Top Ten Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen — Era of Light – December 6, 2018

Hippocrates said, “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” Never is this more true than providing what your body needs to fight infection. Over the last several decades, over-use of antibiotics has reached an all-time high. The result has been drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs” that evolve faster than scientists can……Read more

via Top Ten Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen — Era of Light

Top 10 Natural Antibiotics Hiding In Your Kitchen!


9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World – November 6th, 2018

November 6th, 2018 By Dr. Edward F. Group Guest writer for Wake Up World For most of us, mealtime is a pleasure. Sometimes, though, eating brings the uncomfortable symptoms of an upset stomach, or indigestion. One in four people experiences it occasionally or regularly.[1] While there are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that claim to target…Read more

via 9 Scientifically-Proven Natural Indigestion Remedies — Wake Up World

3 Ancient Medicines That Already Live In Your Home – Sept 3, 2017


September 2nd, 2017

By Nick Polizzi

Guest writer for Wake Up World

Every week, we receive emails from folks who are eager to get ahold of the jungle medicines that were featured in the Sacred Science film. My first question to these passionate seekers is, “Have you explored the traditional herbal remedies that are available in your neck of the woods?” More often than not, the answer is no.

Yes, there is something intoxicating and mysterious about paddling down a foliage-entwined river to a remote village where there is rumored to be a powerful shaman. But similar practices exist all over the world, and many are available in or near your home.

Today I’m going to focus on three natural medicines that are so easy to find that they may already live in your kitchen!


Garlic – Allium sativum

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