Exposed: YouTube, Google & Facebook Blatant Censorship Tactics | Collective Evolution – Aug 21, 2020

Collective Evolution – Aug 20, 2020

  • The Facts: Modern censorship is beginning to leave humanity severely uninformed about issues that pertain to daily life. They affect you, your loved ones and the community you live in locally and globally.
  • Reflect On: Do we realize why billions of dollars are spent by powerful figures to research how our perception can be controlled best?

It is often said that what we are experiencing in our society right now, including in much of our past, is a war on consciousness. To look at it another way, a war on your perspective – a fight to control the overwhelming mainstream narrative.

those who tell the stories rule society.” – Plato

Read more & CETV: “Exposed: YouTube, Google & Facebook Blatant Censorship Tactics” (23:50) via — Collective Evolution

Netanyahu will soon fade out, and it’ll all be over soon enough | Prepare For Change – July 20, 2020

Netanyahu – he and his Sara and their Yair – will lose what they have left of control, restraint, responsibility and fairness.

The protests won’t stop. They’ll continue gaining more power and energy and in the end, they will succeed where the elections, political parties, polls and all the people who dreamed of reaching Balfour Street failed. The person who knows this best, and who knew it sooner than anyone else, is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Many people believe that Bibi is playing a clever game of chess at one of the highest levels. I highly doubt that. →

Read more via Netanyahu will soon fade out, and it’ll all be over soon enough — Prepare For Change

Reclaiming Your Sovereign Power under the Universal Law of “God” | Wake Up World – July 8th, 2020

By Open

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

A rebellion of consciousness is happening that’s starting to establish itself in the most exciting of ways. Phase 1 Lockdowns may have eased, but just as predicted, in places we’re already witnessing stage 2. The erosion of civil liberties is steadily slipping in. Mandatory face masks in places and digital health passports being planned for example. BUT, there’s a growing movement that’s realised the state regulations and statutes introduced are subservient to Universal Common Law. It recognises the first principle of “God”, our Source Creator: that of the inalienable right to self-determination, free movement and expression. Here’s essential insight in how you can begin to reclaim that right. →

Read more & video: “InPower Episode #1: A Mass Action of Liability (2017)” 52:34) via — Wake Up World

Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes: Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19 — Activist Post – June 16, 2020

Activist Post | By Katitza Rodriguez, Svea Windwehr, and Seth Schoen

In their efforts to contain the spread of the pandemic, governments around the world are rolling out body-worn devices (“wearables”) to assist in fighting the virus. Some governments want a technological silver bullet to solve the public health crisis. But many of the tools aimed at solving problems come with a host of other problems that will undermine the public health goals for which they are adopted, and create new unintended consequences for privacy, association, and freedom of expression. →

Read more via Bracelets, Beacons, Barcodes: Wearables in the Global Response to COVID-19 — Activist Post

Recognizing World Press Freedom Day During COVID-19 — Activist Post – MAy 4, 2020

(Activist Post)

By Naomi Gilens and Jillian C. York

In the face of a global pandemic, there is an urgent need for reporting relating to the spread of the coronavirus and how governments are responding. But it is in times of crisis that the civil liberties we value most are put to the test—and that is exactly what is happening now as governments around the world clamp down on journalism and stifle the free flow of critical information.

With so little currently known about the novel coronavirus, governments around the world have seized the opportunity to control the narrative around the virus and their responses to it. In countries including AlgeriaAzerbaijanChinaHungaryIndonesiaIranPalestineRussiaSouth AfricaThailand, and more, authorities have banned individuals and journalists from sharing false or misleading information about the coronavirus. →

Read more via Recognizing World Press Freedom Day During COVID-19 — Activist Post

World Is “Sleepwalking Into Surveillance State” As COVID-19 Crackdowns Escalate — Activist Post – April 9, 2020

By Tyler Durden

(Activist Post)  All across the world, starting with China, the COVID-19 pandemic has allowed for the proliferation of the surveillance state.

More than 100 rights groups are warning that governments and corporations are partnering as a collaborative force to employ big data and increase widespread surveillance that threatens freedoms and privacy, reported Reuters →

Read more via World Is “Sleepwalking Into Surveillance State” As COVID-19 Crackdowns Escalate — Activist Post

Robert Steele Being Digitally Assassinated . . . — Public Intelligence Blog – April 7, 2020

Robert David Steele

(Public Intelligence Blog)  I am in the process of being digitally assassinated by  Google (killed my use of laptops in office and gmail log-in, killed my YouTube channel log-in), as well as intermittent issues with Twitter and Facebook and Amazon.

If I go dark — no posts, for example — I am dealing with this as best I can. If you want to donate, would be most appreciative:

I am learning and growing stronger. The day will come when we have a social ecology that cannot be censored and that is faithful to the Constitution, Title 10, and the Communications Decency Act.

Source: Robert Steele Being Digitally Assassinated . . . — Public Intelligence Blog

Censorship and Where Are We Heading? | Mass Awakening – April 1, 2020

blocked keyboard symbolizing censorship online
Photo: Shutterstock

(Mass Awakening)  As censorship increases, it’s more difficult to find out the truth or know what is real. How do we discern information and different sources and where are we heading? Are we heading the NWO or New Earth?

I used some brilliant memes in this article that I couldn’t find their creators. I tried to find them. If you know them please send me their names (or aliases) and links to their sites to give them credit.

For this article, I took a lot of screenshots of excellent posts and images on Twitter. I especially took these screenshots with the names and the aliases of the creators of these posts to give them credit. If you want me to link these posts to the creators’ websites, please contact me by using the contact form on this website and I’ll gladly link to the creators’ website.

We need to awaken as many people as possible. You are important to this mass awakening of humanity. Please remember this and share this article far and wide!


My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. My book, Mass Awakening, tells the story of my personal awakening to the truth on our reality, as well as that of all humanity, to the massive deception of the world’s Elite controllers and their devastating agendas. It is an exposé on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future.

It is a full disclosure book covering the Cabal’s depopulation agenda for the world, the dumbing of the masses, the mass awakening of humanity worldwide, the secret space programs, the global currency reset, The Event, and New Earth. →

Read more & videos via Mass Awakening

Credit: OpDis


United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights – February 29, 2020

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217 A) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected and it has been translated into over 500 languages.

Read more via United Nations Shaping Our Future Together

UN Moves Towards Handing Dictatorships Power to Control the Internet — Humans Are Free – December 31, 2019

Un Moves Towards Handing Dictatorships Power To Control The Internet

(Humans Are Free)  The United Nations wants to hand power to dictatorial regimes like China to control the Internet, prompting fears of a massive new free speech purge.

The General Assembly has approved a resolution sponsored by China and Russia to set up a committee of “international experts” whose role would be to stop “the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes.”

However, many caution that the move is merely a back door for authoritarian regimes to further censor dissent. →

Read more & video: “Social Credit Score USA” (7:16) via