ECETI News: Facts about the Plan/Scam Demic — James Gilliland – May 7, 2020

ECETI News: Facts about the Plan/Scam Demic -- James Gilliland



Facts About the Plan/Scam Demic

The outbreak is a paper tiger, aggressive in spreading but mild to all but those who have a compromised immune system. “Usually the sick and elderly”. We are not saying there is no virus outbreak or diminishing the death of loved ones, we are saying let’s look at the facts.

There is no evidence to prove social distancing has any measurable impact on the spread of the infection. European countries had a quicker down turn of infections that did not do social distancing or practiced limited social distancing. Herd immunity was responsible for the decline of cases and the rapid downward curve. New evidence as suggested by Governor Cuomo of New York is saying the majority of new cases is from people who stayed at home prolonging the epidemic. →

Read more via OpDis

(Video Documentary) The 5G Trojan Horse: What You’re Not Being Told — Waking Times – February 22, 2020

The 5G Trojan Horse: What You’re Not Being Told

Derrick Broze, The Mind Unleashed
Waking Times

The Conscious Resistance Network Presents: The 5G Trojan Horse (Documentary)

This 96 minute documentary exposes the truth behind the global “Race to 5G.”

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Electromagnetic Spectrum and 5g
Chapter 2: The Concerns Around EMF’s and 5g
Chapter 3: The Big Wireless-5g Takeover
Chapter 4: Solutions

Video (1:36:26) & transcript via — Waking Times

HSBC Whistleblower Interview: World Economy Would Collapse if Banks Stopped Laundering Money — Activist Post – January 24, 2020

By Spiro Skouras

(Activist Post)  Do you ever wonder why the mainstream corporate media always tries to sell the public half truths, if any truth at all? Why the governments seem to only prosecute and jail members of the public and never the CEOs of companies or heads of organizations responsible for the largest and most wicked crimes? →

Read more & video: “Whistleblower Interview: World Economy Would Collapse if Banks Stopped Laundering Money” (26:33) via — Activist Post

Bill Gates Most Likely Knew His Polio Vaccination Will Paralyze Tens of Thousands of Children — Era of Light – October 5, 2019

the truth must be told eraoflightdotcom

(Era of Light)  At least he certainly OUGHT to have known that oral polio vaccines were discontinued in the U.S. due to their known contribution to vaccine-derived paralysis.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation created the GAVI alliance to push vaccinations on the poorest parts of the developing world in the name of “saving lives” and stopping disease. ➤➤

Read more & video: “Did Bill Gates KNOW Vaccination Push Would Paralyze Children?” (4:52) via Era of Light

Aug. 2018 Child Trafficking, the Vatican and Hollywood Pedophiles (video), Zublick:

Starship Earth: The Big Picture

Credit: Operation Disclosure