Opposing Iran War Doesn’t Make You Conservative or Liberal, It Makes You Smart — The Free Thought Project – January 8, 2020


(The Free Thought Project)  Despite the establishment telling Americans otherwise, the United States is marching directly into a major conflict with Iran that could have catastrophic implications. The two-party paradigm’s grip on Trump supporters has them shifting from previously supporting Trump’s anti-intervention stance on which he campaigned, into full on support for a senseless and dangerous war. This is the exact same scenario that unfolded with Obama when he turned the antiwar Left into pro-war interventionists. If you stand against this escalation, according to the establishment, you are anti-America. But in reality, you’re just smart. →

Read more via Opposing Iran War Doesn’t Make You Conservative or Liberal, It Makes You Smart — The Free Thought Project

Keli The Koala Made A Remarkable Recovery After His Near-Death Experience During The Australian Bushfires — Collective Evolution – January 8, 2020



The Facts:

Keli was found in the bushfires near death, but made a remarkable recovery, one of many Koala’s who have. He was found at 275g and was also suffering from a dangerous fungal infection. He was taken in by an animal hospital and nursed back to health.

Reflect On:

Despite the fact that what is happening is heart-breaking, it’s important to remember what makes us special in a time of great need. Our empathy, our compassion, our love and our desire to change the world and stop disasters.

What’s happening in Australia right now is truly heart-breaking to say the least. Millions of hectares of land have been completely destroyed by the bushfires, and an estimated 1 billion animals have lost their lives. It’s one of the greatest tragedies our planet has ever seen, and events like this seem to be happening more frequently within the past ten years than ever before. Many animals have been left orphaned and without homes.

Read more via Keli The Koala Made A Remarkable Recovery After His Near-Death Experience During The Australian Bushfires — Collective Evolution

Iranians Flood Twitter With Photos of Favorite Cultural Sites as US Threatens Destruction – Collective-Evolution – January 8, 2020



The Facts:

Iranians responded to U.S. President Donald Trump’s to strike sites “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” with an outpouring of photos highlighting their favorite mosques, museums, monuments, and other stunning architecture.

Reflect On:

The reasons used to justify war are often lies, and propaganda is used, in many forms, to justify military action in the minds of the masses. People are waking up, but how much longer will this continue. 

Iranians responded to U.S. President Donald Trump’s to strike sites “important to Iran and the Iranian culture” with an outpouring of photos highlighting their favorite mosques, museums, monuments, and other stunning architecture.Using the hashtag #IranianCulturalSites, Iranians flooded Twitter with hundreds of photos of locations and structures filled with personal and historical significance.

Read more & photos via Collective-Evolution.com

Set The Tone… — The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley – January 8, 2020

Over the next few weeks, how you choose to respond to your inner and outer worlds will set the tone for what you experience.  You have always been given a choice! (Smiling) Your Earth plane is moving through some interesting times…hang in there and keep shining your light.  It is what your world needs most right now. ~ Creator

Source: The Creator Writings

Straight from the Heart from Valerie Donner | January 7, 2020 — Voyages of Light

(Voyages of Light)

Straight from the Heart

January 7, 2020

Dear Ground Crew:

Here is the message from Apollo, January 3, 2020:

“Your notoriety as a planet will become even greater as you finally conquer the forces of evil. You are in this process now and we are completely with you. All of the plans are being activated now. If you breathe deeply you can begin to feel the changes. Focus on what heaven on earth will feel like and breathe in truth and the light. There is no escape for the dark ones. Their time is over. Expect to see them acting out through anger but turn your backs to them. They no longer have a stronghold on you. You are in a new day and a new era. Your true purpose in life will be revealed. Stand tall and courageous because you are the brave hearts of creation just for being on the earth at this time. Feel the joy and celebrations that are coming and be pleased with yourselves for all of your hard work.” →

Read more via Straight from the Heart from Valerie Donner | January 7, 2020 — Voyages of Light

The Universe, Your Spirit Guides & Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – January 7, 2020

The Universe, Your Spirit Guides & Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been doing our part to encourage you to seek within yourselves what you must know, intellectually, is within you. We have told you time and time again that you are Source Energy Beings, that you are all-that-is, and that all dimensions and vibrations exist within you. We will continue to point you towards that truth, and we will not be alone in this endeavor. Your guides, your higher self, and the entire universe will always be co-conspiring to get you to go within to find something that you’ve been seeking outside of yourself, in some cases, for your entire lives. →

Read more via The Universe, Your Spirit Guides & Higher Self ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

The Multi-Billion Sickness Industry — The Final Wakeup Call – January 7, 2020

People are not aware how subtly their lives have been influenced

The Pharmaceutical human ills market

Preventive health care is prohibited

Source(The Final Wakeup Call)

No Healthcare but Sickness is the aim

Health care is a pathological lie, there never has been the intention to cure people from illnesses, since health care has been confiscated by Rockefeller’s Big Pharma industry. It has been initiated by John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) who found competition a sin and was a plain proponent of monopoly, away from the free market. As he explained; competition comes at the expense of excessive profits. So the Rockefellers began to buy up all rivals in their industries, who either were incorporated as partners or as shareholders. Those who did not want to participate were crushed. So they became the monopolist and repeated that in industries as well, like; Banking and Finance Institutions, Energy, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Healthcare, Food Processing, Media, Arms Trade and Production, Information Technology, Education, and a few more. →

Read more via The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Die milliardenschwere Krankheitsindustrie

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Deutsch: Die milliardenschwere Krankheitsindustrie

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Vad du inte visste om 9/11 — VAKEN.se – 8 Januari, 2020


(VAKEN.se)  Bushregeringen hade lagt upp planerna för en invasion av Irak redan i januari 2001 och i juli samma år så var planerna på ett anfall på Afghanistan redan i full gång. Attackerna elfte september 2001 utgjorde bara ursäkten.
I den här artikeln ska jag presentera bevis för att USA:s krig mot Irak, Afghanistan och den så kallade ”terrorn” var planerade långt före attacken elfte september 2001. →

Läs mera & videos: “Sibel Edmonds Bin Laden Worked for U.S. Right Up Until 9/11 PT1” (9:56) & “Dr. Robert Bowman: the impossibility of the official government story” (5:38) via — VAKEN.se

(Video) X22 Report: Episode 2064 — Trump & The Patriots Now Pivot To The EU, Iran and Kenya Come Into Focus – January 7, 2020

Source(X22 Report)

Report date: 01.07.2020

France Gives Warning, Trump & The Patriots Now Pivot To The EU- Episode 2064a

Trump and the patriots have been setting up a new transitional economy, Trump started with removing the globalist trade deals, then creating new trade deals. Trump removed taxes and regulations. The deals are set, the USMCA is ready to be signed, the China phase 1 deal is ready to be signed and now Trump and the patriots pivot to the EU.


Iran and Kenya Come Into Focus, Marker Set – Episode 2064b

The [DS] is now struggling to maintain the narrative, the fake impeachment is falling apart very quickly, the House does not control the Senate and cannot dictate to the Senate the rules they want. The DOJ is now moving forward with the case against Flynn, this will fail, watch what happens next.  Trump has now focused in on Iran and Kenya at the same time, marker has been set.


Website(X22 Report)

Mira of the Pleiades: Earth Ascending — Era of Light – January 8, 2020

mira of the pleiades eraoflightdotcom

(Era of Light)  Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you today with matters of importance. As a part of the Earth Council, I am privy to what is occurring on the earth, much more than some other parts of my team. Humanity and the earth are being lambasted by the dark forces due to their fear of losing power. They are attempting to instill and paralyze humanity. This is particularly originating in the Middle East. The United States, being the power that it is, is a focal point and a trigger of this fear.

Read more via Mira of the Pleiades: Earth Ascending — Era of Light