Divine Timing — The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley – February 11, 2020

When manifesting, your first instinct will be to push, push, push even though it may not be in the highest and best.  It can be challenging to wait it out when you desire a certain outcome at a certain time.  If it has not come to pass in your allotted time, you feel as if all has failed.  My dearest child, this is the time when The Universe is asking you to trust that you are being heard and Divine Timing is always working with, rather than against, you.  Once you relax into and become grounded in this idea, there will be no stopping you! ~ Creator

Source: The Creator Writings

Daily Teachings of the Masters | Voyages of Light – February 10, 2020

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, February 10, 2020

Answer the call of love.

You are not trying to fix your various afflictions from with-out but are being shown how to claim your rite of passage from with-in.

That is why we say to answer the call of love.

You are turning your attention back to the rose garden within.

This is the true meaning of the circle of life.

Art by Ellen Love Vaman


Voyages of Light

The Whole Universe is Watching | Steve Beckow — Voyages of Light – February 11, 2020

(Voyages of Light)

The Whole Universe is Watching

February 10, 2020
by Steve Beckow

(Continued from Feb. 8.)

Many of us will dive right in and ascend early. I believe that these people will model Ascension and be like a lamp to a moth, attracting it to the light.

Some of us have agreed to be at the very back of the train, the last ones to scramble aboard.

While everyone’s circumstances are probably unique, most people will need Ascension to be a gradual process. →

Read more via Voyages of Light

The Truth Shall Set us Free | Kat — Voyages of Light – February 11, 2020

Enter a Photo: Archangel Michael by Raphael, 1518

Voyages of Light

The Truth Shall Set Us Free

February 10, 2020
by Kat

“I believe that unarmed truth
and unconditional love
will have the final word.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

To be honest, I woke up this morning annoyed with “waiting.” →

Read more via Voyages of Light

Hey, Google, Where Are the Aliens? How UFO Enthusiasts Utilize Tech Giant’s Services to Search ETS in Antarctica — Latest UFO sightings – February 11, 2020


(Latest UFO Sightings)  In December last year, UFO fans were engaged in debates over a large mysterious hole in Antarctica. Users believed the humongous structure was an entrance to a secret military facility, which first appeared in 2007. However, it vanished shortly afterwards. Twelve years later, it was found again on Google Maps.

It appears that Antarctica has long pulled in fans of conspiracy theories since wild stories surfaced that high-ranking Nazi officers could have escaped and gone to Antarctica. However, Antarctica has become the most famous place for hunting aliens using Google’s services. Here are the most exciting finds. →

Read more & videos via Hey, Google, Where Are the Aliens? How UFO Enthusiasts Utilize Tech Giant’s Services to Search ETS in Antarctica — Latest UFO sightings

If You’re Not Doing What You Love, You’re Wasting Your Life – Here’s How To Make More Time — Collective Evolution – February 11, 2020


Time is our most precious resource here on Earth.

Some of you may be able to make a compelling argument for the value of money, but time, unlike money, cannot be earned. We can eat healthy and live an active lifestyle, both of which should extend our chances of longevity, but it isn’t a guaranteed formula. →

Read more & video: “How to Instantly Give Yourself More Time to Do What You Love in Life” (3:07) via — Collective Evolution

Change Your Life For the Better & Forever ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – February 11, 2020

Change Your Life For the Better & Forever ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the ability to sense when you are making progress as a collective, because we read your vibration. We read your vibration as a collective and as the individuals that you are. We notice fluctuations in your vibration when you are focusing on something. Lots of different experiences are available to you in every moment of every day, and the experience that is calling you in the moment is the one to pursue, because ultimately you want to be in that higher vibration. →

Read more via Change Your Life For the Better & Forever ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

The 10 Dogmas of Science — Waking Times – February 11, 2020

The 10 Dogmas of Science

Elva ThompsonContributor
Waking Times

The belief of conventional science is that it (as an over-arching organisation) already understands the nature of reality in principle, leaving only the details to be filled in. And, as we know, that is where the Devil resides.

The 10 dogmas are: →

Read more via The 10 Dogmas of Science — Waking Times

(Video) X22 Report: Episode 2093 — Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget; Barr Assessing RG Ukraine Info – February 11, 2020

Source: (X22 Report)

Report date: 02.10.2020

Trump Prepares To Cut Foreign Aid Budget, Ready For EU – Episode 2093a

Trump is getting ready to cut the budget. Trump is preparing for the transition and removing foreign aid and other cuts. This has to happen because a lot of this money in the budget cannot be accounted for. Trump is now ready to tackle the EU. The patriots are preparing it all for the transition.


It Was A Trap, Barr Assessing RG Ukraine Info, Rudy Has The “Insurance File” – Episode 2093b

The [DS] was completely trapped by the patriots. The patriots knew their playbook and led them down the path they wanted them to go. Trump and the patriots have just drained more of the swamp. Barr is now assessing RG Ukraine info. Arrest are coming soon and the attacks are going to intensify.


Website(X22 Report)

How an apple a day keeps disease away — NaturalHealth365 – February 11, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) You’ve long heard the old adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  Turns out, there’s a lot of truth to what your grandma was saying when she offered you an apple instead of junk food.  And, while apples are one of the most widely-consumed fruits in America, they’re often underrated nutritionally. →

Read more via NaturalHealth365