VIDEO X 2: X22 Report 2763a — [CB] Just Admitted It, They Lost Control, Globalization Will Cease To Exist || Trump Sends The Message, It’s Time, Define Renegade

By X22 Report – Published April 29, 2022

Ep. 2763a – [CB] Just Admitted It, They Lost Control, Globalization Will Cease To Exist

The people around the world see the inflation, the [CB] cannot hide it anymore. Trump is proven right again, Germany is being controlled by Russia. If sanctions work how come Russia economy is expanding and the US is contracting. The [CB] says the quiet part out-loud, globalization is coming to an end.


Ep. 2763b – Trump Sends The Message, It’s Time, Define Renegade

The [DS] is throwing everything they have against the wall but it’s not sticking. They are in panic mode, you don’t try to stop disinformation if you are in control. Trump is back on social, he made his first truth, the message is clear it is time. Trump also released a statement pointing the finger at [BO]. The offensive has begun, the treasonous crimes will be revealed and the [DS] will not be able to stop it.


All source links to the report can be found on the site.


Dr Charlie Ward | First published at 00:05 UTC on January 12th, 2021.


Dr Charlie Ward website:

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By SGT Report – November 13, 2020

Mitch Feierstein, author of Planet Ponzi joins me to discuss the coup attempt against President Donald J. Trump, the plan for a horrific “Great Reset” and the resulting dystopian nightmare it will mean for every human being on earth.


Klaus Schwab: “Technocratic Dictatorial Rule By A Tiny Elite” | Activist Post

Activist Post – November 11, 2020

Writers, journalists and analysts are dancing around the fact that Technocracy has been the plan of the global elite for a very long time. It didn’t just start. It wasn’t by random chance or just the “luck of the draw.”

Modern globalization started with the formation of the Trilateral Commission in 1973, founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski promoted Technocracy through what he called the “Technetronic Era”. They fed this to the United Nations, the global corporate world and especially to emerging nation-states such as China.

Read more: Klaus Schwab: “Technocratic Dictatorial Rule By A Tiny Elite” — Activist Post

The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements | Activist Post – July 21, 2020

Activist Post | By Patrick Wood

Although written by Patrick Wood in 2005, nothing has changed to the historical fact of the Bank for International Settlements. It has nefarious roots and is the tap-root of modern globalization.

Today, the BIS is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless. It is readily apparent that it has not lost its power and influence over the decades. For anyone wanting to understand how the world really works, this is a must-read paper. ⁃ TN Editor

Created at Bretton Woods in 1944, the World Bank has been dominated by international bankers, members of the Council on Foreign Relations and later by the  Trilateral Commission. Corruption and self-interest run amok as public funds are converted into private hands by the billions. →

Read more via The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements — Activist Post

(Video) How The “Great Reset” Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To “Reimagine” Humanity | Activist Post – July 13, 2020

Activist Post | By Spiro Skouras

As we find ourselves in this new normal, we have seen longstanding agendas, which have remained behind the scenes, hidden away from the public, now being offered as solutions justified by this crisis.

The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the “4th Industrial Revolution” are perfect examples of prepackaged “solutions” being rolled out to save us from ourselves. Today we will dive deeper into this agenda and also focus on how it may reshape our lives if the technocrats have their way. →

Read more & video | Spiro Skouras: “How The ‘Great Reset’ Is Targeting Our Children & Plans To ‘Reimagine’ Humanity” (31:25) via — Activist Post

FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide | State of the Nation – May 13, 2020


COVID-1984 Co-Conspirator
Black Nobility Cabalist
Big Pharma’s Inside Man
Medical Mafia Godfather
Manchurian Candidate
Globalist Fearmonger
Democrat Operative
Agent of Deep State
C.I.A. Drug Dealer
NIH Corruptocrat
British Intel Asset
Cultural Marxist
Physician Fraud
NIAID Grifter
Jesuit Pawn

The Medical Mafia Don contemplates his next hit.

State of the Nation

May 11, 2020

Special Note: If the following exposé is to be properly understood,
this previously published investigative report is required reading:
COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility.


It doesn’t get any bigger that FAUCIgate.

How so?

Just look at what this capo di tutti i capi of the Medical Mafia — Dr. Anthony Fauci — has gotten away with since the beginning of this manufactured coronavirus pandemic and meticulously staged panic. →

Read more via State of the Nation

Pope Francis Preached A ‘Universal Basic Income’ To Spread ‘Benefits Of Globalization’ On Easter Sunday — Humans Are Free – April 17, 2020

(Humans Are Free)

If you think that someone who calls themselves ‘holy father’ and the ‘vicar of christ’ would be excited to preach about Jesus on Easter morning, you’d be wrong.

“This may be the time to consider a universal basic wage which would acknowledge and dignify the noble, essential tasks you carry out,” pope Francis wrote. →

Read more & videos via Pope Francis Preached A ‘Universal Basic Income’ To Spread ‘Benefits Of Globalization’ On Easter Sunday — Humans Are Free

Mainstream Media: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Fury — Humans Are Free – January 13, 2020

Mainstream Media Is Fake Enws

(Humans Are Free)  It’s been said that only a handful of people own all the money in the world. Many refuse to believe this, but in reality, there are only about six people / corporations that own the ten big media.

If given much consideration, one can discern that the power of the news rests with these head-haunchos who determine what we should be told, how, by whom, and when, and certainly what slant or outright untruths and disinformation should be passed on to us.

I find it amazing that educated people today still trust in the media for the truth, and even worse, have no concept of the media’s hidden agenda for a one-world government, and how they have made us fodder for it all, and how fallow we are about what really is happening. →

Read more via Humans Are Free

All Lies About Global Warming DEBUNKED in One Article — Humans Are Free – November 21, 2018

Everything you’ve been told about global warming, climate change and carbon dioxide by the mainstream media — and mainstream “science” — is an outright lie. Far from being a dangerous poison, carbon dioxide is a miraculous life-giving nutrient that plants need to thrive. Rising carbon dioxide is actually helping “green” the planet, as any legitimate…..Read more & video with Mike Adams “Global Warming Temperature Data Exposed as Systematic Science FRAUD”

via All Lies About Global Warming DEBUNKED in One Article — Humans Are Free