The Reason Bad Things Happen ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – November 12, 2019

The Reason Bad Things Happen ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the progress that we see you making, and yet, we are always looking for more ways to help you on your journeys. One of the ways that we have discovered to do that very thing is to lighten your load. If you can let go of the heavy burden that you personally carry, that will free you up for more expansion, more integration, and you will ascend with greater ease and joy. The great responsibility that you feel as an individual comes from past lives that you cross-connect to where you were given a great deal of responsibility, and you saw that the planet, continent, or country that you were in charge of fell in one way or another. →

Read more via The Reason Bad Things Happen ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Arcturian Group Message: Welcome to the New Age — Era of Light – March 11, 2019

Dear readers, welcome to the new age you are creating and have begun to experience. Let go of any concepts about how change must look because this only reflects what is already known.

The massive shift in world consciousness that is taking place will express in ways and ideas that the human collective is not yet aware of. Many resist change simply because they believe it will interfere with what seems to be perfectly fine already, unaware that better expressions of these same things will manifest in their place.

Those who remain focused on self- serving at the expense of others are being exposed and brought to justice. There is more to come and more to be exposed. You are in the midst of it because Light is now penetrating into many previously hidden agendas. The ascension process that began so long ago is beginning to manifest on a global scale.

Read more: Arcturian Group Message: Welcome to the New Age — Era of Light

Saint Germain: I Am Increasing the Flow of the Violet Flame — Era of Light – November 27, 2018

……and intensifying its power and effectiveness, for many of you are going deeper and deeper into the shadows of yourselves and of the human collective. Greetings dearest ones! I AM St. Germaine, I am your beloved brother and friend, I am your family, here and now and forever by your side. I come to share…Read more

via Saint Germain: I Am Increasing the Flow of the Violet Flame — Era of Light

The Council via Ron Head, October 11th, 2018

Answers Ep. VII – The Council

October 11, 2018

Dear Council, I suppose my question is of quite a simple nature. Though, to some it may be a real challenge. I wonder; ‘ why do so many people feel so insecure about certain aspects of themselves? This in turn may vary from small or major bodily features unto something more intangible, not unlike a total absence of self love, seemingly for no reason.’ Is it always related to previous lifetimes or karma, or could there be another, perhaps more profound reason? Should this be a question already asked, please know that I am deeply sorry.

Please, dearest ones, never apologize for having driving curiosity regarding these subjects. We answer these same questions, using different words, differing metaphors, different approaches, all the time. What reaches one may not reach another. And there are always those arriving to be taught who are, in this lifetime, new to the subjects. Also, the one who is reading or hearing something a second or third time is not the same as he or she was when the teaching was first heard. If one keeps this in mind, and remains open, there will always be more to be gained. In one of your spiritual systems that has long been on your planet it is taught “Blessed is he who asks a question.” This is because that person has just prompted a needed teaching, and has caused sacred learning to occur.

Now, your question is very profound in that the answer may have a great many different answers on one level, but one true answer at the core. It is one that, as we have said, we have approached many times.

A lack of self-worth may be triggered by an event or events from earlier in one’s current life. Even if this is the case, it will almost always be the activation of feelings and reactions carried forward from other lifetimes. And even that has, at its core, one very deep seated belief and its attendant feelings. It is, in fact, the basic cause for most of the misery, fear, suffering and unhealthy treatment of self and others in your world. It is the ultimate effect of the greatest lie that you have been taught for thousands of years to believe.

Let us answer the ‘surface’ problems first. You have been carefully taught to compare yourselves to others. He is stronger. She is prettier. They are smarter. It never ends. That inner voice in your head is never going to shut up. It thinks it is in control. It thinks it knows best. It has had its way for a very long time. But here is the truth. It is a liar. Everything that it believes is based upon a false premise that we will explain below. The only one that you need ever compare yourself to is the you that you have been. Everything else is counterproductive.

Individuality is very useful, up to a point. It allows humanity to experience billions of different moments, or aspects of the moment, simultaneously. If you were one consciousness instead of billions of separate ones, it would be amazing.

Here is where the lie was introduced and fostered. You ARE one consciousness. You have the ability to experience separateness, but that state is not real. You are one.

Now… the problem. You also have the ability to experience separateness from the ALL, Creator, God, whatever you wish to call it. Even your own intellect can understand that if IT is All That Is, you cannot possibly be separate from it, nor can anything or anyone else. But you have been taught. You have been taught impossibility. You have been taught shame. You have been taught guilt. And because you have come to believe these things, you suffer from lack of self-worth, depression, anxiety. You even believe, some of you, that to believe in a oneness that includes you is a sin.

Now we can and do tell you, frequently, that you are divine, perfect beings. You may even accept this intellectually. But mental understanding just won’t ‘get it’, as you say. You must look inside, far past your intellect. Find the place where you FEEL truth and lies. Find the place where the thought of your oneness causes an inner kerchunk, the place where you know.

Even if you do this, it will be but a beginning. After all, you have lifetimes to overcome. But learning to live from that place can be done. In fact, we will say that once you know the truth, you cannot unknow it.

And this will be a process. You will know! And then you won’t. And then you will know again, perhaps for longer. And then you won’t. Understand it this way. It will not be that you no longer know, but that you tend to slip back into a lower knowing less and less. Eventually, all of the untruth will be known and released.

Would you care for a bit of good news? Why does this question come up? It comes up now because you, you the collective, are on the verge of remembering. So, when we say you the collective, it will be good for you to include yourselves therein. We have told you over and over that your world, and yourselves, are changing. More and more of you are experiencing that. It is massive. It is wonderful. Make it an intention to be a part of it.

Thank you for your question. Blessings be yours.

There are two published books available on Amazon that contain the collected messages received by Ron Head (that’s me). The first is The Wisdom of Michael, available HERE, and the second is It Rings True, available HERE

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice and link:


Whisperings – September 21, 2018


The whisperings of your past may come to call soon. Dear one, this is not something to be fearful of…it is a gift!  Some of them may bring up feelings of guilt, shame, sadness, anger or disappointment.  The Universe is reminding you that they have been sent, in this moment, for resolution and release.  These quiet echoes remind you of who you used to be, how you have changed and point you to what you will become.  Gratefully accept it as a new way of growing and learning about yourself.  Once that have completely passed from your life, a certain peace and calm will settle.  You have earned it, you deserve it and you are most certainly worth of it. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Monday July 2, 2018


As a continuation of our recent message on shame and guilt, we would like to address another aspect of shame – when others have shamed you, or made you feel guilty or shameful.

Shame and guilt have been aspects people have used to control others for centuries. Shame has been used as a tool to control children and get them to behave in a certain manner. It has been used to keep people small, from stepping into their own authentic power, and from shining their own light beautifully and unabashedly.

Shame and guilt that have been heaped upon children is particularly damaging, for it creates a belief system within them that they are inherently bad or not good enough, which erodes self esteem and self confidence.

To be clear, most instances of the use of guilt and shame as an aspect of control was used as a means to an end, to get an immediate change of behaviour without the full understanding of how damaging it was over the long term. People use guilt and shame thinking that will somehow mold another into a better person, without the full understanding of the long term detrimental effects they have. For many, that was how they were raised and they don’t know any better.

If you have been on the receiving end of guilt and shame from others, the first thing we wish for you to understand is that anyone who has an interest in judging you is simply not qualified to do so. If they had the vantage point to see you in your truth and offer an opinion on that, they would only encourage you and remind you of your own perfection and divinity as an individuated aspect of Source energy.

We understand that the reality of this is that guilt and shame results in deep conditioning to think that you are not good enough. But the good news is you now know better than this. You know, within your heart, that you are a beautiful and honoured part of the whole. You know as a child you were innocent and divine and perfect, exactly as you were. You know, that while it may have come from ignorance, you never deserved that treatment. You know you deserved love, acceptance, and encouragement to grow into everything you could ever be.

But here is the good news. Your wounded inner child or wounded adult self doesn’t care where the love, acceptance, and encouragement comes from, it just cares that it gets what it so desperately needed back then. And you have the wisdom and compassion to go, right now, and give that to your self.

So enter into meditation and gather that hurting you into your arms and cover him or her with kisses, and love, and reassurance, and every last thing you didn’t get. Tell him or her the people that were around you didn’t understand the truth of who you are and simply didn’t know any better (if they had known better, they would have done better). Treat that part of you like the precious being it has always been, and pledge to never let him or her go through that ever again.

Bottom line is, if you called a horse a cow its entire life, it wouldn’t make it less of a horse. It would only affect it if it started to believe it really was a cow, and even then trying to be a cow would not come easily because a part of it would always remember its true essence which was horse. All that would be required to step back into its truth would be another horse to come along and remind it of its true beingness, or the horse finally allowing itself to see its own reflection and believe that reality.

It is never too late to give yourself what you needed. You have grown into a beautiful, caring, loving soul in spite of all you have been through. If that isn’t enough to celebrate who you are and embrace your glorious truth, we don’t know what is. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Source: Trinity Esoterics

Daily Message ~ Saturday June 30, 2018


We were recently asked how to move out of guilt and shame. We wish to address this today.

Guilt and shame are energies that come from being in profound resistance to yourself or a choice you have made. They indicate that from your current perspective you wish that you could be, or could have been better. The problem is, because guilt and shame are such low vibrating energies, they make it difficult to shift into the higher expression of self you wish to embody.

If you are feeling guilt or shame from actions or choices in the past, it indicates that you have had an experience that is not how you wish to express yourself. This is wonderful news! You have learned and wish to redefine yourself. This experience has led to your expansion, and can, if you allow it to, help you show up in in a new, improved version of self. But you cannot find that new version of self while sitting in guilt and shame. You must use it as a springboard to move you up and out of that energy into a better match to who you really are and how you wish to express yourself from your new wiser vantage point.

If you experience guilt or shame by thinking that you are not good enough due to regret over previous actions, we ask you what advice you would give another who had done a similar thing. Would you forgive them? Would you tell them what matters is that they have learned and will make different choices moving forward? Would you want to continue to punish them if they had genuine remorse? Or would you want to encourage them to move forward by forgiving themselves and being more mindful? Of course you would! We urge you to give yourself the same compassion and guidance as you would give so lovingly to another.

It can be helpful to explore what needs you had that weren’t met that led to you making the choices you did. Are those needs being met now? If not, step up as your own guide, parent, and best friend and start meeting them for yourself with your own love, support, empathy, and compassion. As you create the safe space that acknowledges and addresses those needs, you heal the aspects of yourself that were driving that behaviour. They will get the attention they were so desperately seeking from you and will not have a need to act out any longer.

If you experience guilt or shame because you feel like you should be doing more in your life, we suggest you surrender into being of your highest service, or having your highest life expression and then trust what unfolds for you and what is supported. Surrender always takes the guess work out of things.

Your essence is good. You are divine. You are perfectly imperfect. You will make mistakes but if you take the lesson and use it to mold you into a better, more satisfactory, more aligned version of self, those experiences will serve you well. You get to redefine yourself, and re-express yourself in each Now moment.

Dear Ones, you simply cannot berate yourself or punish yourself into enlightenment. You cannot thrive and be in resistance to yourself at the same time. You must find your way into acceptance by forging forward, guiding yourself with your own love, compassion, and wisdom. Give your regrets purpose by allowing them to serve your evolution and through that newfound knowingness, shine your true nature even brighter today. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies videos that Raise Your Vibration — Wake Up World – June 23rd, 2018

June 23rd, 2018 By Mateo Sol Guest writer for Wake Up World Sound is one of the purest forms of energy in existence. Sound inspires us, uplifts us, helps us to communicate, express ourselves, and even heal at a deep level. Have you ever stopped to consider how amazing it is that everything around you is fundamentally composed of energy that….Read more & Solfeggio Frequencies Videos

via 6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies that Raise Your Vibration — Wake Up World