A safe and effective way to detox aluminum, scientist reports — NaturalHealth365 – March 18, 2019

by: Lori Alton, staff writer |

(NaturalHealth365 Truth be told, the presence of aluminum in the environment is nothing new.  This naturally-occurring metal is the third most prevalent element on the planet.  But, to be clear: aluminum has no biological value inside the human body – which makes the demand for an effective way to detox more important than most people can imagine.

No doubt, the modern ‘abundance’ of aluminum in processed foods, cookware, food storage wraps and medications has raised concerns among many integrative healthcare providers – who view the accumulated toxicity of aluminum to be a contributing factor to the rising rates of autism and Alzheimer’s disease.

Now, a study highlights the ability of silicon-rich mineral water to safely decrease levels of aluminum in the body.  Even more encouragingly, consumption of this kind of water was associated with improvements in cognition among individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.

Read more: A safe and effective way to detox aluminum, scientist reports — NaturalHealth365

33 Surprising Baking Soda Uses & Remedies — May 7, 2018

What is baking soda used for? Baking soda uses are plentiful to say the least. Many of us think of baking soda as just an ingredient for baking or something that helps to keep our refrigerators odor-free, but baking soda is incredibly good for your health and your entire home, too! If you haven’t used…Read more

via 33 Surprising Baking Soda Uses & Remedies — Era of Light