In The Midst Of A Storm — The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley – July 18, 2019

It may feel challenging to be who you are in a time when you are being asked to choose sides.  You will see things from an infinite perspective that those around you may not notice…yet.  Standing in your truth and integrity could very well be one of the most gut-wrenching things you will ever do but, this is exactly what The Universe is asking of you.  If you choose to exist in pure truth, pure intent and pure love, your existence will become a peaceful moment in the midst of a storm.  The world is seeking balance, dear one, and you are a part of that process.  Do not give up! ~ Creator

Source: In The Midst Of A Storm — The Creator Writings

What the World Needs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – July 18, 2019

What the World Needs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You have been struggling for quite some time in relationship to one another. We have seen how this has played out in your society to the point where people identify more with something about themselves that’s very temporary, rather than identifying with the truth of who they are as infinite and eternal beings of love and light. Now, it is easy to see why a person would identify themselves in a very limited way, because that person was born into a society that wants to put people in neat and tidy little boxes. This is the mental approach to relating to one another.

Read more via What the World Needs ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

British Empire Perfidy Further Exposed, as Trump Steps Toward a New Paradigm with Russia, China – Covert Geopolitics – July 18, 2019

(Covert Geopolitics)

Published July 16, 2019

The subversive role of the British imperial interests are increasingly being exposed to the world. This past week alone, two major revelations:

First, the former U.K. Ambassador to the U.S. Sir Kim Darroch was exposed through his own dispatches to the Foreign Office of attempting to subvert the policies promoted by the President of the United States, while promoting an “incident” in the Persian Gulf in which an American is killed and blamed on Iran (a typically British false flag operation as conducted by the White Helmets in Syria) in order to override the President’s refusal to go to war with Iran.

Second, after the British conducted an open act of piracy off Gibraltar by seizing an Iranian oil tanker, they then staged an incident in the Straits of Hormuz in which Iran was falsely accused of attempting a retaliatory seizure of a British oil tanker. As reported below, the incident was a setup by British military intelligence which failed in its intent, and has now been exposed as a fraud.

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The Politics of Cancer – The Science of Cancer Therapy – Part 1 (video) — The Truth About Cancer – July 17, 2019

Video Transcript: The Politics of Cancer – The Science of Cancer Therapy – Part 1

Ty Bollinger: Have you ever thought of cancer as something that is “missing” instead of something that shouldn’t be there? Charlene Bollinger: In this video, G. Edward Griffin kicks off his 3-part presentation on this eye-opening topic. You don’t want to miss this closer look into the science behind the politics of cancer.

Video (11:11) & transcript via The Politics of Cancer – The Science of Cancer… — The Truth About Cancer

15 Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride — Waking Times – July 17, 2019

15 Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride

Mr. Marianna Pochelli, Prevent Disease
Waking Times

Advocates of fluoride say its use in municipal water systems poses no adverse health concerns, however results from scientific investigations clearly state the opposite. There has been considerable research done on fluoride regarding cancer, birth defects, and risks to the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary systems, however, very little has been done on its neurological effects.

There are now serious facts about the health risks regarding fluoridation which can no longer be ignored, and as a result, the practice itself is being questioned by most of the world.

Read more & video: “10 Facts About Fluoride” (19:54) via 15 Facts Most People Don’t Know About Fluoride — Waking Times

Goldfish Report: Interview July 17, 2019 with Benjamin Fulford and Red Dragon Ambassador — Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Here’s an interview with Benjamin Fulford representing the White Dragon Society and the Red Dragon Ambassador that contains important new information.

Video (1:01:17) via Goldfish Report: Interview July 17, 2019 with Benjamin Fulford and Red Dragon Ambassador — Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis

Benjamin Fulford Report: “Execution of George Bush Sr” — July 15, 2019

Weekly Geo-political News and Analysis

Execution of George Bush Sr. doomed JP Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Merkel

By Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

The execution of George Bush Sr. and his wife Barbara is finally opening doors to a real takedown of the satanic Khazarian mafia cabal, multiple sources agree. This is seen in all sorts of news events being reported even by the corporate slave media. The resignation of Trump’s Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta over his involvement in covering up for Mossad agent Jeffrey Epstein is just another domino to fall. At least 110,000 others will follow, including a wide swathe of politicians, celebrities, and billionaires, promise Pentagon sources.

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Garlic found to remove lead from the body better than a common chelator drug — – July 17, 2019

(Natural News) Garlic is a common cooking ingredient, famous around the world for its pungent flavor. Used for seasoning food and as a condiment, garlic is also known for its health benefits. In ancient times, garlic was used mainly for its medicinal properties. Garlic can help prevent heart disease, control cholesterol and blood pressure, and even lower the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate, brain, and lung cancer. In a study published in Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, garlic was also found to be an effective treatment against lead poisoning.

Read more via Garlic found to remove lead from the body better than a common chelator drug —

(Video) X22 Report: Trump Sends A Message, [DS] Relays Instructions To [BT] – Episode 1919 — July 17, 2019


Boris Johnson is maneuvering to sideline Parliament, he is waiting for the right time, and the right time is when they are on holiday. The [CB] economy is collapsing, the housing market is declining, the economy needs a rate cut and stimulus to keep it going. The MSM cannot figure out why the [CB] is cutting rates, they are totally confused. The [CB] took the bait, they are blaming it on all trump and his trade wars.

Read more & video via Trump Sends A Message, [DS] Relays Instructions To [BT] – Episode 1919 —

The Tower Card — The Portal – July 17, 2019

(The Portal)

The Tower Card

The breakthrough on June 21st has brought many positive developments.

The amount of still present plasma toplet bombs is slowly but steadily decreasing, and the following scenario with toplets bombs detonating now seems extremely unlikely: