Dr. Robert Malone calls out CDC for “scientific fraud and criminal activity” | NaturalNews.com

Tuesday, March 08, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is guilty of serious crimes against humanity that have resulted in untold harms and deaths, said Dr. Robert Malone.

In a recent interview with the New American – you can watch a segment of it below – Malone hit the CDC hard for manipulating and withholding data throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic, which led to millions of people getting injured or killed.

Read more: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-03-08-malone-cdc-scientific-fraud-criminal-activity.html

Trump Staffer Breaks Media Silence: Garrett Ziegler Exposes Biden Crime Family | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show – Published September 24, 2021

Read more & video(24:33): https://rumble.com/vmxb41-trump-staffer-breaks-media-silence-garrett-ziegler-exposes-biden-crime-fami.html

Nine Chinese nationals in America charged as being illegal agents of People’s Republic, part of bigger plot | Law Enforcement Today

By: Pat Droney|

BROOKLYN, NY- A federal jury in Brooklyn, NY has indicted nine people charging them with acting as illegal agents of the People’s Republic of China.The nine are accused of conspiring to stalk and harass a couple living in the United States and coercing them to return to China where they were subject to criminal charges.

Two of the defendants have also been charged with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice as part of the campaign called “Operation Fox Hunt.

Read more: https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/nine-chinese-nationals-in-america-charged-as-being-illegal-agents-of-peoples-republic-part-of-bigger-plot/

VIDEOS : Stew Peters Show | Real News

By Stew Peters Show – July 19, 2021

Del Bigtree Exposes Deep State Tactics of Propaganda and Overwhelming Disinformation

Video(18:56): https://rumble.com/vk2cxa-del-bigtree-exposes-deep-state-tactics-of-propaganda-and-overwhelming-disin.html

EXCLUSIVE! Dr. David Martin Just Ended COVID, Fauci, DOJ, Politicians in ONE INTERVIEW.

Video(52:19): https://rumble.com/vk2bya-exclusive-dr.-david-martin-just-ended-covid-fauci-doj-politicians-in-one-in.html

BREAKING! Massive Cover-Up! 45,000 DEAD, Booster Plan EXPOSED!

Video(9:57): https://rumble.com/vk26qv-breaking-massive-cover-up-45000-dead-booster-plan-exposed.html

Woman on Ventilator Clinging to Life, Doctors REFUSING Treatment, Violating Judge’s Order

Video(23:27): https://rumble.com/vk266s-woman-on-ventilator-clinging-to-life-doctors-refusing-treatment-violating-j.html


Alternative News | Humans Are Free – June 7-8, 2020

Defund Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Is Now Being REWARDED Cash For Killing Babies

A federal jury in San Francisco has convicted the pro-life group Center for Medical Progress (CMP), along with its president, David Daleiden, of having violated a slew of state and federal laws when it secretly filmed Planned Parenthood employees admitting on camera to illegally harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for fast cash. →

More via HAF


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson Surrendering To Bill Gates And The Vaccine Cartel, Gavi, Hailed By Him As The New Nato

British Prime Minister Surrenders To Gates And The Vaccine Cartel

This is the moment of national humiliation that we somehow did not see on our television sets last night:

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson surrendering to Bill Gates and the vaccine cartel, GAVI, hailed by him as the new NATO – while he speaks from a nation on its knees like Vichy France. →

More via HAF


(Videos) How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health And His Plan To Vaccinate The World

Part One: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health

Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert?

This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. →

Read more & videos part 1-4 via HAF


Ny Attorney Bomber Xrvision

AI Software: 98% Confirmation New York Molotov Cocktail Throwing Lawyer Was Urooj Rahman

Attorneys Colinford Mattis and Urooj Rahman were arrested for tossing Molotov cocktails at a police vehicle.

Today we can provide 98% confirmation that it was Urooj Rahman behind the mask throwing the destructive cocktail.

Colinford Mattis works as a Corporate Associate at Pryor Cashman LLP | He’s a Problem Solver by Nature and a Lawyer by Training. →

More via HAF


3 Major Stories Went Virtually Unreported While Your TV Was Filled With Riots & Looting

The following 3 major stories went virtually unreported by the mainstream media, while they obsessed over riots and looting:


Hillary Clinton went to court and lost her case regarding the missing emails and will be forced to testify in September. →

More & videos via HAF


Minneapolis Mayor Frey Asks For Government Handout After He Allowed His City To Be Looted And Burned By Leftist Mob For Days

Minneapolis Mayor Frey Asks For Government Handout After He Allowed His City To Be Looted And Burned By Leftist Mob For Days

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey wept on Friday for nearly a minute at George Floyd’s casket.

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey (D) lashed out at President Trump in an overnight press conference last week while his city was burning in the split-screen.

Frey later admitted to reporters that it was his decision for police officers to abandon the 3rd Precinct police station that was taken over by protesters who looted and torched. →

More via HAF


Humans Are Free






SOTN: How the “Conspiracy Theory” meme is being used to cover up OPERATION COVID-19 & advance COVID-1984 – May 28, 2020

The C.I.A. created the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ meme
to shut down the Truth Movement
in anticipation of the
COVID-1984 era

State of the Nation

May 27, 2020

The truth is that everything is a conspiracy—EVERYTHING ! ! !

You’d be hard-pressed to find anything on the front page of the New York Times and Washington Post, or on CNN and MSNBC, that’s not a conspiracy.

Not only were the state-sponsored, false flag terror attacks on 9/11 one of the biggest conspiracies ever, because the culprits were never apprehended, prosecuted and incarcerated, the very same perps did OPERATION COVID-19.

How’s that for a very bonafide conspiracy?  Now for a quick reality check. →

Read more via State of the Nation

The Laundry List for All Trump Haters | May 26, 2020

By Anna Von Reitz | Paul Stramer

May 26, 2020

Last night on my weekly Zoom Conference I had the temerity to suggest (against all the collective “wisdom” of the Mainstream News) that President Trump is doing his job. I suppose I could have belabored the point a bit and gone into details for all the liberal cat-callers in the back row, but I had a lot of other material to cover and let it slide until this morning, when, lo and behold — look at what landed in my box?

The Laundry List of what DJT did for you and me and the world this past week —just in case you are one of the countless people who need to know and will never hear it from the Idiot Box: →

Read more via Paul Stramer

Credit: OpDis

Flynn Free, HCQ MSM Lies, Economy Trouble — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog – May 8, 2020

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (WNW 430 5.8.2020)

General Michael Flynn is a free man after the DOJ dropped all charges against President Trump’s former National Security Advisor. New documents released recently showed a conspiracy to frame the 33 year war hero. It was all part of a plot by the Obama Administration, FBI, DOJ and CIA to try to remove President Trump from office. It is an elaborate coup attempt that failed and is looking like the case for indictments for conspiracy and sedition for many people may be coming from AG Barr and his prosecutor John Durham. This certainly will factor into the ongoing criminal investigation into the obvious criminal activity. →

Read more & video: “Greg Hunter – Weekly News Wrap-Up 5.8.2020” (34:09) via — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Dark Web Child Porn Bust Leads To 338 Arrests Worldwide — Era of Light – October 17, 2019

moving forward with the truth eraoflightdotcom

Law enforcement officials said on Wednesday they had arrested hundreds of people worldwide after knocking out a South Korea-based dark web child pornography site that sold gruesome videos for digital cash. ➤➤

Read more via Dark Web Child Porn Bust Leads To 338 Arrests Worldwide — Era of Light

James Gilliland: Socialism for Dummies & News — Era of Light – March 5, 2019

What is sad is high schools and universities have been infiltrated with teachers touting socialism as the cure for whatever ails society without acknowledging the historic effects. Socialism is where you centralize all the power and wealth with a few government officials who will decide your future.

Read more: James Gilliland: Socialism for Dummies & News — Era of Light