By Nyla Nguyen3D to 5DConsciousness | First published at 23:58 UTC on December 27th, 2020.

Zoom video conferencing has connections with China. It’s not safe to use the video conferencing platform. New York is fighting back against Andrew Cuomo lockdown restrictions and is winning. CV scam virus has not been isolated, more evidence being shown this is a massive fraud committed against humanity. Trump vetoed National Defence bill. There is hope in Wisconsin as judge over turned 200,000 illegimate votes for Biden. Nashville attack has to do with Deep State attacking the internet infrastructure providing internet services for the White Hats. I’m giving updates on the great conjunction update. I’m also exposing traitors that are close to the POTUS.

Video(50:08): https://www.bitchute.com/video/LgYkjrsvkwsf/

Straight from the Heart via Valerie Donner | March 4, 2020 — Voyages of Light

Straight from the Heart

March 4, 2020

Dear Ground Crew:

The following is a message from Apollo on March 3, 2020: “The time for comfort has come for life has been suffering too much for too long. The long-lived legacy the of the dark forces is about to be erased from the earth. Humanity will be able to take a massive deep breath and breathe freely. The time for celebration is near. You will be free from evil, corruption, fear, greed, power over others, service to self, and all wrongdoing. The light prevails. There is going to be a complete exposure of the dark ones. The light will shine through and you will live wonderful lives. What has been created in heaven will be created on earth.” →

Read more via Straight from the Heart via Valerie Donner | March 4, 2020 — Voyages of Light

Matthew’s Message via Suzanne Ward | February 11, 2020 — Voyages of Light

(Voyages of Light)

February 11, 2020

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We express our profound gratitude to the lightworker who was our message group’s dedicated moderator for 12 years and to the owner and technical staff who offered their company’s service when Yahoo stopped hosting groups. My mother thinks of all these dear souls as “angels on Earth”—they are indeed!

Let us now speak about quite a different matter, concern about the coronavirus. This laboratory-designed virus is more potent than its predecessors—avian flu, swine flu, N1H1 and SARS—but it will be no more successful than they were in causing a global pandemic. →

Read more via Matthew’s Message via Suzanne Ward | February 11, 2020 — Voyages of Light

Matthew Ward via Suzy Ward | August 18, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Suzy Ward – Channeling Matthew Ward – August 18, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have had lifetimes on Earth or other worlds in foment and we know how difficult it is to see souls enduring extreme hardships and not feel sadness, distress and perhaps anger about the circumstances causing those. It is very difficult to keep in mind that most of them chose the experiences to complete third density karmic lessons so they can advance to fourth density spiritually and consciously.

Read more via Matthew Ward via Suzy Ward | August 18, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Channeled messages – Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward – Golden Age of Gaia – June 5, 2019

Matthew Ward on the Risks of Vaccination

In late 2018, Matthew Ward warned us at length about the dangers of vaccine. I’d like to look here at the matter of pandemics, toxic vaccines, and Big Pharma. Notice the intervention of our star family in this matter, as in many others: “Extraterrestrial special forces scientists are neutralizing to the extent possible the toxins [Read more]


Matthew’s Message via Suzy Ward, August 12, 2014 (Repost)



What Can Our Star Family Do and Not Do for Us? – Golden Age of Gaia – Maj 27, 2019


Again, I’d like to use the news-sheet format in order to produce as much literature as possible in the shortest possible time frame.

Matthew Ward on What Our Star Family Can and Cannot Do for Us

“You said other civilizations are helping us. I don’t see how. They haven’t gotten rid of Big Pharma, Big Oil, Big Bank, Big Brother and the rest of the evil Bigs.”

Read more

Matthew Ward’s Message: Civilization’s Evolution — Era of Light – April 14, 2019

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We have been asked if there is one particular aspect of life on Earth that lightworkers can focus on and speed the civilization’s evolution. For untold ages civilizations on the planet were devolving due to their inhumane treatment of each other and the animals. Therefore, that behavior’s opposite—love, kindness and respect for all life—must be the pathway to a civilization’s evolution.

Read more via Matthew Ward’s Message: Civilization’s Evolution — Era of Light

Matthew Ward: — Era of Light – Aug 18, 2018

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Most of your questions and comments are about the private meeting between the president of the United States, Donald Trump, and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin, so let us begin with this. The meeting had to be private, with only their translators in attendance,….Read more

via Matthew Ward: — Era of Light

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – June 16, 2017

Ascension is assured and the time line is strong enough to carry it forward to completion. The year 2024 continues to be the one when it is planned to take place, although if reasons come up that necessitate a change,…Read more

via Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 16 June 2017 — Sananda