Worse than junk food? Studies show farmed salmon among most toxic foods on planet | NaturalHealth365

by: Karen Sanders, staff writer | March 6, 2022


(NaturalHealth365)  When you think of clean eating, chances are salmon immediately springs to mind.  It is the poster child of brain-friendly, heart-healthy fare, advertised on cooking shows and in medical journals as a panacea for the ills of the modern age.  And yet, not all salmon are created equal.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/farmed-salmon-worse-than-junk-food-3570.html

Ex Monsanto Genetic Engineer Warns About Health Concerns of GMO Potatoes — Collective Evolution – June 11, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  According to many, there are multiple health concerns that arise from the genetic engineering of our food. On top of this are multiple massive marketing campaigns to convince the human population that genetically modified food is not only completely safe, but also very necessary to combat issues that threaten the global food supply. Sometimes it’s hard to know what to believe, as problems these days seem to be orchestrated, staged, completely fake, or created in order to be used by the same powers to impose more measures upon the populace. →

Read more via Ex Monsanto Genetic Engineer Warns About Health Concerns of GMO Potatoes — Collective Evolution

The 5G Health Summit Starts Tomorrow (June 1st) – Reserve Your Free Spot Here — Collective Evolution – May 31, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  Some of the world’s leading scientists, doctors and activists are gathering for a free online summit that begins on Monday June 1st and will run for approximately one week. The summit will dive into the health concerns of 5G technology, and why it’s a concern and what people can do about it. The summit is completely free to sign up and watch, and you can do so here. →

Read more via The 5G Health Summit Starts Tomorrow (June 1st) – Reserve Your Free Spot Here — Collective Evolution

“We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe” – Scientific American Blog Post — Collective Evolution – October 29, 2019

(Collective-Evolution)  We’ve published a lot of information and articles about 5G technology, it’s important to keep this type of information flowing and to share it regularly because mainstream media as well as the communications technology industry continue to completely ignore it. Paul Bischoff, a tech journalist and privacy advocate, recently compiled data regarding telecom’s political contributions to influence policies that benefit their industry, it’s quite revealing. But they (the mainstream) cannot ignore the health concerns for much longer, as topics like 5G wireless radiation are going viral across the world. Its implications are already creating protests, doctors are already treating patients for symptoms (here is an example from Switzerland and here is an example from Canada) and a portion of the mainstream is finally catching on. →

Read more via “We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe” – Scientific American Blog Post — Collective Evolution

Devonshire, UK Halts The Installation of 5G Over Serious Health Concerns — Collective Evolution – October 9, 2019

(Collective-Evolution)  Seeking real information and gaining critical awareness is now more important than ever. In a day and age where mainstream media promotes only corporate agendas and our federal health regulatory agencies are completely ignoring a number of real concerns that people are increasingly voicing, it’s time for us to act as a collective. If we continue to grow awareness and present information in a credible way, it will soon be impossible to ignore us and positive change will be the end result. →

Read more via Devonshire, UK Halts The Installation of 5G Over Serious Health Concerns — Collective Evolution

French Court Orders the Removal of Smart Meter for Health Reasons — Era of Light – August 14, 2019

truth at the forefront eraoflightdotcom

A French court has ordered the removal of the controversial Linky electricity smart meters from 13 homes, for medical reasons.

The country’s tribunal de grande instance (TGI or the civil court) of Tours studied the case of 12 plaintiffs against the Linky meters. The court denied 108 of the claims and accepted the remaining 13. The court recognized a probable link between their medical complaints and their Linky smart meters. ➤➤

Read more & video: “My FB Live with Nick Pineault about 5G and EMF Danger” (1:20:58) via French Court Orders the Removal of Smart Meter for Health Reasons — Era of Light

Major City Blocking 5G Cell Towers Over Concerns They Can Cause Cancer — The Free Thought Project – June 29, 2019

By Matt Agorist – June 29, 2019

While smaller cities have effectively blocked 5G technology, San Francisco has thrown its hat into the ring citing health concerns from radiation.

As 5G technology begins to roll out across the country, it is being met by a massive wave of resistance over concerns that it can cause health problems. As we reported last year—reacting to an overwhelming outpouring of concern—the city of Mill Valley, Cali. took an extreme step and blocked the technology from being implemented. Now that sentiment has spread to San Francisco and other major cities.

Read more via Major City Blocking 5G Cell Towers Over Concerns They Can Cause Cancer — The Free Thought Project

British Physicist & Royal Navy Weapons Expert Speaks On 5G Wireless Radiation Health Hazards — Collective Evolution – April 24, 2019


5g is making a lot of noise around the world, but when it comes to this topic within the mainstream, there is absolutely no mention at all of the detrimental health hazards this technology poses to us, and the health hazards wireless radiation in general poses to us. It’s most likely that it’s never brought up because, for one, many people are simply unaware of it, and two, there is an abundance of research clearly showing that there are no safe levels for this type of technology and all it does is wreak havoc on our biology.

Read more & video: “Barrie Trower & Mark Steele on 5G” (1:05:29) via British Physicist & Royal Navy Weapons Expert Speaks On 5G Wireless Radiation Health Hazards — Collective Evolution

“5G: The Most Censored Story Of 2018” – Journalist Masterfully Educates Houston City Council — Collective Evolution – December 15, 2018

The 5G network is new, and it’s being accepted, approved and implemented already without any appropriate safety testing nor discussion with the public. Recent research has revealed that the frequencies utilized in crowd control weapons are the same as the frequencies used in the 5G network, and there is absolutely no question about the fact…Read more & video: “Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council on 5G Tech”

via “5G: The Most Censored Story Of 2018” – Journalist Masterfully Educates Houston City Council — Collective Evolution

UK Primary School Walks Out Over Dangers Associated With WiFi & Cell Tower Radiation — Collective Evolution – September 25, 2018

The process of change is not instant, and it takes demonstrations and awareness groups to eventually bring about change, but how much longer can we wait when it comes to the issue of Cell Phone Tower radiation, and radiation that’s emitted from our favourite handheld gadgets, and WiFi radiation overall? We are coming off of…..Read more

via UK Primary School Walks Out Over Dangers Associated With WiFi & Cell Tower Radiation — Collective Evolution