Norska forskare: odlad lax är giftig — Nya Dagbladet – 10 Maj, 2020


Foto: Max Pixe

(Nya Dagbladet)  Norska forskare tycker att det är obegripligt att den odlade fisken tillåts säljas eftersom den innehåller höga halter av kemikalier och antibiotika. De norska hälsomyndigheterna hävdar dock samtidigt att gifterna i fisken ligger långt under de tillåtna gränsvärdena.

Är odlad lax från Norge farlig att äta? Enligt dokumentären Generique poisson: Elevage en eaux troubles som gjordes av France 2, är den det. Dokumentären stoppades från att visas på SVT, men filmen omnämndes istället via som även skriver om den obekväma sanningen bakom våra goda grannars odlade fisk. →

Läs mer via Norska forskare: odlad lax är giftig — Nya Dagbladet

(Video) Sidney Powell: Obama, FBI, Orchestrated . . . Let Justice Be Done! — Public Intelligence Blog – May 10, 2020

(Public Intellience Blog)

January 5th: Everyone present is a traitor subject to indictment.

Video: Fox News: “Michael Flynn’s Attorney slams FBI, Obama: This was ‘orchestrated'” (6:46) via — Public Intelligence Blog

We warned you not to fuck with us — Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS – May 10, 2020

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 10, 2020

The Wolf Packs that protect the Satanic pedophiles are pissed at General Flynn’s digital army.

The following message was sent to Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS.

Author: The Order!!! (IP address:,
You bastard. We warned you before not to fuck with us. When we find that white Nissan…

Source: Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS

(Video) The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket | Amazing Polly – May 10, 2020

Source: Amazing Polly

May 8, 2020

BOOM revelations get bigger as we go along. Stay with me! Fauci, Event201, Foundations …and something called the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. I expose the front organizations covering for the Global Health Mafia.

Video: “The Global Health Mafia Protection Racket” (39:37)

(Video) Goodbye Mr. Pence — Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS – May 10, 2020

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 9, 2020

President Donald Trump took questions yesterday about Mike Pence and tests being taken for the Corona Virus. President Trump said Pence’s press secretary tested positive.

“So Mike knows about it and Mike has done what he has to do. I think he’s on an airplane going to some far away place,” Trump said.

Goodbye Mr. Pence.

Video: “MIKE PENCE – LUCIFERIAN TRAITOR (ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED 2018)” (13:57) via — Timothy Charles Holmseth REPORTS

Blood pressure and diabetes WARNING: How medications could be contributing to high COVID-19 death rates | NaturalHealth365 – May 10, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) As current reported COVID-19 cases top 1.3 million in the United States, the pandemic has claimed the lives of over 78,000 Americans.  What the media is not emphasizing is how conditions like, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and heart disease increase the risk of death.  Now, researchers are wondering if high blood pressure medications can raise risk as well.

In a disturbing new article published in the British journal The Lancet, a team of international researchers pondered whether the very medications used to treat chronic conditions could promote infection, and lead to negative COVID-19 outcomes. →

Read more via NaturalHealth365

Robert Steele: Time for the President to Take Down Gates Foundation, WHO, PATH, GAVI, and UNICEF for Crimes Against Humanity — Bill Gates Should Go to Prison — Public Intelligence Blog – May 10, 2020

(Public Intelligence Blog)  While the Court in India has not rendered a final verdict, and the Court may still be compromised, it is clear to me that Bill Gates individually, as well as Anthony Fauci and others in the NIH CDC network that advances untested vaccines with toxic ingredients, and violates all laws with impunity aided by a “vaccine court” that is neither Constitutional nor legal, need to be brought to justice. We should of course expel the UN from NYC and cease paying any UN specialized agency starting with WHO and UNICEF, both of which are associated with pedophilia and murderous pedophilia. →

Read more & video(Extract from Interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits): “Dr. Judy Mikovits: Black Depopulation a Goal of NIH and CDC — Proven by the Data!” (2:24) via — Public Intelligence Blog

Åsiktsdiktatur – Maktetablissemangets visar sitt fula tryne —

Robert Aschberg


Journalisterna inom etablissemangets massmedia i allmänhet och Public Service i synnerhet har i vår tid utvecklats till det styrande maktetablissemangets främsta försvarare och propagandister,  en åsiktsdiktatur. En gång i världen betraktades journalismen som den tredje statsmakten som var satt att kritiskt granska samhällets makthavare. Dagligen får vi exempel på att denna kader av journalister numer ser som sin viktigaste uppgift att försvara makten genom att förminska och sprida falska anklagelser mot de nya fria medierna som tagit över rollen som maktens kritiker. Den som mer än någon annan gett detta trista förhållande ett ansikte är den svenska journalismens överhuvud, Publicistklubbens ordförande Robert Aschberg. Han är galjonsfiguren för den svenska åsiktsdiktaturen. →

Läs mer via Åsiktsdiktatur – Maktetablissemangets visar sitt fula tryne —
