(Video) Edge of Wonder: Antifa Unmasked: [Part 1] Tactics of Terrorism – June 24, 2020

Source: Edge od Wonder

Premiered Jun 23, 2020

Fascism: authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power and forcible suppression of opposition

Who wouldn’t be Anti-Fascism?

Not so fast, ANTIFA…

Video(41:33): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W-ik2k0nUo

The Reawakening of Mankind — The Final Wakeup Call – April 29, 2020

Reality is a consciousness trap

The Great Pyramid of Giza is much older

Atlantis Tragedy sent earth’s inhabitants back into the dark ages

The Negative Alien Agenda

True prophets tried to turn the negative forces into positive energies

Anti-life forces of Luciferianism and Satanism

The Final Wakeup Call

April 29, 2020

Who we are and from where we came






Millions of years ago, the Galactic Federation worked closely with the High Sirius Council to serve as a Guardian race that would help to support the seeding and evolution process on planet Earth in its lowest density, called now the first Harmonic Universe, or third dimensional timeline.

The origins of life go back much farther in time than widely is known — and still is lesser known, as the episodes of human history. The exploits begin beyond the confines of this planet and trace down through star empires, galactic federations, alien species and the civilisations of AtlantisLemuria, Mu and those who are only started to being discovered nowadays.

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via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: De Herontwaking van de mensheid

De Werkelijkheid is een Bewustzijnsval De Grote Piramide van Gizeh is veel ouder Atlantis Tragedie stuurde de aardbewoners terug naar de oertijd De negatieve Alien Agenda Echte profeten probeerden het negativisme om te zetten in positieve energieën Anti-levensvreugde van Luciferianism…Continue Reading →

The Truth about Ongoing Underground Military Operations | OpDis – April 24, 2020

The Truth about Ongoing Underground Military Operations

Operation Disclosure | By Mark A. Baughman, Guest Writer

April 24, 2020

This is about the battles and secret war updates in the D.U.M.B. bases and tunnels underground to rescue children worldwide. The Marines are leading the charge, will Navy Seals have imbedded in the operations. A national journalist who has the only direct access from the Pentagon to cover the now known 10,000 troop “Child Trafficking” task force. His name is Timothy Charles Holmseth and one article he published is: https://timothycharlesholmseth.com/cps-harvesting-children/

My source was on a conference call and knows several Marines in these operations, who knows details and numbers. We need to report this to the general public to let them know “how big and horrific” and the truth about the worldwide satanic pedophiles who sacrifice children and also practice cannibalism. I reported the menu cover a such a restaurant in Los Angeles area, there was one in New York area I knew about last year. I know the New York one was shut down last year. →

Read more & videos via OpDis

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? (Part 2) — Notes w/ Slides by Kat – March 25, 2020

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? (Part 2) -- Notes w/ Slides by Kat

SourceDinar Chronicles | By Kat

David Wilcock: What’s Really Going On? Part 2 with Slides 3-23-20

Transcribed by Kat

A little about David Wilcock—his IQ puts him in the genius category, which gives him the ability to retain massive amounts of information.

David can remember every bit of everything he’s ever read or heard. He has an unparalleled grasp on the history of the illuminati, and he connects the dots for us in this masterful video that is a little over 5 hours. He takes us from the gold that was stolen in WWII, through many of the heroes of the resistance—Eisenhower and JFK—to Meg Anon and then Q. →

Video: “David Wilcock on The Great Pandemic II: What’s Really Going On? (NOW WITH SLIDES WORKING!)” (5:15:01) & Partly Transcript via OpDis


(Video) The Great Pandemic What’s Really Going On, Message from David Wilcock – March 21, 2020
