The Great Reset Vs. The Great Awakening – The Grand Battle Taking Place Right Now For The Future Of America And The Free World | HAF

The Great Reset Vs. The Great Awakening

HAF – November 20, 2020 | Source:

Trump’s legal team — consisting of Rudy Giuliani, Joe Digenova, Sidney Powell and others — held a very hard-hitting press conference today in which they laid out Trump’s clear path to victory in the courts.

That full press conference is currently in the process of being posted to, and our transcription team is working on a full transcription of the entire event, which was over two hours in duration.

Some of the bombshell highlights from this conference include:

Read more, video & podcast:

(Video) Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley: Prophecies Fulfilled! (6/21)

Source: David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL)

Join David and Dannion in an invigorating journey through the rabbit hole–where the events of today were precisely predicted many years in advance. Join us for the new course:

What does it mean when we start learning the truth, and discover that we are not alone in the universe? What did the president really mean when Roswell was discussed with his son, and he claimed to know a lot more than we are being told? Where is all of this taking us as individuals and a collective society? Go on, we dare you… step right up and see how the Prophecies have been Fulfilled!


Must watch, highly recommended video/TheLightHasWon

New Q Drops: Presidency — Era of Light – May 10, 2020

free world news 2 eraoflightdotcom

(Era of Light)

From Sierra NZ,

New Q drops indicate how tightly the net is closing around Obama… ⇲

Read more via New Q Drops: Presidency — Era of Light

Congress Now Funding ‘Controversial’ Geoengineering ‘Plan B’ to Spray Particles in the Sky to Cool Earth — Waking Times – February 1, 2020

detox chemtrail

Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
Waking Times

It was reported this month that the top climate change scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has received $4 million in funding from Congress along with permission to study two highly controversial geoengineering methods in an attempt to cool the Earth. According to Science Magazine, David Fahey, director of the Chemical Sciences Division of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory, told his staff last week that the federal government is ready to examine the science behind “geoengineering”—or what he dubbed a “Plan B” for climate change.

What could possibly go wrong? →

Read more & video: “A Conversation With John O. Brennan” (1:01:27)  “via — Waking Times


More Information about Chemtrails/Climate GeoEngineering:

Russia to Impeachment One Big Coup – Kevin Shipp — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog – November 21, 2019

Kevin Shipp

By Greg Hunter’s 

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says from the Russia collusion delusion to the sham impeachment, it’s all really just one big Deep State coup. At the center of the coup is billionaire George Soros, who hates American sovereignty and “America First” President Donald Trump. Shipp explains, “Soros has been funding attempts to overturn a U.S. election and remove a President of the United States. →

Read more & video: “Democrats Desperate to Cover Up Their Crimes – Kevin Shipp” (30:27) via — Greg Hunter’s

(Video) Dave Janda — Trump’s “Hammer Time” for Obama, Brennan, and Clapper – January 16, 2019

Published on Jan 15, 2019

The spotlight off this Operation Freedom Briefing focuses on the illegal surveillance conducted by Obama, Brennan & Clapper of President Trump, his team, Judges & Millions of Americans. Additional content available at

Operation Freedom

Operation Disclosure

Deep State talking heads on TV are the real American traitors, not Trump – watch at — – Aug 1, 2018

(Natural News) During a recent episode of the SGT Report, which aired at, host Sean Turnbull discussed some very important matters relating to the Left’s ongoing witch hunt against President Trump, as well as the true culprits who are trying to take down America: the communist, Marxist Democrats. Speaking with Lynette Zang from ITM….Read more & video

via Deep State talking heads on TV are the real American traitors, not Trump – watch at —