(Video) Nyla Nguyen: “K. Preston update, CDC Funding Cut, Indictments coming, Zionism & Michael Love Exposed” – July 23, 2020

Source: 3D to 5D Consciousness

July 22, 2020

Here is an update on Kelly Preston’s death. She was in involved in Humanitarian aid in Haiti, which is a big cover up for child trafficking. The POTUS has cut the funding of CDC, which is another Illuminati organization. John Durham is close to finishing up investigations which means indictments are going to be served. It’s going to be a HOT HOT HOT summer as Q has mentioned in previous Q posts. I’m also exposing Zionism from a Galactic Perspective. And exposing another Fake light worker who is spreading false information in his “channelling messages” dropping the frequency of the collective listening to it. He also runs a scam business selling Andara crystals but is really selling glass pieces.

Video(41:22): https://youtu.be/kq-avHqhmcQ

Pedophilia & Empire: Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since — Public Intelligence Blog – April 14, 2020

(Public Intelligence Blog)

Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since

Joachim Hagopian

Cover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission

 DOC (53 Pages): Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages – How Humanity Was Hijacked

We have not resolved nor integrated our genesis and our history as a species, and, therefore, are at a loss to understand our real nature and future trajectory. That we do not see this as a profound puzzle is further proof of our species primitive naiveté.

Neil Freer, antiquarian-futurist lecturer-author

Read more via Pedophilia & Empire: Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since — Public Intelligence Blog

Israel to Build 11,000 New Illegal Housing Units in Jerusalem — The Anti-Media – November 30, 2019


(MEMO— Israel has announced a plan to build 11,000 housing units in the north of the occupied Jerusalem, Israel Today reported yesterday. →

Read more via Israel to Build 11,000 New Illegal Housing Units in Jerusalem — The Anti-Media

The largest experiment for peace in the Middle East takes place this Thursday, November 9, 2017

By Sylvie Vermeire, November 7, 2017, TimeOut.com


Just saw this today, and it’s basically set to take place in less than four hours…
A massive, worldwide meditation will take place on November 9th in Jerusalem. The unexpected plus? It’s also a scientific experiment.
An event called ‘The Field’ will take place this Thursday in Jerusalem, directed by Lynne McTaggart, an investigative journalist and author of ‘The Field’, a revolutionary book that captivated readers around the globe with its exploration of the unseen dimensions where science meets the spirit. The event will be in collaboration with Tsipi Raz the award-winning, Israeli documentary filmmaker and Dr. Salah Al-Rashed, a peace activist for human development.
On November 9–for 10 minutes–all over the world and broadcast from Jerusalem, tens of thousands Israelis, Palestinians, Jews, Arabs, and Christians will simultaneously be connected to send an energy of peace, through unanimous prayer and meditation. A place in the Middle East with prolific symbolic meaning to various cultures has been targeted and all are coming together in this rare call for peace with a scientific intention of how the power of collective consciousness can affect, change and move situations in the world.
In honor of this unique event, a film production is organizing a life event in Jerusalem with the event taking place at the Gerard Bechar Theatre in Jerusalem. Amongst the speakers of this momentous happening will be Dr. Noga Gazit, speaking about how inner peace leads to global peace; Imad Telhami, on the principles in business that support and encourage social ethics; Lilian Weisberger, of the Women Wage Peace Steering Committee, and The March of Hope and The Journey to Peace–two projects in which over 60, 000 people took part; a rabbi and a sheikh will speak about the biblical figures Ishmael and Yitzhak; and families from both sides, sharing their pain, will discuss solutions for lasting peace.
This global meditation will include musical performances and speakers, all with one common goal: to generate a spirit of unity that will create peace in the Middle East.
This global meditation will be broadcasted live from Jerusalem will take place globally according to this time table:
Tel Aviv – 20:00
London – 18:00
New York – 13:00
Los Angeles – 10:00
Tokyo – 02:00 (Nov 10th)
La Paz, Bolivia – 13:00
Buenos Aires, Argentina -14:00
Buy tickets to this unique event HERE.
And a link to the social media group

Women Protest In Underwear for Slut Walk March in Jerusalem – June 8, 2017

“The march is known for its topless protests and has taken place in a number of cities around the world. In Jerusalem, many women stripped down to their underwear and wrote slogans on their bodies calling for an end to the rape Culture.

Slut Walk

Hundreds of activists took to the streets of Jerusalem yesterday to march for women’s rights and to protest against sexual harassment in the ‘Slut Walk’. The scene was made up of women shedding their clothes and holding placards saying “No means no,” “Don’t tell us how to dress, tell men not to rape,” and “My body is solely mine,” which were written in both English and Hebrew.

The annual march, which has proved controversial in the past, was held with a police escort and passed off without incident. The Slut Walk is an international movement that was sparked in 2011 when a police officer stated that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised” during a speech to university students…

Read more at: Anonymous News