weapons stash and other facilities as directed by the Alliance. These facilities were being operated by the CIA under the Cabal-MIC.

– The official cover story was that the strikes destroyed facilities of Assad’s regime.

– These facilities were being used by the Cabal to fabricate false flag attacks in order to ignite a war.

– The chemical false flag attack in Syria was turned around on the Cabal. The Alliance have used the Cabal’s own false flag as an excuse to attack their CIA operation facilities. Why do you think Syria has not retaliated by attacking US Forces on the ground?

– There will be no war, only peace, peace, peace.

– The announcement to implement the HR5404 bill (gold-standard) through executive action is the next major event.

– The executive action will trigger a ripple effect across the globe which will lead to the enactment of GESARA.

– The HR5404 bill will be fully implemented upon the enactment of GESARA.

– GESARA law requires all countries worldwide to have gold/asset-backed currency.

– All currencies are already gold/asset-backed on the new financial system.

– The new financial system was covertly created in order to meet GESARA law’s requirement when the time comes.

– The RV is an event prior to GESARA which allows currency holders to exchange/redeem their currencies through the new financial system via private 800# appointments.

– Tier 4 exchanges are expected to begin Monday.

– 800#’s could be released prior to Monday.

85 Years Ago, Hitler Carried Out a “False Flag” Showing How Gov’t Can Control With Lies and Fear — February 27, 2018

Today is the anniversary of one of the most pivotal false flags in history as Hitler burned down Reichstag and blamed it on his political enemies so he could seize total control of the country. The post 85 Years Ago, Hitler Carried Out a “False Flag” Showing How Gov’t Can Control With Lies and Fear…Read more at: The Free Thought Project & video

via 85 Years Ago, Hitler Carried Out a “False Flag” Showing How Gov’t Can Control With Lies and Fear — The Free Thought Project

QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine — February 13, 2018

On February 11, the anonymous whistleblower “QAnon” posted information that corroborates claims that a false flag ballistic missile attack was launched against Hawaii on January 13, and that a submarine linked to the CIA is currently being hunted by the U.S. other regional military forces. QAnon has quickly grown in popularity since first appearing in…..Read more

via QAnon Corroborates Hawaii Missile Attack & Hunt for Rogue CIA Submarine — New Exopolitics.org Article