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Dr Charlie Ward | First published at 20:53 UTC on February 5th, 2021.

Video(21:27): https://www.bitchute.com/video/R2EaASMJGLo/

Dr Charlie Ward website: https://DrCharlieWard.com

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GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden | PFC

By Prepare For Change – January 29, 2021

Freshman Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene filed articles of impeachment on President Joe Biden on Thursday.

Read more: GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden — Prepare For Change


Source: Black Conservative Patriot

July 8, 2020

Video:(51:44): https://youtu.be/Yn3P2qp77_w

President Trump’s Partnership with Prime Minister Modi could wipe almost $1 Trillion Dollars off Big Pharma’s books — Prepare For Change – May 17, 2020

Prepare For Change

By guest contributor C. Harrison-Smith:

It would appear that President Trump has not forgotten the Pharmaceutical Industry’s role in the attempted Impeachment of the president. The president’s pact with Prime Minister Modi of India is already paying off. By partnering with India and introducing Ayurveda Medicine to Americans, President Trump has wiped out almost $1 Trillion dollars from Big Pharma! →

Read more via President Trump’s Partnership with Prime Minister Modi could wipe almost $1 Trillion Dollars off Big Pharma’s books — Prepare For Change

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? (Part 2) — Notes w/ Slides by Kat – March 25, 2020

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? (Part 2) -- Notes w/ Slides by Kat

SourceDinar Chronicles | By Kat

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? Part 2 with Slides 3-23-20

Transcribed by Kat

A little about David Wilcock—his IQ puts him in the genius category, which gives him the ability to retain massive amounts of information.

David can remember every bit of everything he’s ever read or heard. He has an unparalleled grasp on the history of the illuminati, and he connects the dots for us in this masterful video that is a little over 5 hours. He takes us from the gold that was stolen in WWII, through many of the heroes of the resistance—Eisenhower and JFK—to Meg Anon and then Q. →

Video: “David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic II: What’s Really Going On? (NOW WITH SLIDES WORKING!)” (5:15:01) & Partly Transcript via OpDis


SwebbTV: Lördagsintervju 72 med Stig Berglund – Om USA och kriget mot Trump – 26 Januari, 2020


I detta program får vi höra analytikern Stig Berglund uttala sig om politiken i USA med Donald Trump. Stig har intressant information om såväl inrikes- som utrikespolitiken och vad som egentligen sker bakom kulisserna. Stig Berglund börjar med att beskriva hur USA under de sista decennierna, likt många andra västländer, stagnerat industriellt. Detta har drabbat en stor del av befolkningen ekonomiskt och lett till att många väljare omprövat sina tidigare politiska ståndpunkter. I synnerhet har den del av landet drabbats där det finns många nedlagda industrier och som kommit att benämnas rostbältet. På Öst- och Västkusterna, med större tjänstesektor, har folk i stället blivit mer förmögna. →

Läs mera & video: “Lördagsintervju 72 med Stig Berglund – Om USA och kriget mot Trump” (59:08)

Websida:  SwebbTV

David Wilcock 2020 Exclusive: The Interview You’ve Been Waiting For! [Part 1] — Prepare For Change – December 29, 2019

(Prepare For Change)  In Part One, Edge of wonder covers censorship, Youtube and Social Media. Who and why has been censored and for what reasons? We also talk about the FISA report, sealed indictments, Q An0n, Cosmic Secret and so much more.

Part 2 (Youtube ) and Parts 3-4 (EdgeofWonder.tv) will be coming January 2020! 

Video (49:30): “David Wilcock 2020 Exclusive: The Interview You’ve Been Waiting For! [Part 1]” —  via Prepare For Change – https://prepareforchange.net/2019/12/28/david-wilcock-2020-exclusive-the-interview-youve-been-waiting-for-part-1/

(Video) X22 Dave Interviews Robert David Steele in the Trump Revolution, Impeachment Sham, Wikileaks Drop Soon? — Public Intelligence Blog – December 22, 2019

X22Report Spotlight

Published – Dec 21, 2019 

Video: “Something Big Is About To Drop From Wikileaks:Robert David Steele” (1:06:43) via — Public Intelligence Blog 

or via X22Report Spotlight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fkd-KMGUfyI&feature=youtu.be

IT’S ON: 228 Democrats declare open war on the American people by voting to impeach President Donald J. Trump without a shred of supporting evidence — NaturalNews.com – December 19, 2019

(Natural News) Open war on the American people has just been declared by the Democrats in the House, with a 228-member vote to impeach President Donald J. Trump over fabricated “thought crimes” supported by zero evidence.

“This is a stunning abuse of power and a shameless travesty of justice that will stain the reputations of those responsible for generations to come,” said Rep. Tom McClintock today. “Our Bill of Rights guarantees every American the right to confront their accuser, to call witnesses in their defense, to be protected from hearsay, and to defend these rights in court. The Democrats have trampled them all in their stampede to impeach.” →

Read more & videos via IT’S ON: 228 Democrats declare open war on the American people by voting to impeach President Donald J. Trump without a shred of supporting evidence — NaturalNews.com