Planet Earth requires restructuring and new way of thinking | The Final Wakeup Call

The Great Milestone for Humanity is the Year 2022

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – January 8, 2022

Ability is the only limit

If your question is, what is wrong on Earth right now? Is the answer, everything, from food, agriculture, language, education, health, technology, science, sports, money, business, and much more.

To begin with, people must learn to think independently; to act in innovative ways, because most, if not all, of the existing parameters will be obsolete. The meaning and value of money will be totally different from what is usual. Everyone will have enough money to live on. There will be no need to take advantage of others or to steal to buy anything. Skill will be the only limit to one’s ability. Everyone is free, allowed to pursue any hobby, and to work when they wish.

Continue Reading → Planet Earth requires restructuring and new way of thinking — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Planeet Aarde vereist herstructurering en nieuwe wijze van denken

De Grote Mijlpaal voor de Mensheid is het Jaar 2022   Bekwaamheid is de enige limiet Als je vraag is, wat is er mis op Aarde op dit moment? Is het antwoord, alles, van voedsel, landbouw, taal, onderwijs, gezondheid, technologie,…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Der Planet Erde braucht Umstrukturierung und neues Denken

Der große Meilenstein für die Menschheit ist das Jahr 2022   Kompetenz ist die einzige Grenze Wenn Ihre Frage lautet: Was läuft auf der Erde gerade schief? Ist die Antwort, alles, von Ernährung, Landwirtschaft, Sprache, Bildung, Gesundheit, Technologie, Wissenschaft, Sport,…Continue Reading

Français: La planète Terre a besoin d’une restructuration et d’une nouvelle réflexion

La grande étape de l’humanité est l’année 2022   La compétence est la seule limite Si votre question est, qu’est-ce qui ne va pas sur Terre en ce moment ? C’est la réponse à tout, qu’il s’agisse de l’alimentation, de…Continue Reading

Español: El planeta Tierra requiere una reestructuración y una nueva forma de pensar

El gran hito para la humanidad es el año 2022     La competencia es el único límite Si su pregunta es, ¿qué está mal en la Tierra ahora mismo? Es la respuesta, todo, desde la alimentación, la agricultura, el…Continue Reading

Italiano: Il pianeta Terra richiede una ristrutturazione e un nuovo modo di pensare

La grande pietra miliare per l’umanità è l’anno 2022     La capacità è l’unico limite Se la vostra domanda è: cosa c’è di sbagliato sulla Terra in questo momento? La risposta è: tutto, dal cibo, all’agricoltura, al linguaggio, all’educazione,…Continue Reading

Video: Dark Outpost 06-15-2021 Into The Rabbit Hole | David Zublick Channel

By David Zublick Channel | First published at 20:47 UTC on June 15th, 2021.

Author Micah Dank enters the Dark Outpost and talks about his new series “Into the Rabbit Hole” and the first book “Into the Veil” which is compared to the Dan Brown’s “Davinci Code”. Micah explores astrology and the hidden codes in the Bible and how it relates to what is real and what is possible related to politics, conspiracy, fringe medicine, history, language and what it means to survive in these times. Brice Watson continues her deep dive into the missing books of the Bible and an exposé of the Weigh Down diet cult. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost! Watch the full show at!


Feeling uninspired? Boost your creativity with these 9 activities — – September 28, 2019

September 27, 2019 by: Zoey Sky

(Natural News) Hobbies do more than help you relax after a long, stressful day at work. Certain kinds of hobbies, such as doing puzzles or playing a musical instrument, can also boost your creativity. →

Read more via Feeling uninspired? Boost your creativity with these 9 activities —

The Mainstream Media Lies — The Media is the Deep State’s Most Valuable Tool – October 4, 2018

The Mainstream Media Lies

The media is the Deep State’s most valuable tool

How to protect yourself against brainwashing


The world is waking up to the fact that for our entire lives we have been lied to. From where we come from, to where we are headed, everything is a huge lie. But the lie we have been living is about to come to a screeching halt.

The Protocols of Zion are the Blueprint for the Deep State’s One World Government-control-operation. Protocol 12 affirms; “In our official statements, we always use an opposite view, and continually do our best to look honest and cooperative. The words of a statesman do not have to correspond with his actions”. It is advisable to take fifteen minutes of your time to read the Protocols. Don’t just read them. Study them. They explain in precise detail what is going on in the world today and why.

“The media will print halve truths, they will lie, fabricate facts or contradict themselves. We will tranquillise the public mind on political matters, persuade and confuse them. We will triumph over our opponents, who do not own the press and cannot give full expression to their views. Journalists will be bound by professional secrecy. Not one journalist will betray this secret. To practice journalism, they must have a dark past and the fear of it being exposed”.

The Protocols further explain that the goal of world domination will be achieved by controlling the thinking of the public by monitoring what it hears and by creating new conflicts or restoring old relationships through hunger, poverty, and the spreading of pests and diseases, seducing and diverting the attention of the youth. “With the help of these methods and more, we will weaken the countries so that they are forced to offer us control over the world”; at least this is their way of thinking; their goal.

Read more at: Operation Disclosure

Auroville: In This City People Live Without Politics, Religion, Or Money – April 9, 2017

The truth is, you can. This utopia has existed for 50 years, even; it’s called Auroville, and is located in Southern India.

The brainchild of Mirra Alfassa, Auroville is a universally welcoming place, regardless of nationality, culture, religion, or language.

Instead, it celebrates what we all are: Citizens of Earth….

Read more at Humans Are Free