Anderson Cooper Caught Spreading Fake Information & Lying About Vaccines Live On CNN — Collective Evolution – January 18, 2019

  • The Facts:A clip of Anderson Cooper making very weak arguments in support of Mercury inside of vaccines. Each point he makes is not really correct and can be countered with actual science, which is outlined within the article. Mercury is clearly a big concern.
  • Reflect On:Why are there no studies demonstrating that mercury is safe to inject into a child? Why has it simply been presumed safe? Why are there well over 100 studies showing that it’s not safe to inject? What is going on here?

Most people probably aren’t surprised at the title of this headline. It’s become commonplace to hear about problems with pharmaceutical products, but when it comes to vaccines, many people are still unaware of the potential side effects. Much of the concern around vaccines has to do with the ingredients, many of which have been added to vaccines for multiple decades without any safety testing and have simply been presumed safe. This is easy for big pharma to do, given that they are often exempt from any responsibility or being held liable for someone who has a bad reaction to their product. They are protected, which allows them to be careless with their product. Read more & video: “Former Congressman: Vaccines linked to autism” (3:43) 

via Anderson Cooper Caught Spreading Fake Information & Lying About Vaccines Live On CNN — Collective Evolution

Godfather of Vaccines Admits to Experiments on Orphans and Handicapped Children — Humans Are Free – January 18, 2019

Dr. Stanley Plotkin is a well known MD who has played a very significant role in manufacturing multiple vaccines. He’s widely known as one of the ‘godfathers’ of vaccines, a ‘medicine’ that’s claimed to have saved millions of lives, and is heavily marketed as one of the most successful medical developments in history.

Anyone who questions this narrative and the safety of vaccines often faces harsh ridicule, despite the thousands of scientific studies published in peer-reviewed journals that strongly oppose conventional vaccine knowledge published by government-run health regulatory agencies like the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) or the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Read more & video: “Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH! – Part 1/9” (1:00:09) 

via Godfather of Vaccines Admits to Experiments on Orphans and Handicapped Children — Humans Are Free

Congressmen Threatened for Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link — Humans Are Free – January 18, 2019

A Jan. 6, 2019 news report produced by investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson for Sinclair Broadcast Group revealed that retired congressmen Dan Burton (R-IN) and Dr. Dave Weldon (R-FL) and current Rep. Bill Posey (R-FL) were pressured by colleagues or threatened by PhRMA lobbyists to back away from examining vaccine safety issues, including the reported link between vaccines and autism.…Read more

via Congressmen Threatened for Investigating Autism-Vaccine Link — Humans Are Free

(Video) Full UFO and Alien Disclosure — Powerful Message from Hon Paul T. Hellyer – January 17, 2019

(Video recorded March 2015)

Published on Jan 16, 2019

Ancient Aliens News

Operation Disclosure


The Portal: Return of Light Meditation Final Update – January 18, 2019

Friday, January 18, 2019

Return of Light Meditation Final Update

We are creating a huge momentum and there is a very real possibility that we will reach the critical mass.
Many people are supporting our meditation…..Read more & instructions for the mass meditation on January 21, 2019

via Return of Light Meditation Final Update — The Portal

(Video) X22 Report — Episode 1768: The Plan to Reset the System | [DS] Sends Coded Message – January 17, 2019

Published on Jan 17, 2019

The EU is getting exactly what they want, a delay in the BREXIT which means there is no BREXIT, the EU might even try to get the UK to vote again on the BREXIT. May like Trump and Macron will not go to Davos. The globalist agenda is falling apart and the leaders are trying to tape it back together. IMF says no deal BREXIT will not work. Canada says can not give trade data because of the US shutdown, come to find out they get their data from the US. Trump is planning for the reset and the total destruction of the central bank system.

Published on Jan 17, 2019

Just because you are running for President doesn’t mean you cannot be touched. New revelation Ohr reported the dossier might not be real, Schiff memo turns out to be a lie. Pelosi will not negotiate with Trump, she pushed her agenda by calling off the SOTU address and on her way to Egypt and other countries, Trump canceled her flight. Caravan is on their way to the border. Q mentioned something about Barr in the past, has it just come true. Trump will withdraw the troops from Syria. Maggie just sent a coded message about RBG, it looks like the conspiracies might be fact.

Operation Disclosure


French Police Deploy Semi-Automatic Weapons and Live Ammo Against Yellow Vests — Era of Light – January 17, 2019

In an unprecedented move, French riot police have hit the streets with semi-automatic weapons and live ammunition to stop Yellow Vest protesters. Officers seen carrying Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifles equipped with 30-cartridge live ammunition magazines were filmed near the Arc de Triomphe monument in Paris on Saturday, showing the extent to which Macron…Read more & short video

via French Police Deploy Semi-Automatic Weapons and Live Ammo Against Yellow Vests — Era of Light

Trump Tells Pelosi Her Trips Are Postponed Due To Shutdown Unless She Flies Commercial — Era of Light – January 17, 2019

Just one day after Speaker Pelosi chose to exercise her right to not invite the President to give his “State of the Union” address, Trump has responded. In a letter to Nancy Pelosi, President Trump explains that he will be postponing her trip to various foreign countries due to the shutdown. Dear Madame Speaker: Due…..Read more

via Trump Tells Pelosi Her Trips Are Postponed Due To Shutdown Unless She Flies Commercial — Era of Light

Mass Meditation on January 21 — – January 18, 2019

Dear Ben: The war against the cabal will lead us either to survival or ruin, and therefore we have to fight on all fronts. That is why I invite you and your readers to participate in the RETURN OF LIGHT mass meditation on January 21st at 12:11 AM EST in New York. There are occult…Read more

via Mass Meditation on January 21 — Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis