Want to boost your gut microbiome? Discover 10 foods that promote microbial balance | NaturalHealth365

by: Lori Alton, staff writer | October 4, 2021


(NaturalHealth365)  Believe it or not, the average person has trillions of bacteria living in their intestinal tract, accounting for an astonishing two to four pounds of total body weight.  Although this may be an unsettling concept, the truth is:  this community of microbes – also known as the gut microbiome – is not only beneficial but essential for health.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/gut-microbiome-3995.html

Could Candida be causing your health problems? Studies link multiple diseases to this pesky yeast | NaturalHealth365


by: Karen Sanders, staff writer | March 7, 2021

(NaturalHealth365) Check your tongue – is it white?  You may have Candida albicans which produces about 180 chemical toxins.  These harmful substances are capable of causing any number of ‘unexplainable‘ health problems.

A white tongue, lack of energy, or irritability are early warning signs of poor health.  In fact, I would suggest that most people with chronic degenerative diseases like IBS, fibromyalgia, or autoimmune conditions suffer from Candida.  Don’t ignore the signs.

Read more: https://www.naturalhealth365.com/candida-toxic-chemicals-3753.html

What Is Candida? Understanding Yeast Imbalance | Wake Up World – August 11th, 2020

By Dr. Edward F. Group

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Candida is a type of fungus (or, more specifically – yeast) that can cause fungal infections like candidiasis, candidemia, and oral thrush.[1] Dozens of species of candida are known to affect humans and Candida albicans is the most common.[2, 3] When the immune system functions normally, Candida is kept in check and exists harmlessly in the skin or mucous membranes like those of the gut and vaginal area. It’s even among the organisms that newborns acquire during natural birth, nursing, or from food.[4] However, a compromised immune system, and other factors such as poor diet, can lead to an imbalance where Candida overwhelms the body, a condition known as Candida overgrowth. →

Read more via What Is Candida? Understanding Yeast Imbalance — Wake Up World

Top 10 Candida Fighting Foods — Wake Up World – October 28, 2018

October 28th, 2018 By Lucy Morales Candida Albicans is a type of yeast that can occur in the human gut. According to research, 70% of people have candida colonies in their intestines, mouth or skin, however the candida in your gut is typically kept in balance by healthy gut bacteria. The problem is that candida can over…..Read more

via Top 10 Candida Fighting Foods — Wake Up World

The Facts About Candida Overgrowth and How to Overcome It – June 28, 2018

candida overgrowth

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Candida is an essential fungus, a form of yeast, that lives in the human body. You can find it in the mouth and the intestines. Although it is normal to have some of this fungus in the body, candida can also invade the body beyond what is acceptable. This is called candida overgrowth, and it can have some detrimental health effects.

Candida Overgrowth

Having too much candida in the body can result in several health problems. This includes all types of digestive issues because too much candida can break down the walls of the intestines. In addition, candida overgrowth may cause problems such as depression, lack of energy, and a whole lot of annoying ailments.

When the production of candida in the body is out of control, it can manifest the following problems

Read more at: Waking Times