Biologist who exposed dangers of Roundup says “they tried to kill me” |

Sunday, April 17, 2022 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Molecular biologist and expert on genetically modified organisms (GMO) and pesticides Gilles-Éric Séralini appeared with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., recently to discuss the trials he has faced ever since coming forward to expose the dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) herbicide.

Séralini, who currently serves as chairman of the Committee for Independent Research and Information on Genetic Engineering (CRIIGEN), told Kennedy that Monsanto, the multinational corporation behind Roundup, went after him following the publishing of his 2012 study in Food and Chemical Toxicology showing that glyphosate causes cancer.

Read more: Biologist who exposed dangers of Roundup says “they tried to kill me” —

US EPA Set To Release Billions More Genetically Modified Mosquitoes | The Pulse

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – MARCH 17, 2022

On March 7th, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved an “experimental use permit” amendment for the Oxitec corporation to release two billion more genetically modified mosquitoes. Oxitec is primarily funded by the Bill & Meldina Gates Foundation as well as the Wellcome Trust, headed by former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard.

Read more: US EPA Set To Release Billions More Genetically Modified Mosquitoes — The Pulse

Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers |

Monday, July 12, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Music legend Eric Clapton is speaking out about the horrors he is now having to endure thanks to his Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccination.”

In the following interview, Clapton reveals how the injection severely damaged his body, possibly forever. He explains how he is unsure what will happen with his upcoming fall tour if he is unable to use his hands as normal (watch around the 12:47 mark):

Read more & video(24:43): “Eric Clapton: Exclusive & Uncensored | Oracle Films”: Eric Clapton warns fans about covid vaccine dangers —

Video (32:34): Dr. Tenpenny Expains In Simple Terms Some Of The Dangers of The Covid-19 “Vaccine” UPDATED with MD Transcript & Additional Links | Public Intelligence Blog

Public Intelligence Blog – March 9, 2021

It takes at least 6 weeks from the time you get your injection for the spike antibody to start to develop.  So, somewhere between 3 months and quite frankly 20 years.  The immunologist I spoke to said that over the next 10 years we are going to see this go on in perpetuity, because it can take anywhere from 2 years to 19 years to get full blown auto-immune disease.  I think we will see massive injuries and a lot more deaths starting somewhere between 4 and 18 months from now.   This Vaccine will permanently alter your immune system.

Read more & video:

Latest Updates On The Sudden Death of Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan | Collective Evolution

Collective Evolution | By Arjun Walia – December 16, 2020


The Facts: A fundraiser has been set up to investigate the sudden death of Brandy Vaughan, as requested by her, to investigate if she were to pass away suddenly. The Santa Barbara police have also launched an investigation into her death.

Reflect On: Why are those who do the work that Brandy Vaughan did always unacknowledged, censored, and ridiculed any time they attract a lot of attention? Her friends and family need our support, please donate if you can.

What Happened:

Read more: Latest Updates On The Sudden Death of Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan — Collective Evolution

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan Found Dead After Warning People To Investigate Her Death | Collective Evolution

Collective Evolution | By Arjun Walia – December 11, 2020

  • The Facts: Former Pharmaceutical Representative, and founder of has been found dead. This comes after she made multiple posts and videos expressing concerns for her life. Not much information is available but we will continue to provide updates.
  • Reflect On: Why are those who do the work that Brandy Vaughan did always unacknowledged, censored, and ridiculed any time they attract a lot of attention? Why are there so many mysterious deaths in the alternative/holistic health community?

What Happened: “It is with such a heavy heart that I list yet another activist found dead, and this time it is my friend and colleague, Brandy Vaughan, the founder of the well-known non profit Learn The Risk. She was found dead by her son who is a minor.” – Erin Elizabeth, founder of Health Nut News.

Read more & video(12:37): “The Overt and Covert Intimidation of Brandy Vaughan:

Ex-Pharmaceutical Rep Brandy Vaughan Found Dead After Warning People To Investigate Her Death — Collective Evolution

Our Campaign To Help Stop 5G – A Major Global Health Hazard & How You Can Help Us Stop It — Collective Evolution – July 4th, 2019

(Collective-Evolution) One mystery of our modern day world is how products and services continue to gain approval that are clearly harmful to human health. Many of these products and services are completely exempt from any health and safety testing by our federal health regulatory agencies, or our federal health regulatory agencies become compromised by big corporations that seem to control them and dictate government policy. Along with these approvals comes mass marketing campaigns that are akin to brainwashing, they make the masses believe these measures are okay, as if they’re for our own good and that the human population is being taken care of. That, unfortunately, could not be further from the truth. People are still waking up to this fact, and in many cases have a hard time believing it. Again, that comes from massive brainwashing campaigns and ridicule campaigns that don’t address the issues being created by activists.

Read more & CETV: “Help Stop The 5G Infrastructure” (3:01) via Our Campaign To Help Stop 5G – A Major Global Health Hazard & How You Can Help Us Stop It — Collective Evolution

Judge Refuses to Gag Campaigners Over 5G Rollout in Britain – October 24, 2018

Judge REFUSES to gag campaigners over 5G rollout in Britain

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

SourceNESARA News

  • Britain’s First 5G Court Case and the People Won
  • HomeHealth & science Britain’s First 5G Court Case and the People Won

Mark Steele, a 5G campaigner, has been highlighting the dangers of a secret 5G rollout by Gateshead Council where residents are complaining of increased illness and Cancer in the affected area. There’s enough evidence to conclude the new smart 5G arrays on the top of new LED lampposts emit Class 1 Radiation frequencies and should be treated as a danger to the Public. Gateshead Council ignorantly rebutted clear evidence and created false allegations on social media posts and printed leaflets stating that Mark Steele is spreading Pseudo Science and that the arrays are not dangerous or 5G:

“Please be assured that there is no scientific basis or credible evidence for any of these scare stories about street lights causing cancer and other illnesses.”

They misused Police Powers to gag Mark Steele and yesterday he left a free man and Gateshead Council to fork out £11k of taxpayers money to cover the court cost amounting to woeful ignorance. In Court, none of the Council Officers could explain what 5G is; and their leading Government expert refused to attend the Court hearing. In conclusion, the Judge refused to gag Mark, stating:

“The public have a right to know.”

The secret 5G rollout issue in Gateshead is now officially of public interest and will be treated as a landmark case for other people to start using this Court’s ruling to challenge their Councils. We know Surrey, Westminster and Luton all have these toxic Microwave EMF arrays installed on their new LED streetlights. We now know even if these arrays are currently 2G, 3G or 4G they can be 5G enabled by fitting a ‘lens’ that ‘focuses’ the frequency.

The Judge declared Mark Steele as a credible expert and engineer on EMF and GSM technologies, which proves Gateshead Council are liable for corruption, misleading the public, making people ill and attempting to discredit Mark Steele and all others such as Smombie Gate fighting 5G rollouts.

Councils are struggling at the moment, over 50% are almost bankrupt because over half of their resources are being spent on the increase of Adult Social Care, so any supplier proposal with the promise of more revenue is irresistible.

Smart City companies are going into Councils with amazing futuristic presentations detailing the first step, which is to install the 5G infrastructure, i.e. the lampposts on streets and motorways.

The benefits will be 24/7 Police surveillance that sees through walls; smart road signs; 4k live streaming on the move; driverless vehicles and public transport; mobile virtual reality; mobile augmented reality; and a fast connection for Elon Musk’s new brain implant called the Neuralink giving people the Internet inside their mind. All these features are all a wet dream for Councils who will be the first ones to become Smart Counties because they will be able to increase taxes and the local economy in theory will thrive.

In reality, scientific evidence is mounting across the planet that EMF, RF, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFI and WiGIG is causing Cancer, killing bees, driving out wildlife and lowering peoples quality of life. All because big business says it’s good for the people, and they’re continuing to mislead us all of the dangers of continuous use in close proximity and on the skin, let alone what 5G really is, which is an effective battlefield weapon.

We know that Gateshead isn’t the only Council who is misleading the public on the 5G rollout and it’s seemingly been going on for a few years. Luton, Surrey and Westminster are next along with all Councils that have installed these arrays that are being installed by particular companies (we’ll leave you to do your own work on how you think these companies are!). 

Who is paying for these 5G rollouts? Who’s given consent on behalf of the People? Who has done research to prove the new infrastructure’s safety?

As usual, these important issues are being rubbished by the media and beneficiaries to big business. But they’ll soon see our wrath, as we now this ruling. All Hell is going to break loose in Great Britain and we’re going to take the fight to them. We will NOT be silenced, and you will not wilfully poison our bodies and our families bodies with Class 1 radiation – WE DO NOT CONSENT. 

Mark Steele of has made this a big part of his life. It’s people like Mark and all of you who get involved that make a difference to our lives.

Please spread the word and get in touch with us if you want any advice in how to approach your Council. We’re going to be producing a simple Template Pack you can send to your Councils very soon.

The 6 links below are enough proof to convince anyone what’s going on around us without our consent.

1. See the video proof of Gateshead’s toxic 5G signals:

2. 18 new scientific studies:

3. 3D mapping using WIFI and 5G:

3D Mapping: The truth behind 2G 3G 4G 5G WIFI WIGIG

4. Midlands 5G rollout plans:

5. Leaked corporate presentation about the dangers of 5G masts, “In countries with EMF limits significantly below the international science-based ICNIRP limits the roll-out of 5G networks will be a major problem.”:

REPORT: Proof from global telecoms & infrastructure giant – 5G is dangerous

6. Elon Musk’s ‘5G Umbrella’ that’s planned for Earth’s atmosphere without our consent:

Elon Musk’s 5G from space project: His biggest folly yet?

Operation Disclosure