Vad din läkare inte berättar för dig – 3 Januari, 2020


(  I en serie artiklar ska jag nu fokusera på sambandet mellan vad vi äter, dricker och hur vi mår och beter oss. Det finns en hel del forskning på området men den brukar sällan eller aldrig nå aldrig medierna eller den stora allmänheten. I varje artikel ska jag beta av ett ämne och visa på konsekvenserna som kan följa på att vi konsumerar sådant som i själva verket är rena rama giftet. →

Del 1: FLUOR – Del 2: ASPARTAM – Del 3: GLUTAMAT

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Kids in DANGER: The disturbing link between vaccines and joint pain — Natural Health – January 12, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) Arthritis, a broad term used to describe joint pain caused by inflammation, is a leading cause of disability. But, it’s not just an ailment affecting adults and seniors. According to estimates, well over a quarter of a million children are living with juvenile arthritis. This is likely a conservative number to boot, given how broad the condition…Read more

via Kids in DANGER: The disturbing link between vaccines and joint pain — Natural Health 365

A DIY Heavy Metal Detox – Something Mainstream Medicine Will Never Teach You — Collective Evolution – May 5, 2018

In an age where millions of people are flocking to the internet and seminars to discover the latest about health because they feel doctors may not be up to date, The Medical Medium stands out as a popular go to for many. With a radio show on Hay House, Anthony William draws from his astounding…Read more

via A DIY Heavy Metal Detox – Something Mainstream Medicine Will Never Teach You — Collective Evolution

Using Orthomolecular Therapy To Treat HPV Vaccine Injured Girls — March 29, 2018

There are now over 84,000 adverse events recorded on the World Health Organisation’s database following the Gardasil vaccinations. These serious side effects manifest in debilitating symptoms which include headache, dizziness, muscle weakness and pain, nausea, hypersomnia, learning difficulty, impaired writing, photophobia, tremors of arms, feet and fingers, joint pain, irregular menstruation, gait disturbance, memory loss,….Read more

via Using Orthomolecular Therapy To Treat HPV Vaccine Injured Girls — Collective Evolution