Pedophilia & Empire: Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since — Public Intelligence Blog – April 14, 2020

(Public Intelligence Blog)

Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since

Joachim Hagopian

Cover Credit: Nora Maccoby with permission

 DOC (53 Pages): Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages – How Humanity Was Hijacked

We have not resolved nor integrated our genesis and our history as a species, and, therefore, are at a loss to understand our real nature and future trajectory. That we do not see this as a profound puzzle is further proof of our species primitive naiveté.

Neil Freer, antiquarian-futurist lecturer-author

Read more via Pedophilia & Empire: Chapter 34 Deception of the Ages: How Humanity Was Hijacked over a Quarter Million Millennia Ago and Ruled by Extraterrestrial Slave Masters Ever Since — Public Intelligence Blog

“Former UK Astronaut Suggests Alien Beings Are Here On Earth” — Collective Evolution – March 3, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  Dr. Helen Sharman was Britain’s first astronaut. She went to space 28 years ago and recently made headlines by stating that there is no doubt whatsoever that “All sorts of forms of life” exist in the universe, and it’s possible that “They’re here right now” and in some cases we “simply can’t see them” as they are so different to humanity. →

Read more via “Former UK Astronaut Suggests Alien Beings Are Here On Earth” — Collective Evolution

For a deeper discussion into mainstream UFO disclosure, the motives, and more, you can refer to this articleI recently published on the subject.

Source: (Collective-Evolution)

Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians (Continued) — Collective Evolution – March 1, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  Despite the fact that this topic has been considered a “conspiracy theory” for years, any intelligent person who actually decides to take a gander at the evidence cannot really deny the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as well as the idea that some of them may actually be piloted by extraterrestrial beings from somewhere else in the multiverse. As far as UFOs go, there is physical evidence in the form of materials from downed crafts, radar trackings, pictures and videos. When it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, there are witness testimonies from generals, other high ranking government officials, whistleblowers, and astronauts from all over the world. The fact that these crafts perform maneuvers no known man-made aircraft can also contributes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis. →

Read more via Encounters With Star People, Untold Stories of American Indians (Continued) — Collective Evolution

“Aliens Exist” & “It’s Possible They Are Here Right Now” – Says Another Astronaut — Collective Evolution – January 7, 2020

(Collective-Evolution)  Dr. Helen Sharman was Britain’s first astronaut. She went to space 28 years ago and recently made headlines by stating that there is no doubt whatsoever that “All sorts of forms of life” exist in the universe, and it’s possible that “They’re here right now” and in some cases we “simply can’t see them” as they are so different to humanity. →

Read more via “Aliens Exist” & “It’s Possible They Are Here Right Now” – Says Another Astronaut — Collective Evolution

For a deeper discussion into mainstream UFO disclosure, the motives, and more, you can refer to this article I recently published on the subject.


The ‘Most Educated’ Astronaut Says Extraterrestrials “Are Doing Star Travel” At A UFO Conference — Collective Evolution – November 29, 2019


In Brief

The Facts:

Ex Astronaut Story Musgrave made some very interesting comments at a UFO conference a few years ago, saying that he believes there is other life out there are that they are “doing star travel.”

Reflect On:

How much does the human race have to discover about the nature of our reality? Surely there are many things and truths that yet remain to be uncovered.

Read more & video: “Story Musgrave”: Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) (1:15:27) via — Collective Evolution

Are Human Beings “Extraterrestrial?” Did We Come From Somewhere Else? — Collective Evolution – August 19, 2019


Are we alone in the universe? The obvious answer coming from mainstream science these days is a big no. It’s quite clear that we’re not alone, that’s the general scientific consensus. The next questions to ask are: Has advanced ‘super intelligent’ extraterrestrial life visited our planet in the past, and is extraterrestrial life visiting our planet now?

Read more via Are Human Beings “Extraterrestrial?” Did We Come From Somewhere Else? — Collective Evolution

Extraterrestrial Beings Visiting Earth Is Something For Us To Discover – Not Government To Announce — Collective Evolution – August 19, 2019


UFOs and the idea that some of them are piloted by extraterrestrial beings are no longer taboo subjects. UFOs have officially left the sphere of ‘conspiracy theory.’ That term is used today mostly when people’s beliefs are challenged, no matter how clear the evidence may be. But can we really blame them? For years, we’ve been bombarded with the idea that it’s silly to believe such things; in fact, the very first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, told the world that there was actually an “official campaign of ridicule and secrecy.”

Read more via Extraterrestrial Beings Visiting Earth Is Something For Us To Discover – Not Government To Announce — Collective Evolution

Retired Army Officer: NASA Covered Up Apollo 11 UFO Encounter By Deleting Photos — Era of Light – August 6, 2019

unraveling the truth eraoflightdotcom

Several conspiracy theorists including a U.S. Army officer who served for NATO have openly blamed NASA for covering up the UFOs encountered by astronauts from the Apollo 11 Moon mission. According to them, the space agency allegedly destroyed evidence of the encounter by deleting tapes from the event. ➤➤

Read more via Retired Army Officer: NASA Covered Up Apollo 11 UFO Encounter By Deleting Photos — Era of Light

The same scientific establishment that absurdly claims nutrition is useless now admits resveratrol may save the lives of astronauts — – July 27, 2019

(Natural NewsNew research from NASA has found that resveratrol, one of the key medicinal ingredients in grapes and red wine, may be beneficial in helping astronauts on future long missions to Mars avoid developing serious health conditions like muscle atrophy.

Read more via The same scientific establishment that absurdly claims nutrition is useless now admits resveratrol may save the lives of astronauts —

“Sometimes They Come For Families” – Indigenous Author Shares More Info About The Star People — Collective Evolution – July 6, 2019

(Collective-Evolution) Despite the fact that this topic has been considered a “conspiracy theory” for years, any intelligent person who actually decides to take a gander at the evidence cannot really deny the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as well as the idea that some of them may actually be piloted by extraterrestrial beings from somewhere else in the multiverse. As far as UFOs go, there is physical evidence in the form of materials from downed crafts, radar trackings, pictures and videos. When it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, there are witness testimonies from generals, other high ranking government officials, whistleblowers, and astronauts from all over the world. The fact that these crafts perform maneuvers no known man-made aircraft can also contributes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis.

Read more via “Sometimes They Come For Families” – Indigenous Author Shares More Info About The Star People — Collective Evolution