NEWS for diabetics: Common mineral LOWERS insulin resistance and improves blood sugar control — Natural Health 365 – February 8, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) A stunning 100 million Americans currently have diabetes or prediabetes – elevated blood sugar that can progress to diabetes if unchecked.  But, thankfully, we have some great news – especially for diabetics.

Many natural health experts believe that widespread deficiencies of an essential mineral – magnesium – are driving the skyrocketing national rates of diabetes.  In fact, even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) warns that ‘diabetes is frequently associated with a magnesium deficiency.’

The fact is, almost half of all Americans are low in magnesium (and, for seniors, the picture is even bleaker – 80 percent of adults over age 70 are deficient).  If you think you may be deficient in magnesium, keep reading to discover how restoring healthy levels – whether accomplished by increasing dietary intake, or taking magnesium supplements – can benefit you……Read more

via NEWS for diabetics: Common mineral LOWERS insulin resistance and improves blood sugar control — Natural Health 365

The Unheralded Strawberry; Health Benefits Finally Getting Attention — Era of Light – June 26, 2018

It’s strawberry season! Long touted for their taste, strawberries have drawn little attention for their health benefits While berries get a lot of attention for their health benefits, most of the spotlight goes to berries like blueberries and cranberries. We rarely hear about the health benefits of strawberries (which are not, technically speaking, a berry). But, that’s….Read more

via The Unheralded Strawberry; Health Benefits Finally Getting Attention — Era of Light